使用 Amazon BrowseNodes API 做一些有意义的事情

发布于 2024-10-11 05:47:09 字数 4969 浏览 0 评论 0原文

我有一个网站(www.7bks.com),人们可以在其中创建图书列表。目前这相当简单。我已经在使用 Amazon API 将图书信息、图像等提取到网站上。

我想要做的是以某种方式使用 Amazon API 来拉回类别和/或标签数据,以创建某种在我的网站上浏览列表的方式。不幸的是,标签 api 方法已停止使用。

最有可能的候选者是 Amazon API 的 BrowseNodes 方法 (http ://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEcommerceService/2005-10-05/ApiReference/BrowseNodesResponseGroup.html),但此调用返回的数据非常无意义,我希望我们能够齐心协力并弄清楚如何理解它。

这是一个谷歌电子表格,向您展示我得到的数据类型。我选择了一个示例列表(http://www.7bks.com/list/549002)并通过 BrowseNodes API 运行这三本书:

https:// Spreads.google.com/ccc?key=0ApVjkgehRamudHd5SlNhYllPQkZDSDY1cllfQVBQM1E&hl=en&authkey=CN_MxoAO


我尝试对类别列表进行重复数据删除,或者只查看所有 3 本书中出现的类别,但它仍然是相当垃圾的数据。我很想听听您对如何将这些数据转化为对用户有意义的东西的想法。


if Count("sciencefiction & Fantasy") > 3 然后列表是科幻 if Count("商业金融与法律") > 3 然后列出的是业务




我认为这是一个高级问题,因此不应受到我如何调用 API 的影响,但作为参考,我正在使用 Python/Appengine/Webapp。



更新,经过多次头撞桌子后,我已经成功地解决了这个问题,令我满意。这并不复杂,但我已经编写了一些可以实现我想要的功能的 python 代码。我欢迎任何人改进我的代码或提供建议。

基本上代码底层的逻辑是这样的: 1) 在 XML 树中,起始节点(书籍 > 主题)的底部节点是对本书实际内容的最佳猜测。例如: http://www.amazon .co.uk/Surface-Detail-Iain-M-Banks/dp/1841498939/ 它返回“科幻小说”。宾果游戏。 2)通常,如果将我们自己限制在那些开始的结果(书籍>主题)中,就会丢掉很多好的信息。所以, 3)我尝试获取类似书籍的列表并从中删除类别,如果失败,那么我只获取分配给原始书籍的类别。


#takes as input the xml output of the amazon api browsenodes call
def getcategories(xml):
    #fetches the names of all the nodes, stores them in a list
    categories = []              
    for book in xml.getElementsByTagName('BrowseNode'):
        category = get_text(book,'Name')

    #turn the one list into a series of individual lists
    #each individual list should be a particular tree from browsenode
    #each list will end 'Books'
    #the first item in the list should be the bottom of the tree
    taglists = []
    while 'Books' in categories:
        find = categories.index('Books') + 1
        list = categories[:find]
        for word in list:

    #now, we only return the first item from a list which contains 'Subjects'        
    final = []    
    for tagset in taglists:
        while 'Subjects' in tagset:
    return final

class Browsenodes(webapp.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        #get the asin of the target book
        asin = self.request.get('term')
        if book_title:
            #fetch the amazon key
            api = API(AWS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, 'uk', processor=minidom_response_parser)
                #try getting a list of similar books - note the response group set to browsenodes
                result = api.similarity_lookup(asin, ResponseGroup='BrowseNodes')
                #there aren't always a list of similar books, so as a failsafe just get the book I wanted.
                result = api.item_lookup(asin, ResponseGroup='BrowseNodes')
            final = getcategories(result)
            #turn it into a set to de-dupe multiple listings of the same category


Book: http://www.amazon.co.uk /Surface-Detail-Iain-M-Banks/dp/1841498939/

标签: 当代小说 产品 太空歌剧 科幻小说

http://www.amazon.co .uk/戈德尔-埃舍尔-巴赫-永恒-周年纪念/dp/0140289208/ 心理学 数学史 数理逻辑 通用原子吸收光谱法 大众数学 科学、技术与医疗的 艺术与艺术音乐 心灵哲学 亚马逊 数学 建筑与逻辑 当代哲学:1900- 逻辑 经典 物理 形而上学 物理哲学 一般的 技术 代数数论 人工智能 科学史

http://www.amazon。 co.uk/Flatland-Romance-Dimensions-Dover-Thrift/dp/048627263X/ 当代小说 数学哲学 通用原子吸收光谱法 大众数学 哲学 科学、技术与医疗的 心灵哲学 科幻小说 数学 当代哲学:1900- 代数数论 产品 经典 形而上学与有远见 神话与神话童话故事 拓扑概要 主题 一般的 理论方法 形而上学 人工智能 科学史

http://www.amazon。 co.uk/Victoria-Condor-Books-Knut-Hamsun/dp/0285647598/ 当代小说 文学小说 心理 通用原子吸收光谱法 经典 短篇小说

I have a website (www.7bks.com) where people create book lists. It's fairly simple at the moment. I'm already using the Amazon API to pull book information, images etc onto the site.

What I'd like to do is somehow use the Amazon API to pull back category and/or tag data to create some way of browsing lists on my site. Unfortunately, the tag api method is discontinued.

The most likely candidate is the BrowseNodes method of the Amazon API (http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEcommerceService/2005-10-05/ApiReference/BrowseNodesResponseGroup.html) but the data returned from this call is pretty nonsensical and I was hoping we might be able to put our heads together and figure out how to make sense of it.

Here's a google spreadsheet to show you the kind of data I get. I picked a sample list (http://www.7bks.com/list/549002) and ran the three books through the BrowseNodes API:


Looking at the list as a human you don't need to know what the books are in order to see that it's likely the list is about Sci-Fi and Fantasy. That's mainly though because the eye is good at discarding meaningless categories such as "custom stores" and "fiction complete".

I tried de-duping the list of categories, or only looking at the categories that appear for all 3 books but it's still fairly crap data. I would love your thoughts on how I can turn this data into something meaningful for the users.

My best thought so far is just to scan the data and match to a hard-coded list. So something like:

if Count("science fiction & fantasy") > 3 then list is sci fi
if Count("business finance & law") > 3 then list is business


This is very rigid though and ideally I'd like to build something a little more flexible/powerful.

All suggestions welcome.

I think this is a high-level question so shouldn't be impacted by HOW I'm calling the API but for reference I'm using Python/Appengine/Webapp.



UPDATE after much banging of head against desk I've managed to fix this this issue to my satisfaction. It's not that complicated but I've hacked together some python code that does what I want. I welcome anyone improving on my code or offering suggestions.

Basically the logic underlying the code is this:
1) In the XML tree, the bottom node of a node that starts (books > subjects) is the best guess at what the book is actually about. E.g. for this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Surface-Detail-Iain-M-Banks/dp/1841498939/ it returns "science fiction". Bingo.
2) Typically there's a lot of good information thrown away by limiting ourselves to just those results that start (books > subject). Therefore,
3) I try getting a list of similar books and pulling the categories off them, if that fails then I just get the category assigned to the original book.

Perhaps best explained by giving you the code as follows:

#takes as input the xml output of the amazon api browsenodes call
def getcategories(xml):
    #fetches the names of all the nodes, stores them in a list
    categories = []              
    for book in xml.getElementsByTagName('BrowseNode'):
        category = get_text(book,'Name')

    #turn the one list into a series of individual lists
    #each individual list should be a particular tree from browsenode
    #each list will end 'Books'
    #the first item in the list should be the bottom of the tree
    taglists = []
    while 'Books' in categories:
        find = categories.index('Books') + 1
        list = categories[:find]
        for word in list:

    #now, we only return the first item from a list which contains 'Subjects'        
    final = []    
    for tagset in taglists:
        while 'Subjects' in tagset:
    return final

class Browsenodes(webapp.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        #get the asin of the target book
        asin = self.request.get('term')
        if book_title:
            #fetch the amazon key
            api = API(AWS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, 'uk', processor=minidom_response_parser)
                #try getting a list of similar books - note the response group set to browsenodes
                result = api.similarity_lookup(asin, ResponseGroup='BrowseNodes')
                #there aren't always a list of similar books, so as a failsafe just get the book I wanted.
                result = api.item_lookup(asin, ResponseGroup='BrowseNodes')
            final = getcategories(result)
            #turn it into a set to de-dupe multiple listings of the same category

