使用 Perl 确定非重叠位置
我有一个位置集合 - 这是数据结构的示例。
my $locations =
loc_1 =>
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_2 =>
start => 180,
end => 407,
loc_3 =>
start => 329,
end => 684,
loc_4 =>
start => 651,
end => 720,
my $non_overlapping_locations =
loc_1 =>
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_3 =>
start => 329,
end => 684,
loc_1 =>
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_4 =>
start => 651,
end => 720,
loc_2 =>
start => 180,
end => 407,
loc_4 =>
start => 651,
end => 720,
I have a collection of locations--here is an example of the data structure.
my $locations =
loc_1 =>
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_2 =>
start => 180,
end => 407,
loc_3 =>
start => 329,
end => 684,
loc_4 =>
start => 651,
end => 720,
What is the best way to determine every possible combination of non-overlapping locations? The answer for this example would look something like this. Keep in mind there may be one or more locations, and these locations may or may not overlap.
my $non_overlapping_locations =
loc_1 =>
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_3 =>
start => 329,
end => 684,
loc_1 =>
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_4 =>
start => 651,
end => 720,
loc_2 =>
start => 180,
end => 407,
loc_4 =>
start => 651,
end => 720,
Update: ysth
's response helped me see a flaw in my wording. I guess I'm not interested in //every possible// combination of non-overlapping locations, I'm only interested in the solutions that are not subsets of other solutions.
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1, 180 -> 1
180, 193 -> 2
193, 329 -> 1
329, 407 -> 2
407, 651 -> 1
651, 684 -> 2
684, 720 -> 1
并在哪些段超过 1 个(在本例中为 3 个)处循环。因此,案例总数为 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 个解决方案(您只能选择一个解决方案中匹配多区间的一段)。
我们找到了 2, 2, 2(或 2, 3, 4)。将它们放在一个数组中并从最后一个开始。递减它直到达到 0。当达到 1 时,递减前一个数字并将第一个数字设置为初始值减 1。
假设我们已经对初始段进行了编号:(在本例中 1,2,3,4 ,5,6
。所以我们有 3 个重叠的部分。现在我们开始一个选择/消除的递归过程:
在这种情况下,它会像这样: 第一步:
we are here [1,2], [2,3], [3,4]:
chose 1 -> // eliminate 2 from rest and force 1 (3 is a single choice so we do the same)
[1], [3], [3] -> [1, 3] solution
chose 2 -> // eliminate 1 from the rest and force 2 (2 single choice so we do the same).
[2], [2], [4] -> [2, 4] solution
现在实现这个的代码(我认为这不是最漂亮的 Perl 代码,但我真的不是一个 Perl 人):
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Data::Dumper;
my $locs = {
loc_1 => {
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_2 => {
start => 180,
end => 407,
loc_3 => {
start => 329,
end => 684,
loc_4 => {
start => 651,
end => 720,
my (%starts, %ends);
map {
my ($start, $end) = ($locs->{$_}->{start}, $locs->{$_}->{end});
push @{ $starts{$start} }, $_;
push @{ $ends{$end} }, $_;
} keys %$locs;
my @overlaps, my %tmp;
map {
map { $tmp{$_} = 1 } @{$starts{$_}};
map { delete $tmp{$_} } @{$ends{$_}};
my @segs = keys %tmp;
push @overlaps, \@segs if 1 < @segs
} sort (keys %starts, keys %ends);
sub parse_non_overlapping {
my ($array,$pos)=($_[0], $_[1]);
my @node = @{$array->[$pos]};
foreach my $value ( @node ) {
my @work = map { [@$_] } @$array;
$work[$pos] = [ $value ];
my ($removed, $forced) = ( {}, {$value => 1});
map { $removed->{$_} = 1 if $_ ne $value } @node;
my ($i, $new_pos) = (0, -1);
for ( $i = $pos + 1; $i <= $#work; $i++ ) {
$_ = $work[$i];
#apply map
@$_ = grep { not defined($removed->{$_}) } @$_;
if ( $#$_ == 0 ) { $forced->{@$_[0]} = 1 }
#apply force
my @tmp = grep { defined $forced->{$_} } @$_;
if ( $#tmp == 0 ) {
map { $removed->{$_} = 1 if $tmp[0] ne $_ } @$_;
@$_ = @tmp;
if ( $#$_ > 0 && $new_pos == -1 ) {
$new_pos = $i;
$work[$i] = $_;
if ( $new_pos != -1 ) {
parse_non_overlapping(\@work, $new_pos);
} else {
print Dumper \@work
# @work has the partial solution minux completely non overlapping segments.
parse_non_overlapping(\@overlaps, 0);
我不是 CS 人员,所以我并不反对所有最好的算法,但我想知道是否有比以下更好的方法:
my @location_keys = keys %{$locations};
while (my $key_for_checking = (shift @location_keys) {
foreach my $key_to_compare (@location_keys) {
if ( do_not_overlap($locations->{$key_for_checking},
$locations->{$key_to_compare} ) {
add_to_output($key_for_checking, $key_to_compare);
使用 do_not_overlap
和 add_to_output
A 和 B 不会重叠,如果:
( (A->start < B->start) && (A->end < B->start) ) ||
( (A->start > B->end) && (A->end > B->end) )
您可能需要根据共享边界是否构成重叠进行调整。另外,如果您知道 A 和 B 是否以某种方式排序(按开始或按结束),则可以简化此过程
(现实生活侵入 - 抱歉,我会写一个解释 - 并摆脱那些空的 arrayrefs,尽管这是相当微不足道的 - 稍后!)
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use Data::Dumper;
my $locations = {
loc_1 => {
start => 1,
end => 193,
loc_2 => {
start => 180,
end => 407,
loc_3 => {
start => 329,
end => 684,
loc_4 => {
start => 651,
end => 720,
my @keys = keys %$locations;
my %final;
for my $key (@keys) {
push @{ $final{$key} }, map {
if ( $locations->{$key}->{start} >= $locations->{$_}->{start}
&& $locations->{$key}->{start} <= $locations->{$_}->{end}
or $locations->{$key}->{end} >= $locations->{$_}->{start}
&& $locations->{$key}->{end} <= $locations->{$_}->{end} )
else {
my $return = [ sort $key, $_ ];
if ( any { $return ~~ $_ } @{ $final{$_} }, @{ $final{$key} } ) {
else { $return; }
} grep { $_ ne $key } keys %$locations;
say Dumper \%final;
一个相对简单的优化是按开始和结束对 @locations 进行排序,并预先计算并存储在每个位置的哈希值中(或仅存储在 $locations->{foo} 中),以下位置中有多少个与该位置冲突。然后在 can_add... 的情况下,在递归之前将该数字与 @remaining 拼接起来。
或者为每个位置预先计算所有后续冲突位置的哈希值,并在递归之前使用 grep 将它们全部删除。 (尽管使用这种方法,让剩余的散列开始变得更有意义。)
A relatively simple optimization would be to sort @locations by start and then end and pre-calculate and store in a hash (or just in $locations->{foo}) for each location how many of the following locations conflict with that location. Then in the can_add... case, splice that number off of @remaining before recursing.
Or pre-calculate for each location a hash of all following locations that conflict and strip them all out with a grep before recursing. (Though with that approach, having remaining be a hash begins to make more sense.)
Update: another approach to a solution would be to build up a tree of locations to exclude, where leaves represent solutions and inner nodes represent combinations that still have conflicts; the top node is all locations, and each node has children that represent removing one of the remaining conflicting locations that's greater (in some arbitrary ordering scheme) than the location removed by the parent node (if any).