Rails3 中的行为树?
我需要在我的 Rails3 项目(ruby 1.9.2)中使用 Acts As Tree。但是,github上有很多fork,所以我不知道我应该选择哪个,哪个被其他开发者使用? 在 Railsplugins.org 上有 http://www.railsplugins.org/plugins/376 -acts-as-tree,但上次提交是从三月份开始的......
I need to use Acts As Tree in my Rails3 project (ruby 1.9.2). But, there are lot of forks on github, so I don't know which should I choose, and which is used by other developers?
On Railsplugins.org there are http://www.railsplugins.org/plugins/376-acts-as-tree, but last commit was from March...
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我正在使用 http://rubygems.org/gems/acts_as_tree_rails3。效果很好。
I'm using http://rubygems.org/gems/acts_as_tree_rails3. Works great.
我在 Rails3 项目中使用了 https://github.com/skyeagle/nested_set 。目前很难说采用会采取什么行动。
I've gone with https://github.com/skyeagle/nested_set on my Rails3 projects. It's hard to say at this point where adoption will take things.
如果您可以添加新表,我建议使用 https://github.com/mceachen/closure_tree存储层次结构并希望高效的选择和变异性能。
I'd suggest using https://github.com/mceachen/closure_tree if you can add a new table to store the hierarchies and want efficient select and mutate performance.