使用 C# 的阿尔卡特 4400 PABX 连接
我有一台阿尔卡特 4400 PABX。 我想知道是否可以使用 c# 连接并检索用户电话号码的信息?
I have an Alcatel 4400 PABX.
I would like to know if it is possible to connect with c# and retreive informations on users phone number ?
Can you help me please.
Many thanks
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我不确定阿尔卡特,但我使用过另一个 PABX 系统的 API,它刚刚实现了 TSAPI(电话服务 API - 我认为......)标准。
如果它有 IP 接口,您可能只需要从该制造商那里获取 SDK 即可。大多数提供 .Net 库,否则您可能必须使用 .Net 的平台调用 (pinvoke) 与非托管库(本机 DLL)进行交互。
仅供参考 - 我已使用 Avaya 系统使用 TSAPI 的 Avaya 实现来完成此操作。
Im not sure about Alcatel, but I've worked with another PABX system's API which just implemented the TSAPI (Telephony Services API - I think...) standard.
If it has an IP interface, you will probably just need to get hold of an SDK from that manufacturer. Most provide .Net libraries, otherwise you might have to interface with an unmanaged library (native DLL) using .Net's platform invoke (pinvoke).
FYI - Ive done this with an Avaya system using the Avaya implementation of the TSAPI.
您可以使用 TAPI 库访问 PABX 交换机,该库是 COM,但可与 .Net 的互操作内容配合使用。我会使用 C#4 或切换到 VB.Net,因为有很多可选参数,而且它们在 C# 中在支持它们之前有点可怕(在 4 中添加)。
一个更大的问题是 TAPI 在 Vista 中已被弃用。我想这是有道理的——您上次购买带有调制解调器的电脑是什么时候?
根据阿尔卡特的支持,您可能仍然可以在较新的 Windows 上使用 TAPI。
Windows Vista 和 7 使用 Microsoft 新的 RTC(实时通信)框架 - 恐怕我不太了解它(我的拨号器开发时间已经是 6 年前了),但它是一个起点。
我认为 RTC 现在已经成为 Microsoft Lync 的一部分(因为你知道,他们需要另一个带有奇怪拼写错误的“链接”风格产品名称)。所以 Lync 是另一个值得关注的地方。
You can get to a PABX switch using the TAPI library, which is COM but works with .Net's interop stuff. I'd use C#4 or switch to VB.Net for it, as there are a lot of optional parameters and they're a bit horrid in C# pre its support for them (added in 4).
A much bigger problem is that the TAPI was deprecated in Vista. I guess that sort of makes sense - when did you last buy a PC with a modem?
Depending on Alcatel's support you may still be able to use TAPI on the newer Windows.
Windows Vista and 7 use Microsoft's new RTC (Real Time Communications) framework instead - I'm afraid I don't know it very well (my dialler developing days are 6 years ago now) but it would be the place to start.
I think RTC has now become part of Microsoft Lync ('cause y'know, they need another 'link' style product name with weird misspellings). So Lync's another place to look.