如何在 ASP.Net 中发送状态代码 500 并仍然写入响应?
我有一个 ASP.Net 单文件 Web 服务(一个包含 IHttpHandler
实现的 .ashx
文件),它需要能够返回错误作为 500 的响应内部服务器错误状态代码。在 PHP 中这是一件相对简单的事情:
header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
echo "Unable to connect to database on $dbHost";
ASP.Net (C#) 的等效项应该是:
Context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
Context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Context.Response.Write("Unable to connect to database on " + dbHost);
当然,这不会按预期工作;相反,IIS 会拦截 500 状态代码,丢弃我写入 Response 对象的所有内容,并发送调试信息或自定义错误页面,具体取决于应用程序的配置方式。
我的问题 - 如何抑制此 IIS 行为并直接从我的 IHttpHandler
这个应用程序是 PHP 的移植版;客户端已经写好了,所以我基本上坚持这个规范。遗憾的是,发送带有 200 状态代码的错误并不符合这种模式。
理想情况下,我需要以编程方式控制行为,因为这是我们想要分发的 SDK 的一部分,没有任何“编辑此文件”和“更改此 IIS 设置”补充指示。
编辑:已排序。 Context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true
I have an ASP.Net single-file web service (a .ashx
file containing an IHttpHandler
implementation) which needs to be able to return errors as responses with 500 Internal Server Error status codes. This is a relatively straightforward thing to do in PHP:
header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
echo "Unable to connect to database on $dbHost";
The ASP.Net (C#) equivalent should be:
Context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
Context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Context.Response.Write("Unable to connect to database on " + dbHost);
Of course, this doesn't work as expected; instead, IIS intercepts the 500 status code, trashes whatever I've written to the Response
object, and sends either debug info or a custom error page, depending on how the app is configured.
My question - how can I suppress this IIS behaviour and send error information directly from my IHttpHandler
This app is a port from PHP; the client-side is already written, so I'm essentially stuck with this spec. Sending errors with a 200 status code sadly doesn't fit the mould.
Ideally, I need to control the behaviour programmatically, because this is part of an SDK we want to distribute without any "edit this file" and "change this IIS setting" supplementary instructions.
Edit: Sorted. Context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true
was the ticket. Wow.
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我过去使用过以下内容,并且能够使用 Page_Load 方法中下面显示的代码抛出带有自定义消息的 503 错误。我在负载均衡器后面使用此页面作为负载均衡器的 ping 页面,以了解服务器是否正在服务。
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (Common.CheckDatabaseConnection())
this.LiteralMachineName.Text = Environment.MachineName;
Response.Status = "503 ServiceUnavailable";
Response.StatusCode = 503;
Response.StatusDescription= "An error has occurred";
throw new HttpException(503,string.Format("An internal error occurred in the Application on {0}",Environment.MachineName));
Context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true
Context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true