漏洞?我必须两次批量分配参数来更新 has_many 关联

发布于 2024-10-08 11:07:51 字数 7090 浏览 10 评论 0原文

我有一个 has_many 的注册模型:电话 注册模型accepts_nested_attributes_for:电话,:reject_if号码和代码为空?,并且具有attr_accessible:telephones_attributes(和所有其他字段)


当表单发送参数时,它似乎格式良好,但是当表单字段发送到 @register.attributes = params[:register] 时,它将更新所有字段,但不会更新现有电话(也应该更新其字段),它们只是保持以前的样子(我在调试时检查过)

现在这就是它变得奇怪的地方,在控制台中当我测试它时,我认为这是关于参数的问题,因为我可以让它在那里工作,现在我发现它的行为就像我想要的 has_many 关联仅在我第一次尝试分配它之后,我在控制器中尝试了此操作(批量分配参数两次)并且它有效。

当然,这一定与我使用 model.attributes = params 进行分配这一事实有关,我这样做,这样我也可以保存对系统更改的监控(而且我没有这样做在 before_filters 中,因为我必须访问一些数据,我觉得这些数据是特定于控制器的,例如 current_user 等)也许是糟糕的设计......但这不是很奇怪吗?我必须批量分配两次才能正常工作?这是某种错误吗?有谁知道是否有办法解决它?

  • 我使用的是 Rails 2.3.8,Ruby 1.8.6

编辑: 这是示例代码,这里的很多代码都是葡萄牙语的:/

telefone = 电话, cadastro = register

正如你所看到的,我有一个 all_changes 方法来聚合对某些关联所做的更改,还有一个用于注释的自定义设置器(comentario_interno/externo)作为一次添加一条注释的方法...


class Telefone < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :cadastro
  validates_presence_of :ddd
  validates_presence_of :numero
  validates_numericality_of :ddd
  validates_numericality_of :numero

  attr_accessible :ddd, :numero, :cadastro_id, :id


class Cadastro < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :estado
  belongs_to :indicacao
  has_many :telefones
  has_one :outra_indicacao
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :banco
  belongs_to :plano
  belongs_to :pacote
  belongs_to :situacao
  belongs_to :situacao_diversa
  has_many :comentario_internos
  has_many :comentario_externos

  #has_many :sys_logs
  has_many :sys_logs, :as => :monitorable
  has_many :email_history, :through => :sys_logs, :conditions => {:type => 'SysEmail'} , :source => :sys_actions
  has_many :lock_history, :through => :sys_logs, :conditions => {:type => 'SysLock'}, :source => :sys_actions
  has_many :alteracao_history, :through => :sys_logs, :conditions => {:type => 'SysAlteracao'}, :source => :sys_actions


  validates_presence_of :tipo, :nome, :cpfcnpj, :rg, :data_nascimento, :profissao, :filiacao, :email, :logradouro,
                        :tp_logradouro, :numero, :bairro, :cep, :cidade
  validates_uniqueness_of :cpfcnpj
  validates_presence_of :estado
  #validate :must_have_at_least_one_telephone
  validates_presence_of :user
  validates_presence_of :situacao
  validates_numericality_of :agencia, :allow_blank => true
  validates_numericality_of :digito_agencia, :allow_blank => true
  validates_numericality_of :cc, :allow_blank => true
  validates_numericality_of :digito_cc, :allow_blank => true
  validates_numericality_of :cpf_titular, :allow_blank => true
  #cpf must be unique

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :telefones, :reject_if => lambda {|attr| attr['ddd'].blank? && attr['numero'].blank?}
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :outra_indicacao
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :comentario_internos, :reject_if => lambda {|attr| attr['comentario'].blank?}
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :comentario_externos, :reject_if => lambda {|attr| attr['comentario'].blank?}

  #attr_accessible :new_comentario_interno, :new_comentario_externo, :telefones_attributes

  attr_accessible :telefones_attributes, :new_comentario_interno, :new_comentario_externo, :outra_indicacao_attributes,
                  :user_id, :cc, :digito_cc, :data_instalacao, :cpfcnpj, :profissao, :tp_logradouro, :agencia, :cpf_titular,
                  :situacao_id, :estado_id, :plano_id, :banco_id, :nome, :data_nascimento, :cep, :observacao, :data_agendamento,
                  :dia_vencimento, :digito_agencia, :pacote_id, :nome_titular, :logradouro,
                  :indicacao_id, :telefones_attributes, :contrato, :confirmacao_condicoes, :estado_civil, :cidade,
                  :horario_retorno, :tipo, :sexo, :filiacao, :complemento, :bairro, :rg, :expeditor, :email, :numero,

  def new_comentario_interno=(attributes = {})
    self.comentario_internos << ComentarioInterno.new(:user_id => attributes[:user_id], :comentario => attributes[:comentario]) unless attributes[:comentario].blank?

  def new_comentario_externo=(attributes = {})
    self.comentario_externos << ComentarioExterno.new(:user_id => attributes[:user_id], :comentario => attributes[:comentario]) unless attributes[:comentario].blank?

