删除数据库时出错(无法 rmdir '.test\',错误号:17)

发布于 2024-10-09 23:41:23 字数 363 浏览 0 评论 0原文

基本上,我学习了如何使用“mysqladmin -u root -p password”命令创建 root 密码,这都是通过 Windows 命令编辑器完成的。现在,下一个过程是显示默认数据库(info.schema、mysql 和 test),这是通过使用“SHOW DATABASES;”实现的。


删除数据库时出错(无法 rmdir '.test\',errno: 17)

使用的命令是 DROP DATABASE test;

我正在使用 MYSQL 和 PHPMYADMIN。有关如何无错误地删除文件的任何帮助吗?

Basically, I was taught on how to create a root password using the "mysqladmin -u root -p password" command, this was done all through the windows command editor. Now, the next process was to display the default databases (info. schema, mysql and test) which was achieved by using "SHOW DATABASES;"

But according to the book, we had to delete the redundant test file and the following error pops up:

Error Dropping Database (Can't rmdir '.test\', errno: 17)

The command put to use was DROP DATABASE test;

I am using MYSQL and PHPMYADMIN. Any help on how to drop the file with no errors?

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北方的巷 2024-10-16 23:41:23


DROP DATABASE 语句将删除所有表文件,然后删除代表数据库的目录。但是,它不会删除非表文件,从而无法删除目录。

当 MySQL 无法删除目录时,它会显示一条错误消息,


A database is represented by a directory under the data directory (usually /var/lib/mysql), and the directory is intended for storage of table data.

The DROP DATABASE statement will remove all table files and then remove the directory that represented the database. It will not, however, remove non-table files, whereby making it not possible to remove the directory.

MySQL displays an error message when it cannot remove the directory

you can really drop the database manually by removing any remaining files in the database directory and then the directory itself.

冰之心 2024-10-16 23:41:23

我在 Mac 上新安装 mysql 5.5 时遇到了同样的问题。我尝试删除测试架构并收到 errno 17 消息。 errno 17 是某些 posix os 函数返回的错误,指示文件存在于不应存在的位置。在数据目录中,我发现了一个奇怪的文件“.empty”:

sh-3.2# ls -la data/test
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   3 _mysql  wheel  102 Apr 15 12:36 .
drwxr-xr-x  11 _mysql  wheel  374 Apr 15 12:28 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 _mysql  wheel    0 Mar 31 10:19 .empty


我不知道 .empty 文件来自哪里;如前所述,这是一个新的 mysql 安装。也许是安装过程中出现了问题。

I ran into this same issue on a new install of mysql 5.5 on a mac. I tried to drop the test schema and got an errno 17 message. errno 17 is the error returned by some posix os functions indicating that a file exists where it should not. In the data directory, I found a strange file ".empty":

sh-3.2# ls -la data/test
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   3 _mysql  wheel  102 Apr 15 12:36 .
drwxr-xr-x  11 _mysql  wheel  374 Apr 15 12:28 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 _mysql  wheel    0 Mar 31 10:19 .empty

Once I rm'd the .empty file, the drop database command succeeded.

I don't know where the .empty file came from; as noted, this was a new mysql install. Perhaps something went wrong in the install process.

潇烟暮雨 2024-10-16 23:41:23

转至 mysql 安装的 datadir* 并手动 rm 数据库。然后


rm -R <Your DB name>


* 要检查您的安装的 datadir,

vim the mysql.server file and find it there.

Go to the datadir* for your mysql installation and rm the databases manually. It can be



rm -R <Your DB name>


* To check datadir for your installation,

vim the mysql.server file and find it there.
晨与橙与城 2024-10-16 23:41:23


For phpmyadmin, go to xampp\mysql\data and simply delete the database folder. Worked for me !!

自演自醉 2024-10-16 23:41:23

如果是 XAMPP,请执行以下操作:

cd /opt/lampp/var/mysql;
sudo su;
rm -rf test;


If it is XAMPP, Do the following:

cd /opt/lampp/var/mysql;
sudo su;
rm -rf test;

Hope this helps.

扮仙女 2024-10-16 23:41:23

我刚刚遇到了 WAMP 和它附带的 phpMyAdmin 的问题。删除数据库并使错误消失。我进入 C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.5.24\data\ 并删除了相关数据库的文件夹。


I just ran into this problem with WAMP and the phpMyAdmin that comes with it. To remove the database and make the error go away. I went into C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.5.24\data\ and deleted the folder for the database in question.

Then I refreshed the page at phpMyAdmin, and the database was gone.

心房的律动 2024-10-16 23:41:23

只是添加到到目前为止的响应:在 Windows 10 中,数据文件保存在这里...

C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server [mn]\data


针对数据库的任何工作台更改都将存储在此位置。例如,我在对我的一个数据库进行逆向工程练习并将更改保存到此位置的 .mwb 文件中时遇到此错误。

Just to add to the responses so far: In Windows 10, the data files are kept here...

C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server [m.n]\data

There will be directories for each schema in your database. You will want to go inside the schema you are trying to drop, manually delete any superfluous files then try the drop command again.

