我即将开始在团购网站上工作。它的工作原理是这样的:一部手机的价格是 100 美元,但如果 50 个人一起购买,你得到的价格是 70 美元。
问题.. 很少有优惠,而且是有时间限制的。例如,总共只有100部手机可用。前100名用户只能购买。优惠从 5 日上午 11 点开始。
现在,我们如何检测任何可疑的尝试。就像一个人写了一个剧本并购买了所有 100 个单元。
我不认为基于 IP 的限制是一个足够好的标准,因为真正的买家可能会使用相同的 IP 访问该网站。
i am about to start work on a group-buying site. it works like this: a phone costs 100USD, but if 50 people buy it together , u get a price of 70USD.
so the website launches this offer, waits for 50 people to deposit money . once the threshold is reached, everyone is sent a coupon and that person can go and get his phone.
the problem.. there will be few offers which will be time-limited. for example, total of 100 mobile phones available only. the first 100 users can only buy it. the offer starts on 5th janissary at 11am.
now, how we can detect any suspicious attempts. like a person writing a script and buying all the 100 units.
i dont think IP based limits is a good enough criteria as REAL BUYERS may access the website using the same IP.
environment is LAMP.
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你为什么要关心,你卖得越多,你赚的钱就越多:)如果交易完成,你可以强制用户不能使用相同的支付方式和凭证购买两次。正如您所说,用户必须先存钱才能进行购买。您可以在销售开始前询问用户信用卡数据,这是一个相当好的限制,因为诈骗者必须使用 50 张不同的信用卡
why should you care , the more you sell the more you make money :) if the transaction is made you can enforce that user can't buy with same payment method and credentials twice. And as you said user must deposit money before he can make the purchase. You can ask user credit card data before the sale is opened, that is rather good limit as scammer must use 50 different credit cards