音频错误导致我的 C++ 崩溃程序
我正在使用 C++ 和 SDL/SDL_mixer 编写一个非常简单的游戏。游戏使用了一些简单的音频功能,当有事情发生时会播放声音效果,而我的程序到目前为止一直运行良好。在看似随机的时间,程序将开始发出刺耳的声音和静态噪音(但仍然能够播放声音效果。)我用笔记本电脑的麦克风录制了声音:http://www.mediafire.com/?oe9nrdk9w5r572k。发出声音时,程序可能会崩溃,也可能不会崩溃。我不知道该怎么办。
I'm writing a very simple game with C++ and SDL/SDL_mixer. The game uses some simple audio functions that play sound effects when something happens, and my program has been working fine until now. At a seemingly random time, the program will start making screeching and static noises (but will still be able to play sound effects.) I recorded the sound with my laptop's mic: http://www.mediafire.com/?oe9nrdk9w5r572k. While making the sounds the program may or may not crash. I'm at a loss with what to do.
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It sounds like the memory area where you store the sound data is overwritten/corrupted (leading to "noise" output). That your program crashes with an access violation also points to memory corruption.
Make sure that the buffer with the audio data is properly allocated and isn't freed/deleted/... while it is still in use.