hash(hash()) 与加盐哈希

发布于 2024-10-08 16:25:44 字数 495 浏览 1 评论 0原文

自从引入 Rainbow 表 以来,并且仅使用散列密码(例如:MD5)将密码存储在数据库不是最好的安全方式

当人们谈论加盐哈希时,总是以这种方式使用它 hash(password . salt) 甚至 hash(hash(password) . salt)

我不知道为什么要使用盐,并为每个密码添加额外的条目来存储盐? 为什么我们不直接使用hash(hash(password)),甚至hash(hash(hash(password)))


Since the introduction of Rainbow tables, and using only hashed passwords (e.x: MD5) to stored passwords in database is not the best secured way.

When people talk about salted hashes, the always use it in this way hash(password . salt) or even hash(hash(password) . salt).

I don't know why to use salt, and add extra entry for each password to store the salt?
Why don't we just use hash(hash(password)), or even hash(hash(hash(password)))?

Is it more secure to put salt? or just the sense of being more complex?

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木緿 2024-10-15 16:25:44

您可以根据 hash(hash(pwd)) 的字典构建彩虹表,所需时间仅为 hash(pwd) 的两倍(甚至更少,因为性能主要与磁盘写入有关),而且它甚至不会更大。使用盐会极大地扩大表所需的大小,直至达到不切实际的程度。


You can build a rainbow table based on a dictionary for hash(hash(pwd)) in just twice the time as for hash(pwd) (even less because performance is mainly about disc writes) and it wouldn't even be larger. Using salt greatly expands the size needed for the table up to the amount where it becomes impractical.

Also (even more important), users often have the same password. Without an individual salt per user, if you've broken one users password, you've broken all other users that have the same password.

雨落星ぅ辰 2024-10-15 16:25:44


如果每个人都使用 8 位数字作为密码,那就有 100,000,000 种可能性。如果你想破坏系统,你需要散列所有这些可能性。如果你有一个“哈希的哈希的哈希”,你仍然只需要对这 100,000,000 种可能性进行哈希 - 只是以稍微复杂的方式。

现在假设我们也有一个 4 位数的盐。现在,可能性不再是 100,000,000 种,而是 1,000,000,000,000 种……我们为潜在攻击者提供了 10,000 倍的工作量,而不是 3 倍的工作量。


编辑:需要明确的是,鉴于盐也是以纯文本形式提供的,您仍然只有 100,000,000 种可能性来尝试攻击任何一个哈希。然而,这意味着在尝试了一个密码的这些可能性之后,攻击者将没有任何有用的信息来攻击另一个密码。如果没有盐,攻击者可以创建包含 100,000,000 种可能性的字典,然后仅根据哈希值就知道数据库中的所有密码。换句话说,盐有助于防止批量攻击。它们还意味着您无法预先生成字典:为了有效地攻击单个密码,您必须事先知道盐。如果没有盐,您可以在访问哈希值本身之前计算每个可能的密码的哈希值。

To keep things simple, let's imagine everyone uses digits as their passwords.

If everyone uses 8 digits as their password, that's 100,000,000 possibilities. If you're trying to break the system, you need to hash all those possibilities. If you have a "hash of hash of hash", you still just need to hash those 100,000,000 possibilities - just in a slightly more complicated way.

Now let's pretend we have a 4 digit salt as well. Now, instead of 100,000,000 possibilities there are 1,000,000,000,000... we've given a potential attacker 10,000 times the work to do, instead of just 3 times as much work to do.

Basically, think of a salt as a way of artificially making everyone's password longer, and thus extending the space that a dictionary attack has to work on.

EDIT: Just to be clear, given that the salt is provided in plain-text as well, you would still only have 100,000,000 possibilities to try to attack any one hash. However, it means that after trying those possibilities for one password, the attacker wouldn't have any useful information for attacking another password. Without a salt, an attacker could create a dictionary of 100,000,000 possibilities and then know all the passwords in a database, given only their hashes. In other words, salts help to prevent bulk attacks. They also mean that you can't pregenerate the dictionary: in order to attack a single password effectively, you have to know the salt beforehand. Without a salt, you could compute the hash of every possible password before you get access to the hashes themselves.