Any workbench changes against a database will get stored in this location. For example, I had this error following a reverse engineering exercise on one of my databases and saving the changes which get stored in a .mwb file in this location.

若水般的淡然安静女子 2024-10-16 23:41:23
mysql -s -N -username -p information_schema -e 'SELECT Variable_Value FROM GLOBAL_VARIABLES WHERE Variable_Name = "datadir"'

该命令将仅从 MySQL 的内部 information_schema 数据库中选择值,并禁用表格输出和列标题。

Linux 上的输出[我的结果]:


mysql> select @@datadir;



cd /var/lib/mysql && rm -rf test/NOTEMPTY


mysql -s -N -username -p information_schema -e 'SELECT Variable_Value FROM GLOBAL_VARIABLES WHERE Variable_Name = "datadir"'

The command will select the value only from MySQL's internal information_schema database and disables the tabular output and column headers.

Output on Linux [mine result]:



mysql> select @@datadir;


and then

cd /var/lib/mysql && rm -rf test/NOTEMPTY

change path based on your result

时光瘦了 2024-10-16 23:41:23


I my case the problem was a residual dump file in the database directory. That file was probably generated during a backup script test I had been working on.
Once I manually deleted the file I could then drop the database.

梦里的微风 2024-10-16 23:41:23


对我来说,我在 Windows 10 上使用 AMPPS。
我转到 AMPPs 安装目录。

D:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\mysql\data


然后刷新你的 SQL 客户端,你会发现它消失了。

You can delete the data in the sql directory.

For me i was using AMPPS on windows 10.
I went to the AMPPs installtion directory.
for me it was :

D:\Program Files (x86)\Ampps\mysql\data

because i have it installed on my secondary drive.

Then refresh your SQL client and you will see it's gone.

猫性小仙女 2024-10-16 23:41:23


1- 数据库文件夹权限 要删除的数据库必须与mysql进程具有相同的所有者。

2- 目录必须为空 转到 mysql 数据目录并验证该目录是否为空

然后连接 mysql cli 并再次运行 drop database 命令。

You may need to check two things.

1- Database Foleder's permission The database you wants to delete must have the same owner as mysql process has.

2- Directory Must be empty Goto the mysql data directory and verify that directory is empty

After that connect your mysql cli and run drop database command again.

醉南桥 2024-10-16 23:41:23


首先找到包含所选数据库的 MySQL 数据目录


  • 打开 MySQL 的配置文件: less /etc/my.cnf
  • 搜索术语“datadir”:/datadir

  • 如果存在,它将突出显示一行:datadir = [path]

  • 您也可以手动查找该行。它通常可以在 [mysqld] 的节标题下找到,但不一定必须在那里找到。

  • 如果该行不存在,则 MySQL 将默认为:/var/lib/mysql。

1. 在记事本中打开 MySQL 的配置文件: my.ini

my.ini 将位于 MySQL 程序文件夹中,该文件夹位于 MySQL 的安装位置。如果您没有安装MySQL,则使用Windows“搜索”功能来查找my.ini。您还可以通过浏览到 [drive]:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5 来手动搜索它。

  1. 在记事本中进行搜索以查找术语“datadir”。

  2. 如果存在,它将突出显示一行:datadir = [path]

  3. 您也可以手动查找那条线。它通常可以在 [mysqld] 的节标题下找到,但不一定必须在那里找到。

  4. 如果该行不存在,那么您可能会在 [drive]:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\data 下找到它。

注意:“ProgramData”文件夹可能是隐藏的。您可能必须在 Windows 资源管理器中输入显式路径

Go through this and remove corresponding cache files in selected db then after you can drop your database

First find Your MySQL Data Directory Containing Your selected DB


  • Open up MySQL's configuration file: less /etc/my.cnf
  • Search for the term "datadir": /datadir

  • If it exists, it will highlight a line that reads: datadir = [path]

  • You can also manually look for that line. It typically would be found under a section heading of [mysqld] but it does not necessarily have to be found there.

  • If that line does not exist, then MySQL will default to: /var/lib/mysql.

1. Open up MySQL's configuration file into Notepad: my.ini

The my.ini will be located in the MySQL program folder, which would be wherever it got installed. If you did not install MySQL, then use the Windows "search" feature to look for my.ini. You could also manually search for it by browsing to [drive]:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5.

  1. Do a search in Notepad to find the term "datadir".

  2. If it exists, it will highlight a line that reads: datadir = [path]

  3. You can also manually look for that line. It typically would be found under a section heading of [mysqld] but it does not necessarily have to be found there.

  4. If that line does not exist, then you'll probably find it under [drive]:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\data.

NOTE: The "ProgramData" folder may be hidden. You may have to type the explicit path into Windows Explore

宛菡 2024-10-16 23:41:23

就我而言,我在 phpMyAdmin 上的数据库下没有看到任何表格,我使用的是 Wamp 服务器,但是当我检查 C:\wamp\bin 下的目录时\mysql\mysql5.6.12\data 当我手动删除此文件时,我发现了这个employed.ibd,我能够从phpMyAdmin drop数据库 顺利,没有任何问题。

In my case I didn't see any tables under my database on phpMyAdmin I am using Wamp server but when I checked the directory under C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.6.12\data I found this employed.ibd when I deleted this file manually I was able to drop the database from phpMyAdmin smoothly without any problems.

