
发布于 2024-10-10 02:16:11 字数 912 浏览 0 评论 0原文

对于诸如从 std::back_inserter() 返回的迭代器,是否有可以用作“结束”迭代器的东西?

乍一看这似乎有点无意义,但我有一个 API,它是:

template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
void foo(
    InputIterator input_begin,
    InputIterator input_end,
    OutputIterator output_begin,
    OutputIterator output_end

foo 对输入序列执行一些操作,生成输出序列。 (foo 知道 Who 的长度,但可能等于也可能不等于输入序列的长度。)

output_end 参数的取值是奇数部分:std例如,::copy 不会这样做,并且假设您不会向它传递垃圾。 foo 这样做是为了提供范围检查:如果您传递的范围太小,它就会以防御性编程的名义抛出异常。 (而不是潜在地覆盖内存中的随机位。)

现在,假设我想传递 foo 一个后插入器,特别是来自 std::vector 的插入器,它在外部没有限制的内存限制。我仍然需要一个“结束”迭代器 - 在这种情况下,它永远不会比较相等。 (或者,如果我有一个 std::vector 但长度有限制,也许它有时可能比较相等?)

我该如何去做呢?我确实有能力更改 foo 的 API - 是否最好不检查范围,而是提供替代方法来获取所需的输出范围? (对于原始数组来说无论如何都是需要的,但对于向后插入到向量中则不需要。)这看起来不太健壮,但我正在努力使“健壮”(上面)工作。

For iterators such as those returned from std::back_inserter(), is there something that can be used as an "end" iterator?

This seems a little nonsensical at first, but I have an API which is:

template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
void foo(
    InputIterator input_begin,
    InputIterator input_end,
    OutputIterator output_begin,
    OutputIterator output_end

foo performs some operation on the input sequence, generating an output sequence. (Who's length is known to foo but may or may not be equal to the input sequence's length.)

The taking of the output_end parameter is the odd part: std::copy doesn't do this, for example, and assumes you're not going to pass it garbage. foo does it to provide range checking: if you pass a range too small, it throws an exception, in the name of defensive programming. (Instead of potentially overwriting random bits in memory.)

Now, say I want to pass foo a back inserter, specifically one from a std::vector which has no limit outside of memory constraints. I still need a "end" iterator - in this case, something that will never compare equal. (Or, if I had a std::vector but with a restriction on length, perhaps it might sometimes compare equal?)

How do I go about doing this? I do have the ability to change foo's API - is it better to not check the range, and instead provide an alternate means to get the required output range? (Which would be needed anyways for raw arrays, but not required for back inserters into a vector.) This would seem less robust, but I'm struggling to make the "robust" (above) work.

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稀香 2024-10-17 02:16:16

正如我在对 j_random_hacker 的回答的评论中提到的,例如,如果您修改算法,使得传递给它的迭代器可以是不同类型,那么

template <typename InIt1, InIt2, OutIt1, OutIt2>
void foo(InIt1 in_begin, InIt2 in_end, OutIt1 out_begin, OutIt2 out_end) { }

您可以非常轻松地编写一个 back_inserter_end 类来测试:

class back_inserter_end 
    : std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void>
{ };

bool operator==(back_inserter_end, back_inserter_end) { return true;  }
bool operator!=(back_inserter_end, back_inserter_end) { return false; }

template <typename Container>
bool operator==(const back_insert_iterator<Container>&, back_inserter_end) { 
     return false; 

template <typename Container>
bool operator==(back_inserter_end, const back_insert_iterator<Container>&) { 
    return false; 

template <typename Container>
bool operator!=(const back_insert_iterator<Container>&, back_inserter_end) { 
    return true; 

template <typename Container>
bool operator!=(back_inserter_end, const back_insert_iterator<Container>&) { 
    return true; 


foo(it, it, std::back_inserter(v), back_inserter_end());

在你的“安全”算法中,你可以在使用out_it之前测试是否out_it == out_end;由于 out_it 是一个 back_insert_iterator,因此此测试将始终返回 false(这是所需的行为)。

As I mentioned in a comment to j_random_hacker's answer, if you modify the algorithm such that the iterators passed to it can be of different types, for example,

template <typename InIt1, InIt2, OutIt1, OutIt2>
void foo(InIt1 in_begin, InIt2 in_end, OutIt1 out_begin, OutIt2 out_end) { }

then you can very easily write a back_inserter_end class to test against:

class back_inserter_end 
    : std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag, void>
{ };

bool operator==(back_inserter_end, back_inserter_end) { return true;  }
bool operator!=(back_inserter_end, back_inserter_end) { return false; }

template <typename Container>
bool operator==(const back_insert_iterator<Container>&, back_inserter_end) { 
     return false; 

template <typename Container>
bool operator==(back_inserter_end, const back_insert_iterator<Container>&) { 
    return false; 

template <typename Container>
bool operator!=(const back_insert_iterator<Container>&, back_inserter_end) { 
    return true; 

template <typename Container>
bool operator!=(back_inserter_end, const back_insert_iterator<Container>&) { 
    return true; 

You can then call your "safe" algorithm:

foo(it, it, std::back_inserter(v), back_inserter_end());

Inside of your "safe" algorithm, you can test whether out_it == out_end before using out_it; since out_it is a back_insert_iterator, this test will always return false (which is the desired behavior).