紫瑟鸿黎 2024-10-15 16:25:44




function hashPassword(password, salt) {
    result = hash(salt . password)
    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        result = hash(salt . result)
    return result

那么攻击者的工作就会困难 1000 倍,而对合法用户的影响可以忽略不计。请注意,攻击者每秒可以在一台低端计算机上测试数百万个候选密码 - 哈希函数的设计速度很快。这 1000 次迭代循环可以将可行的攻击变成需要 100 年或更长时间的攻击。当计算机在 18 个月内加速时,只需将迭代次数更改为 2000。salt


If you don't use a salt then an attacker can build a single rainbow table can be used to attack every password in your database. Hashing multiple times does not protect you without a salt, because rainbow tables work by chaining hashes together in exactly the way you describe: hash(hash(password)).

If you add a random salt for each user then the attacker cannot re-use the same table to crack two passwords so their work becomes much harder. As an added benefit, two users with the same password will hash to different values if a salt is used.

Your idea of iterating the hash is still good, but you need the salt too. If you do this:

function hashPassword(password, salt) {
    result = hash(salt . password)
    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        result = hash(salt . result)
    return result

then you make the attacker's work 1000 times harder with a negligible effect on legitimate users. Note that attackers can test millions of candidate passwords each second on a single, low-end computer - hash functions are designed to be fast. This 1000 iteration loop can change a feasible attack into one that will take 100 years or more. When computers speed up in 18 months time just change the number of iterations to 2000.

The salt, hashing algorithm and iteration count do not need to be secret and can be stored in your database alongside the computed hash. You can choose a fixed iteration count and hash algorithm, but the salt must be randomly generated for each user.

倾城月光淡如水﹏ 2024-10-15 16:25:44


迭代哈希会增加暴力攻击所需的工作量。但是您不应该像您建议的那样使用朴素迭代,而应该使用为其设计的算法,例如 PBKDF2


Both iterating the hash and using a salt increase the security of password hashing. But they protect against completely different attacks.

Iterating the hash increases the work required for brute-force attacks. But you shouldn't use a naive iteration as you suggest, but an algorithm designed for it, such as PBKDF2

A salt protects against pre-calculated tables, so it should be different for every website and user.

¢好甜 2024-10-15 16:25:44


The point of the salt is to make dictionary attacks moot. Now no matter how much you rehash a hash, the same input is always going to yield the same output hash, and therefore one can build a dictionary for that. So while multiple hashing may make it more difficult for brute-force attacks, it doesn't do anything for dictionary attacks.

雨巷深深 2024-10-15 16:25:44


Nothing stops anyone for building a Rainbow table for doubly hashed passwords.

看海 2024-10-15 16:25:44


I use a comparible method to hash passwords for users that login. A salt (random value) is generated in the session and is sent to the client. The user enters their password, which is then hashed with the salt and sent back. This makes sure that the value sent from the server is different each time, making it harder to break in using a man in the middle attack.

可是我不能没有你 2024-10-15 16:25:44




几年前,我在 stackoverflow 上问了一个关于密码存储的问题,这可能对你有帮助。请参阅PHP 密码的安全哈希和盐

The salt is a site- or user-specific value.
That means that in order to retrieve the passwords, an attacker must have both access to the database AND know the salt.

In addition, the attacker could additionally generate a table once and then use it against multiple sites. However, with salts, attackers must generate one table per site or even once per user(making the attacks slower).

Site-specific salts add very little to the security of a website. As said in comments, having a combination of site-specific and user-specific salts can significantly improve security over just a site-specific salt.

A few years ago I asked here on stackoverflow a question about password storage which might be helpful to you. See Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords.

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