半透明的墙 2024-10-16 23:41:23

我遇到了同样的问题(Mac 上的 mysql 5.6),删除数据库时出现“can't rmdir..”错误。留下一个空的数据库目录是不可能删除的。感谢@Framework 和@Beel 提供的解决方案。

我首先从终端删除了 db 目录(/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mysql)。


sudo ls -al test
total 0
drwxrwx---   3 _mysql  _mysql  102 Mar 26 16:50 .
drwxrwxr-x  18 _mysql  _mysql  612 Apr  7 13:34 ..
-rw-rw----   1 _mysql  _mysql    0 Jun 26  2013 NOTEMPTY


sudo rm -rf test/NOTEMPTY


I had the same issue (mysql 5.6 on mac) with 'can't rmdir..'-errors when dropping databases. Leaving an empty database directory not possible to get rid of. Thanks @Framework and @Beel for the solutions.

I first deleted the db directory from the Terminal in (/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/var/mysql).

For further db drops, I also deleted the empty test file. In my case the file was called NOTEMPTY but still containing 0:

sudo ls -al test
total 0
drwxrwx---   3 _mysql  _mysql  102 Mar 26 16:50 .
drwxrwxr-x  18 _mysql  _mysql  612 Apr  7 13:34 ..
-rw-rw----   1 _mysql  _mysql    0 Jun 26  2013 NOTEMPTY

Chmod first and then

sudo rm -rf test/NOTEMPTY

No problems dropping databases after that

南风几经秋 2024-10-16 23:41:23


just go to data directory in my case path is "wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.6.17\data" here you will see all databases folder just delete this your database folder the db will automatically drooped :)

本王不退位尔等都是臣 2024-10-16 23:41:23

我遇到了这个问题,当我检查数据库目录时,有许多 exp 文件(ibdfrm 文件有已被删除)。列出文件以查看它们的属性(因为所有者已经对文​​件具有读写权限)

lsattr *.exp
-------------e-- foo.exp
-------------e-- bar.exp


       The  'e'  attribute  indicates that the file is using extents for mapping the blocks on disk.
       It may not be removed using chattr(1).

您实际上可以 chattr -e 这些文件,但 mysql 仍然不会让您删除数据库。但是,使用 rm 删除文件可以干净地删除数据库。

I ran into this problem, and when I checked out the database directory, there were a number of exp files (the ibd and frm files had been removed). Listing the files to look at their attributes (since the owner already had rw privileges on the files)

lsattr *.exp
-------------e-- foo.exp
-------------e-- bar.exp

Man page says

       The  'e'  attribute  indicates that the file is using extents for mapping the blocks on disk.
       It may not be removed using chattr(1).

You actually can chattr -e these files, but mysql still won't let you drop the database. Removing the files with rm, however, allows the database to be dropped cleanly.

兔小萌 2024-10-16 23:41:23

发生这种情况是因为您可能已将 /var/lib/mysql 文件夹的数据库文件夹从另一台服务器复制到您的服务器。但您还没有复制这些文件:
所以我还复制了这些文件: ib_buffer_pool、ibdata1、ib_logfile0、ib_logfile1、ibtmp1 之后一切正常。

It happens because you may have copied /var/lib/mysql folder's database folder from another server to your server. But you haven't copied these files:
So you can create a new db and tables you are able to drop them but you can't drop the databases that you have copied from another server and you are also not able to explore the same database that you copied from another server.
So I also copied that files : ib_buffer_pool,ibdata1,ib_logfile0,ib_logfile1,ibtmp1 after that everything worked.

—━☆沉默づ 2024-10-16 23:41:23

任何来自 Manjaro/Arch 的人,使用 PHP8 安装 XAMPP,然后降级到 7.4 都会遇到此错误。要修复此问题,只需使用 Thunar 作为 root 用户转到 /opt/lampp/var/mysql/,然后删除具有相同数据库名称的数据库文件,数据库就会消失。您可以使用 PhpMyAdmin 获取数据库名称。

Anybody coming from Manjaro/Arch, installing XAMPP with PHP8 and then downgrading to 7.4 will get this error. To fix, simply go to /opt/lampp/var/mysql/ with Thunar as root user, and delete the database file with the same database name in question and database should be gone. You can get the database name with PhpMyAdmin.

雾里花 2024-10-16 23:41:23



我在工作中使用 xampp,所以我转到了该文件夹我安装了xampp,在xampp文件夹中找到mysql文件夹,在mysql文件夹中找到data文件夹,最后在data中找到您正在查找的数据库并打开您的数据库文件夹并删除所有内容。

最后转到您的 phpmyadmin 并删除特定数据库。

I faced the same problem, I was unable to delete a database, it was giving the same error:

enter image description here

I am using xampp for my work, so I went to the folder that I installed xampp, inside xampp folder find mysql folder, inside mysql folder find data folder and finally inside data find the database that you are looking for and open your database folder and delete everything.
enter image description here

And at the end go to your phpmyadmin and delete specific database.

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