我想知道垃圾邮件发送者是否有能力像网络应用程序一样下载、抓取和发送垃圾邮件移动应用程序。更具体地说,是否有必要像 Web 应用程序那样对用户进行身份验证? (即发送到用户电子邮件的验证码或验证链接)
我有一个现有的网络应用程序,目前正在编写 iphone/android 应用程序作为网络应用程序的扩展。 Web 应用程序和移动应用程序使用相同的数据库信息。
我担心的是,自动垃圾邮件机器人可能会在没有对移动应用程序进行任何验证的情况下创建虚假帐户,从而向网站发送垃圾邮件。任何登录用户都可以添加每个人都可以查看的内容。因此,即使 Twitter 等网站允许用户在其移动应用程序上创建帐户并在验证电子邮件地址之前开始使用它,但如果垃圾邮件机器人能够下载我的应用程序、创建帐户和发布内容,那么我需要寻找另一种方式。
I would like to know if spammers have the capabilities to download, crawl and spam mobile apps like they do for web apps. More specifically, is it necessary to authenticate users to the extent that web apps have to? (i.e. captchas or verification links sent to user's email)
Any insight you could provide or even links to other information on this topic would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Also, here is some information more specific to my scenario in case this helps:
I have an existing web app and am currently writing iphone/android apps as an extension of the web app. The web apps and mobile apps use the same database information.
In my web app, I require users to click a link in their email to activate their account after they fill out a "create account" form. However, I would like users to be able to create an account on the mobile app as well but definitely don't want them to have to exit the app to go check their email to click on a link. Ideally, they could just create an account on the mobile app and start using it right away.
My fear is that automated spam bots could create false accounts without any verification on the mobile apps and thus spam the site. Any logged in user is able to add content that is viewable to everyone. Thus, even though sites like Twitter allow a user to create an account on their mobile app and begin using it before verifying the email address, if spam bots have the capability of downloading my app, creating accounts, and posting stuff, then I need to find another way.
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从应用程序发送垃圾邮件应该是不可能的,或者至少是不明智的。至少对于 iPhone,您必须拥有一台已越狱的 iOS 设备才能运行每个 Spambot。听起来太贵了。
Spamming from the App shouldn't be possible, or at least not sensible. At least for iPhone, you would have to have a Jailbroken iOS device per Spambot you want to have running. That sounds too expensive.
As for Android, it would theoretically be possible, but not very likely at the moment. I would recommend going without activation in the beginning and just watching the site a little. You should be doing that anyway.
What we do for our Social Network Apps, is to allow the first (but only the first) Session and require activation for all successive Sessions.
Regardless of a bot's ability to download your application, if someone wanted to, they could download your app themselves then get to work on creating spam accounts. These accounts could then be used by the spammer bots on your web-app. You should keep the same security model that you have now.
A fairly popular way that developers allow for mobile sign-up is to send the user to your website to sign up. This way, you don't have to worry about duplicating your security into multiple mobile apps.
至少使用更安全的 HTTPS 来创建应用程序的帐户,否则有人可能会嗅到您的协议并模仿它。
At least use more secure HTTPS for your app's account creation, or else someone could just sniff your protocol off the air and imitate it.
I found this company (http://www.pindropsecurity.com/) which provides security for mobile apps... Most apps (especially messaging & marketing apps) require you to add a phone number in order to create an account. If the spammer puts in a number that is associated with spam/fraud activity, they are able to block it all together. A lot of apps and marketing companies are picking it up.
I think the only people who can answer this would be the spammers themselves. However, given how spammer/hackers seem to keep up with technology, I would say it's only a matter of time before they find a way to spam your app, if they can't already.