获得我的域名 (facebook) 上的所有点赞
我正在尝试获取我的域上的点赞统计信息。我想获得我的域(有数万个页面)上所有页面的所有赞(如果可能的话,使用用户 ID)
domain_like_adds 实际返回什么?
从见解中选择指标、价值 WHERE object_id=[域 ID] AND metric='domain_like_adds' 并且 end_time=end_time_date('2011-01-03') AND period=period('月')
问候, 尼克拉斯
I'm trying to get statistics for likes on my domain. I would like to get all likes (if possible with user ids) for all pages on my domain (which has tens of thousands of pages)
What does domain_like_adds actually return?
SELECT metric, value FROM insights
WHERE object_id=[domain-id] AND
metric='domain_like_adds' AND
AND period=period('month')
Returns blank, does anyone know what data domain_like_adds returns?
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我不认为您可以通过任何方式获取用户 ID,因为这是对隐私的重大侵犯,但我相信
表明您的域名在给定时间段内获得了多少个新点赞,如下所示与您的域名在此之前获得的累积点赞相反。似乎没有一种可行的方法可以始终确定域中所有对象的点赞数,而无需从头开始跟踪和/或返回并总结历史数据。I don't think there's any way you're going to get user IDs as that is a major privacy invasion, but I believe
indicates how many NEW likes your domain got in the given time period, as opposed to the cumulative likes your domain has earned until that point. It doesn't appear there's a viable way to determine the # of likes of all objects in your domain for all time without tracking it from the beginning and/or going back and summing up historical data.您可以为您的网站制作 sitemap.xml 并根据 Facebook Graph API 抓取 URL。我实际上制作了一个 Ruby 脚本来执行此操作: http:// bobbelderbos.com/2012/01/ruby-script-facebook-like-stats-blog/。我认为您无法让用户“喜欢”您的页面,但此脚本可能有助于找出哪些 URL 最受欢迎。
You can make a sitemap.xml of your site and crawl the urls against the Facebook Graph API. I actually made a Ruby script to do this: http://bobbelderbos.com/2012/01/ruby-script-facebook-like-stats-blog/. I don't think you can get the users that 'liked' your pages, but this script might be useful to find out what URLs are most popular.