阪姬 2024-10-17 02:16:15

如果 foo 正在检查以确保 distance(output_begin, output_end) 足够大以包含结果,那么您可以使用什么作为“end”迭代器? back_inserter 将元素添加到末尾;根据定义,back_inserter 添加元素的位置与序列末尾之间的距离0

在我看来,带有 std::copy 类似签名 foo(InIt, InIt, OutIt)foo 是你最好的选择。它并不是真正的“不健壮”。对于大多数算法,出于性能原因,您只想在调试版本中进行这种范围检查,并且一个不错的标准库实现(如 Visual C++ 标准库)已经在调试版本中提供了大量范围检查。

或者,您可以创建一个 back_inserting_foo(InIt, InIt, Container),尽管为此创建一个特殊情况会有点不寻常,并且会给函数的用户带来更大的负担,让他们无法知道他们需要哪个重载用于不同类型的迭代器。

If foo is checking to ensure that distance(output_begin, output_end) is sufficiently large to contain the results, what could you use as an "end" iterator? A back_inserter adds elements to the end; the distance between the place at which a back_inserter adds elements and the end of the sequence is, by definition, 0.

A foo with the std::copy-like signature foo(InIt, InIt, OutIt) is, in my opinion, your best option. It isn't really "not robust." For most algorithms, you only want to do this kind of range checking in debug builds for performance reasons, and a decent Standard Library implementation (like the Visual C++ Standard Library) will already provide a lot of range checking in debug builds.

Alternatively, you could create a back_inserting_foo(InIt, InIt, Container), though creating a special case for this would be a bit unusual and places a greater burden upon users of the function to know which overload they need to use for different types of iterators.

我很坚强 2024-10-17 02:16:15

您可以通过在写出每个元素之前执行安全检查来避免更改 foo() 的 API(请参见下文) ,而不是在开始时使用 distance() 检查 詹姆斯·麦克内利斯建议

执行此操作需要编写自己的“迭代器适配器”以提供“增强型”输出迭代器,该迭代器可以测试它是否位于有效范围的末尾。然后,您可以正确地将模板类型名称从 OutputIterator 更改为 SafeOutputIterator —— 即使这只是作为文档,因为它无法在 C++ 中强制执行。我们区分“有界”和“无界”迭代器对:对于后者,没有两个迭代器会比较相等,事实上,除了其类型之外,任何其他迭代器都不需要第二个迭代器。

/* Metafunction for determining whether the range has a fixed endpoint.
 * Assume all iterators are bounded except for OutputIterators. */
template <typename Tag>
struct helper {
    static bool value = true;

template <>
struct helper<output_iterator_tag> {
    static bool value = false;

template <typename It>
struct is_bounded {
    static bool value = helper<typename iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category>::value;

/* Wraps an output iterator. */
template<typename It, bool BOUNDED = is_bounded<It>::value>
class safe_output_iterator {
    typedef typename iterator_traits<It>::value_type value_type;

    explicit safe_output_iterator(It iter, size_t limit = 0) : iter_(iter), limit_(limit) {}

    safe_output_iterator& operator++() {  /* Preinc */
        return *this;

    safe_output_iterator operator++(int) {  /* Postinc */
        safe_output_iterator temp(*this);
        return temp;

    /* Trick: Deferencing returns the same object, so that operator=() works */
    safe_output_iterator& operator*() {
        return *this;

    /* Will be called despite "dereferencing" this iterator object */
    safe_output_iterator& operator=() {
        /* Insert check for limit == 0 here if you want */
        return *_iter;

    /* Addition to the OutputIterator concept. */
    bool operator==(safe_output_iterator const& x) {
        return BOUNDED && limit_ == x.limit_;

    bool operator!=(safe_output_iterator const& x) {
        return !(*this == x);

    It iter_;
    size_t limit_;

/* Helper function templates to avoid typing out long typenames */

/* Handle iterators */
template <typename It>
safe_output_iterator<It> soi_begin(It it, size_t limit = 0) {
    return safe_output_iterator<It>(it, limit);

template <typename It>
safe_output_iterator<It> soi_end(It it, size_t limit = 0) {
    return safe_output_iterator<It>(it, limit);

/* Handle STL containers like vector and list */
template <typename C>
safe_output_iterator<It> soi_begin_cont(C cont) {
    return safe_output_iterator<typename C::iterator>(cont.begin(), cont.size());

template <typename C>
safe_output_iterator<It> soi_end_cont(C cont) {
    /* Actually the iterator supplied (here cont.end()) is unimportant... */
    return safe_output_iterator<typename C::iterator>(cont.end());


vector<int> u(10, 42), v(ENOUGH_SPACE), w, x(ENOUGH_SPACE);