To give you a flavour of the output:


Contemporary Fiction
Space Opera
Science Fiction

History of Mathematics
Mathematical Logic
General AAS
Popular Maths
Scientific, Technical & Medical
Arts & Music
Philosophy of Mind
Architecture & Logic
Contemporary Philosophy: 1900-
Philosophy of Physics
Algebraic Number Theory
Artificial Intelligence
History of Science

Contemporary Fiction
Philosophy of Mathematics
General AAS
Popular Maths
Scientific, Technical & Medical
Philosophy of Mind
Science Fiction
Contemporary Philosophy: 1900-
Algebraic Number Theory
Metaphysical & Visionary
Myths & Fairy Tales
Topology General
Theoretical Methods
Artificial Intelligence
History of Science

Contemporary Fiction
Literary Fiction
General AAS
Short Stories

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晚雾 2024-10-18 05:47:09


if Count("科幻与奇幻") > 3 如果 Count("business Finance & law") > 则列表为科幻小说3 然后列表就是业务


或者,也许您可​​以使用 Google Book API 中的 dc:subject 数据? (虽然我没有使用过它,所以它也可能是垃圾)。

My best thought so far is just to scan the data and match to a hard-coded list. So something like:

if Count("science fiction & fantasy") > 3 then list is sci fi if Count("business finance & law") > 3 then list is business

I think this might not be a bad idea? Grab the top level book categories from Amazon and just match against those. It's not very elegant but it would work.

Alternatively, perhaps you could use the dc:subject data from the Google Book API? (I haven't used it though so it may also be garbage).

漆黑的白昼 2024-10-18 05:47:09

嗯.. 首先,当前的 APi 日期为 2011-08-01。也许您可以通过查看最新的文档来帮自己一个忙? 广告产品 API

对我来说,XML 很有意义!

也许是因为,当我想正确理解其中一个答案时,我将 XML 复制到 Visual Studio XML 编辑器中,我可以在其中打开和关闭节点。



然后在每个 BrowseNode 内部,它将是这样的:

          <Name>Literature & Fiction</Name>


我不是 100% 确定你想做什么,而且我不太了解 python,但我确实了解数据库...我会得到这本书的 ASIN 标识符(这对于亚马逊来说是全球唯一的,这意味着你可以查找与 amazon.Com 上的相同,还有 co.uk、Fr、de 等...),放入表格中,以及您认为有用的任何其他数据,为类别创建表格,放入其中它们的名称和 id,然后是一个链接表,其中每个较低级别的 BrowseNode 都有一个条目,其中
BrowseNodeID 和书籍的 ASIN,然后对于嵌套的 browsernode(实际上是父母或祖先),输入他们的孩子 ID 和他们自己的 ID。显然,在插入这些类别之前,我会检查它是否已经存在。





Hum.. First of all, the curent APi is dated 2011-08-01. maybe you could do yourself a favor by looking at an up to date documentation ? Advertising Products API

To me, the XML makes a lot of sense!

Maybe because , when I want to understand properly one of those answers, I copy the XML into visual studio XML editor, where I can open and close nodes.

The structure is something like this:


Then inside of each BrowseNode, it will be something like this:

          <Name>Literature & Fiction</Name>

Notice the "IsCategoryRoot"? There is no points going higher than that, as this is just so generic it does not make sense using it. The name is "Subjects" for Books, but it is "Categories" for eBooks, so it does seems to make more sense to check on the "IsCategoryRoot" element.

I am not 100% sure what you want to do, and I don't know python much, but I do know databases... I would get the book ASIN identifier (which is unique worldwide for amazon, meaning you can look for the same asin on amazon.Com, but also, co.uk, Fr, de, and so on...), put in in a table, along with whatever other data you feel usefull, create a tables for categories, put in there their names and id, then one link table with one entry for each lower level BrowseNode, with the
BrowseNodeID and book's ASIN, then for the nested browsenode (wich in facts are the parents, or ancestors), put both their child id and their own. Obviously, before inserting those categories I would check it does not already exists.

The goal here is to have one record per book, one record per category, and as many links between categories to books, and between themselves as needed.

That way, it would be extremely easy to search books from categories, and vice versa.

Sorry if I have been a bit long, but there is no short answer to your question. Hope this helps.


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