阅读 Bob Martin 的《简洁代码》。这本书充满了关于这个主题的技巧:以 Java 作为示例语言编写组织良好、可读性强的代码。
Read Bob Martin's Clean Code. It's a book full of tips on exactly this subject: writing well-organised, very readable code, with Java as the example language.
You can achieve this to some extent on different levels:
the language itself: use all features the language offers, e.g. the ternary operator (though some think it's not very readable) and Java7's elvis and diamond operator
how you implement: use all the libraries and their features! don't optimize prematurely!
the design: use design patterns and the suggestions in Josh Bloch's Effective Java. Precisely document your design decisions by referencing them (e.g. "Visitor" or "Bloch Item 7").
阅读 Bob Martin 的《简洁代码》。这本书充满了关于这个主题的技巧:以 Java 作为示例语言编写组织良好、可读性强的代码。
Read Bob Martin's Clean Code. It's a book full of tips on exactly this subject: writing well-organised, very readable code, with Java as the example language.
三元运算符(if-then-else 语句的简写)可以很方便。
The Ternary Operator (shorthand for if-then-else statement) can be handy.
You can achieve this to some extent on different levels: