3d 房间中 2 条曲线的碰撞点

发布于 2024-10-09 09:31:15 字数 2441 浏览 0 评论 0原文

我正在编写一个小游戏有一段时间了。我们开始在学校的一个项目中编写一个小型 FPS-Shooter,以获得使用 directX 的一些经验。 我不知道为什么,但我无法停止这个项目并开始在家编程。目前我正在尝试创建一些小型人工智能。当然,这绝对不容易,但无论如何,这就是我的个人目标。这个话题可能会填满多本书,呵呵。 到目前为止,我已经完成了机器人的行走部分。他们沿着一条刻有文字的小路行走。我不是在研究机器人的“瞄准”。 在编程时,我遇到了一些我还无法解决的数学问题。我希望您对此的意见能够帮助我走得更远。概念、想法和其他一切都受到高度赞赏。

问题: 计算弹丸曲线(取决于重力、速度)击中敌人行走路径曲线(取决于速度)的位置(D3DXVECTOR3)。我们假设敌人排成一条直线行走。


float projectilSpeed = 2000 m/s //speed of the projectile per second
float gravitation = 9.81 m/s^2 //of cause the gravity lol
D3DXVECTOR3 targetPosition //position of the target stored in a vector (x,y,z)
D3DXVECTOR3 projectilePosition //position of the projectile
D3DXVECTOR3 targetSpeed //stores the change of the targets position in the last second


ProjectilePosition at time of collision = ProjectilePos_t
TargetPosition at time of collision = TargetPos_t
ProjectilePosition at time 0, now = ProjectilePos_0
TargetPosition at time 0, now = TargetPos_0
Time to impact = t
Aim-angle = theta

我的尝试: 在维基百科上找到了一个计算“落差”(基于重力的弹丸下落)的公式:

float drop = 0.5f * gravity * t * t


ProjectilVelocity.x = projectilSpeed * cos(theta)
ProjectilVelocity.y = projectilSpeed * sin(theta)


ProjectilePos_t.x = ProjectilePos_0.x + ProjectileSpeed * t
ProjectilePos_t.y = ProjectilePos_0.y + ProjectileSpeed * t + 0.5f * gravity * t * t
ProjectilePos_t.z = ProjectilePos_0.z + ProjectileSpeed * t


TargetPos_t = TargetPos_0 + TargetSpeed * D3DXVECTOR3(t, t, t)

现在我不知道如何继续。我必须以某种方式解决它,才能抓住时间以某种方式产生影响。 作为一个基本公式,我可以使用:

float time = distanz / projectileSpeed



来自德国的问候, 坦率




pos(t).x = pos(0).x + speed.x * time
pos(t).y = pos(0).y + speed.y * time
pos(t).z = pos(0).z + speed.z * time

曲线射弹: pos(t).y = pos(0).y ​​+ sin(theta) * 速度 + 0.5 * 重力 * 时间 * 时间

pos(t).x 和 pos(t).z 不确定如何计算 (x 和z)基本上定义前进方向..不仅仅是x..


i am programming a small game for quite some time. We started coding a small FPS-Shooter inside of a project at school to get a bit experience using directX.
I dont know why, but i couldnt stop the project and started programming at home aswell. At the moment i am trying to create some small AI. Of cause thats definatlly not easy, but thats my personal goal anyways. The topic could prolly fill multiple books hehe.
I've got the walking part of my bots done so far. They walk along a scriped path. I am not working on the "aiming" of the bots.
While programming that i hit on some math problem i couldnt solve yet. I hope of your input on this to help me get further. Concepts, ideas and everything else are highly appreciated.

Calculate the position (D3DXVECTOR3) where the curve of the projectile (depends on gravity, speed), hit the curved of the enemys walking path (depends on speed). We assume that the enemy walks in a constant line.

Known variables:

float projectilSpeed = 2000 m/s //speed of the projectile per second
float gravitation = 9.81 m/s^2 //of cause the gravity lol
D3DXVECTOR3 targetPosition //position of the target stored in a vector (x,y,z)
D3DXVECTOR3 projectilePosition //position of the projectile
D3DXVECTOR3 targetSpeed //stores the change of the targets position in the last second


ProjectilePosition at time of collision = ProjectilePos_t
TargetPosition at time of collision = TargetPos_t
ProjectilePosition at time 0, now = ProjectilePos_0
TargetPosition at time 0, now = TargetPos_0
Time to impact = t
Aim-angle = theta

My try:
Found a formular to calculate "drop" (Drop of the projectile based on the gravity) on Wikipedia:

float drop = 0.5f * gravity * t * t

The speed of the projectile has a horizontal and a vertical part.. Found a formular for that on wikipedia aswell:

ProjectilVelocity.x = projectilSpeed * cos(theta)
ProjectilVelocity.y = projectilSpeed * sin(theta)

So i would assume this is true for the projectile curve:

ProjectilePos_t.x = ProjectilePos_0.x + ProjectileSpeed * t
ProjectilePos_t.y = ProjectilePos_0.y + ProjectileSpeed * t + 0.5f * gravity * t * t
ProjectilePos_t.z = ProjectilePos_0.z + ProjectileSpeed * t

The target walk with a constant speed, so we can determine his curve by this:

TargetPos_t = TargetPos_0 + TargetSpeed * D3DXVECTOR3(t, t, t)

Now i dont know how to continue. I have to solve it somehow to get a hold on the time to impact somehow.
As a basic formular i could use:

float time = distanz / projectileSpeed

But that wouldnt be truly correct as it would assume a linear "Trajectory". We just find this behaivor when using a rocket.

I hope i was able to explain the problem as much as possible. If there are questions left, feel free to ask me!

Greets from germany,


The main problem is that i cant calculate the enemies position at collision time as i dont have the time passed until the collision occurs.. And on the other hand i cant calculate the time without knowing the enemies location at impact time. Maybe an iterative method solves this.

curve enemy:

pos(t).x = pos(0).x + speed.x * time
pos(t).y = pos(0).y + speed.y * time
pos(t).z = pos(0).z + speed.z * time

curve projectile:
pos(t).y = pos(0).y + sin(theta) * speed + 0.5 * gravity * time * time

pos(t).x and pos(t).z not sure how to calculate in (x and z) define the forward direction basically.. not just x..

cant calculate the enemy without knowing the time.. and i cant calculate the time without knowing the angles (theta, pitch/yaw) and the distance it will be to the "future" impact point

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心清如水 2024-10-16 09:31:16



您只需通过说出(此处以向量形式)即可知道目标在任何时间 t 的位置

position = initial position + t*velocity


position = initial position + t*(initial velocity) + 0.5*acceleration*t^2



我们知道有效地存在具有三个未知数的向量方程。如果我们将其分解为分量向量,那么每个方程仅适用于向量的 x、y 和 z 分量(请注意,加速度仅具有 z 方向的分量)。

然后我们得到三个具有三个未知数的方程,这些方程将同时求解。我将剩下的留给你的主要原因是因为我不知道如何在我的答案中以一种很好的方式表示代数。 :)

抱歉,这不是更完整,但希望可以给您一种看待事物的新方式,并且您可能能够自己完成数学工作,自己求解方程(不难,但同时也不那么容易...... .)

Not a complete solution but how I would approach this from a mathemtical point of view.

You have two objects that you want to meet. The three unknowns you need to find are time at which the hit occurs, vertical angle of shot and horizontal angle of shot.

You know the position of the target at any time t just by saying

position = initial position + t*velocity

(in vectors here).

The position of the projectile will be:

position = initial position + t*(initial velocity) + 0.5*acceleration*t^2

(again vectors so the initial velocity here will be dependant on the two angles of the shot)

When we get a hit obviously these two positions will be the same so we can equate these two positions.

We know have a vector equation with three unknowns effectively. If we then split it into its component vectors then each of those equations holds for just the x, y and z components of the vectors (note that acceleration only has a component in the z direction).

We then get three equations with three unknowns that will be solved simultaneously. The main reason I am going to leave the rest to you is because I have no idea how I'd represent the algebra in my answer in a nice way. :)

Sorry this isn't more complete but hopefully may give you a new way of looking at things and you might be able to work through the maths yourself to solve the equations yourself (not hard but at the same time not that easy...)

栀子花开つ 2024-10-16 09:31:16

首先,当您使用 C++ 时,确实值得广泛使用重载算术运算符,因此向量运算。您的公式将看起来更加清晰且更接近数学定义。您很少需要显式的 .x.y 赋值。






first of all, as you're going with C++, it's really worth using the overloaded arithmetic operators and thus vector operations extensively. Your formulae are going to look much cleaner and closer to the mathematical definitions. You're rarely going to ever need explicit .x, .y assignments at all.

So now to your question:

The main problem is that i cant calculate the enemies position at collision time as i dont have the time passed until the collision occurs

Yes, time is the way to go.

Imagine you shoot in every possible direction at the same time. All projectiles will form an expanding sphere somewhere in the air at any given time. You can now intersect this spheres with the path of the target and get times when a hit can occur. Maths for this is just a bit tricky (solving polynomial equations of degree four), but it works well with approximation.

As you're German, you should definitely take a look at this german article that covers the topic nicely!

守望孤独 2024-10-16 09:31:16


但在现实世界中,有很多敌人,当你射击时,你必须测试你的子弹在t时刻是否与某些敌人形状相交(敌人不是点)。所以你发射子弹,用快速 ODE 解算器模拟它的轨迹:我认为龙格库塔四阶是常用的,不是因为它的准确性(你无法轻松控制误差,并且你不需要物理准确性:只需要真实感。不要使用 RK4 来求解 ODE(视频游戏除外),但因为您可以采取相对较大的时间步长而不会太偏离。

实际上,模拟游戏的物理原理(玩家和敌人的物理原理以及 IA、子弹……)需要您记录时间。然后,您迭代子弹并测试它们与游戏的各种对象(主要是敌人)的相交。

每次,计算交集的典型方法是使用八叉树来跟踪对象的位置。在给定时间,该设备使您能够轻松定位(log n)与子弹位于同一空间区域的敌人。现在,您可以使用:

  • 为敌人设置边界基本形状(盒子、球体),这可以处理子弹击中或未击中敌人时的许多情况:将盒子放在敌人形状的外部和内部。
  • 当边界框没有告诉您任何信息时(您穿过一个外部框,但不与任何内部框相交),您必须计算出一条小直线(在 t 和 t + dt 之间,其中 dt 不那么小)与敌人的形状。

If the enemy is walking at a constant velocity (ie. in a straight line), the simplest way is to change variables so that you write everything in the moving frame of the enemy. Then, you have a quadratic equation to solve.

But in the real world, there are many enemies, and when you shoot, you have to test whether your bullet at time t intersects some enemy shape (enemies are not points). So you fire your bullet, simulate its trajectory with fast ODE solver: Runge Kutta 4th order is commonly used I think, not for its accuracy (you have no easy control of the error, and you don't need physical accuracy: only realism. Don't use RK4 for solving ODEs except in video games) but because you can take relatively large time steps without being too off.

Actually, simulating the physics of the game (players and enemies physics and IA, bullets, ...) requires you to keep track of time. You then iterate over the bullets and test for their intersection with various objects of the game (mainly enemies).

At each time, the typical way to compute intersections is to use an octree to keep track of where the objects are. At a given time, this device enables you to locate easily (log n) the enemies which lie in the same region of space as the bullet. Now, you can use:

  • Bounding elementary shapes (boxes, spheres) for the enemy which deal with a lot of the cases when the bullet hits or hits not the enemy: put boxes outside the enemy shape, and inside.
  • When bounding boxes tell you nothing (you pass through one outer box, but do not intersect any inner box), you have to work out the intersection of a small straight line (between t and t + dt, with dt not that small) with the enemy shape.
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