// Explicit iterator pair; bounded
foo(u.begin(), u.end(), soi_begin(v.begin(), ENOUGH_SPACE), soi_end(v));

// Explicit iterator pair; unbounded (2nd iterator ignored, but we need the type)
foo(u.begin(), u.end(), soi_begin(w.back_inserter()), soi_end(w.back_inserter()));

// Use whole container
foo(u.begin(), u.end(), soi_begin_cont(x), soi_end_cont(x));

您可以在每次写入 *curr_output_iter 之前让 foo() 检查 curr_output_iter != output_end,或者插入safe_output_iterator::operator=() 中的检查。后者似乎更可取,因为每当一对 safe_output_iterator 被传递给任何任意算法时,您就不会忘记执行检查(大概这类似于 STL 的调试版本的工作方式)。您还可以为固定大小的数组编写 soi_begin_cont()soi_end_cont() 的重载。

如果 ranges 是这样的话,所有这些都会变得不那么麻烦。由 STL 算法而不是迭代器对使用——例如,这样单个函数模板就可以返回跨越整个数组的适当范围。

You can avoid changing foo()'s API by performing the safety check as you go, by checking that curr_output_iter != output_end before each element is written out (see below), instead of once at the start with a distance() check as James McNellis suggests.

Doing this will require writing your own "iterator adaptor" to provide an "enhanced" output iterator that can test for whether it's at the end of its valid range. Then you would rightfully change the template typenames from OutputIterator to SafeOutputIterator -- even though this just serves as documentation because it's something that can't be enforced in C++. We distinguish between "bounded" and "unbounded" iterator pairs: for the latter, no two iterators will ever compare equal, and in fact the 2nd iterator will never be needed for anything besides its type.

/* Metafunction for determining whether the range has a fixed endpoint.
 * Assume all iterators are bounded except for OutputIterators. */
template <typename Tag>
struct helper {
    static bool value = true;

template <>
struct helper<output_iterator_tag> {
    static bool value = false;

template <typename It>
struct is_bounded {
    static bool value = helper<typename iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category>::value;

/* Wraps an output iterator. */
template<typename It, bool BOUNDED = is_bounded<It>::value>
class safe_output_iterator {
    typedef typename iterator_traits<It>::value_type value_type;

    explicit safe_output_iterator(It iter, size_t limit = 0) : iter_(iter), limit_(limit) {}

    safe_output_iterator& operator++() {  /* Preinc */
        return *this;

    safe_output_iterator operator++(int) {  /* Postinc */
        safe_output_iterator temp(*this);
        return temp;

    /* Trick: Deferencing returns the same object, so that operator=() works */
    safe_output_iterator& operator*() {
        return *this;

    /* Will be called despite "dereferencing" this iterator object */
    safe_output_iterator& operator=() {
        /* Insert check for limit == 0 here if you want */
        return *_iter;

    /* Addition to the OutputIterator concept. */
    bool operator==(safe_output_iterator const& x) {
        return BOUNDED && limit_ == x.limit_;

    bool operator!=(safe_output_iterator const& x) {
        return !(*this == x);

    It iter_;
    size_t limit_;

/* Helper function templates to avoid typing out long typenames */

/* Handle iterators */
template <typename It>
safe_output_iterator<It> soi_begin(It it, size_t limit = 0) {
    return safe_output_iterator<It>(it, limit);

template <typename It>
safe_output_iterator<It> soi_end(It it, size_t limit = 0) {
    return safe_output_iterator<It>(it, limit);

/* Handle STL containers like vector and list */
template <typename C>
safe_output_iterator<It> soi_begin_cont(C cont) {
    return safe_output_iterator<typename C::iterator>(cont.begin(), cont.size());

template <typename C>
safe_output_iterator<It> soi_end_cont(C cont) {
    /* Actually the iterator supplied (here cont.end()) is unimportant... */
    return safe_output_iterator<typename C::iterator>(cont.end());

You can now write code like:

vector<int> u(10, 42), v(ENOUGH_SPACE), w, x(ENOUGH_SPACE);

// Explicit iterator pair; bounded
foo(u.begin(), u.end(), soi_begin(v.begin(), ENOUGH_SPACE), soi_end(v));

// Explicit iterator pair; unbounded (2nd iterator ignored, but we need the type)
foo(u.begin(), u.end(), soi_begin(w.back_inserter()), soi_end(w.back_inserter()));

// Use whole container
foo(u.begin(), u.end(), soi_begin_cont(x), soi_end_cont(x));

You can either have foo() check curr_output_iter != output_end before each write through *curr_output_iter, or alternatively insert the check in safe_output_iterator::operator=(). The latter seems preferable as you then cannot forget to perform the check whenever a pair of safe_output_iterators are passed to any arbitrary algorithm (presumably this is similar to how debug versions of the STL work). You could also write overloads of soi_begin_cont() and soi_end_cont() for fixed-size arrays.

All this would be much less cumbersome if ranges were used by STL algorithms instead of iterator pairs -- that way a single function template could return an appropriate range spanning an entire array, for example.

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