  def self.buscar_cadastros(options = {})
    conditions = []
    conditions << sanitize_sql(["cadastros.situacao_id = ?", options[:situacao_id]]) unless options[:situacao_id].blank?
    conditions << sanitize_sql(["cadastros.user_id = ?", options[:user_id]]) unless options[:user_id].blank?
    conditions << sanitize_sql(["cadastros.created_at >= ? AND cadastros.created_at < ?",
                                Date.civil(options[:ano].to_i, options[:mes].to_i, 1),
                                Date.civil(options[:ano].to_i, options[:mes].to_i, -1)]) unless options[:ano].blank? || options[:mes].blank?

    self.find(:all, :conditions => conditions.join(" AND "))

  def self.vendas_count_on(situacao_id, options = {})
    select = sanitize_sql(["SELECT count(*) FROM cadastros LEFT JOIN situacaos ON cadastros.situacao_id = situacaos.id
    WHERE situacaos.id = ?", situacao_id])
    select << sanitize_sql([" AND cadastros.user_id = ?", options[:user_id]]) unless options[:user_id].blank?
    select << sanitize_sql([" AND cadastros.created_at >= ? AND cadastros.created_at < ?",
                            Date.civil(options[:ano].to_i, options[:mes].to_i, 1),
                            Date.civil(options[:ano].to_i, options[:mes].to_i, -1)]) unless options[:ano].blank? || options[:mes].blank?


  def all_changes
    #agregar telefones, outra indicacao, comentarios internos, comentarios externos
    changes = self.changes
    h = Hash.new
    h["outra_indicacao"] = self.outra_indicacao.descricao_change if self.outra_indicacao && self.outra_indicacao.changed?

    if self.id
      old_telefones = connection.execute("select ddd || '-' || numero as numformat from telefones where cadastro_id = #{self.id}").collect {|t| t["numformat"]}
      old_telefones = []
    new_telefones = self.telefones.collect {|t| "#{t.ddd}-#{t.numero}"}
    h["telefones"] = [old_telefones.join(', '), new_telefones.join(', ')] unless (old_telefones - new_telefones).empty?

  def locked?
    #pegar o ultimo lock e retornar o valor
    last_lock = self.lock_history.last
    if last_lock
      return last_lock.locked?
      return false


#here's what Ive got to do in controller for this to work, remember its only when updating existing phones, creating is working normally

@cadastro.attributes = params[:cadastro]
    @cadastro.attributes = {:telefones_attributes => params[:cadastro][:telefones_attributes]}

I've a Register model which has_many :telephones
Register model accepts_nested_attributes_for :telephones, :reject_if number and code blank?, and has attr_accessible :telephones_attributes (and all other fields)

Telephones belongs_to :register and has attr_accessible for all fields

When the form sends the params, it seems to be well formed, but when the form fields are sent to @register.attributes = params[:register] it will update all fields but not the existing telephones(which should have gotten an update to its fields as well), they just stay the way they were before(I checked when debugging)

Now this is where it gets weird, in the console when I test it, I was thinking it was something about params, because I could make it work there, now I discovered it behaves like I want for the has_many association only after the first time I try to assign it, I tried this in controller(mass assigning params two times) and it works.

Of course it must have something to do with the fact that I'm using model.attributes = params to assign, Im doing it this way so I can also save a monitoring of the changes to the system(and I'm not doing this in before_filters because I have to access some data I feel is specific to the controller like current_user and on) maybe is poor design... but isn't it weird?I have to mass-assign two times for this to work? Is this some kind of bug? Does anyone know if there's a way to fix it?

  • I'm on rails 2.3.8, ruby 1.8.6

Here's sample code, a lot of this code here is in portuguese, tho :/

telefone = telephones,
cadastro = register

As you can see I've got an all_changes method that aggregates changes done to some associations, theres a custom setter for comments(comentario_interno/externo) as means to adding one comment at time...


class Telefone < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :cadastro
  validates_presence_of :ddd
  validates_presence_of :numero
  validates_numericality_of :ddd
  validates_numericality_of :numero

  attr_accessible :ddd, :numero, :cadastro_id, :id


class Cadastro < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :estado
  belongs_to :indicacao
  has_many :telefones
  has_one :outra_indicacao
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :banco
  belongs_to :plano
  belongs_to :pacote
  belongs_to :situacao
  belongs_to :situacao_diversa
  has_many :comentario_internos
  has_many :comentario_externos

  #has_many :sys_logs
  has_many :sys_logs, :as => :monitorable
  has_many :email_history, :through => :sys_logs, :conditions => {:type => 'SysEmail'} , :source => :sys_actions
  has_many :lock_history, :through => :sys_logs, :conditions => {:type => 'SysLock'}, :source => :sys_actions
  has_many :alteracao_history, :through => :sys_logs, :conditions => {:type => 'SysAlteracao'}, :source => :sys_actions


  validates_presence_of :tipo, :nome, :cpfcnpj, :rg, :data_nascimento, :profissao, :filiacao, :email, :logradouro,
                        :tp_logradouro, :numero, :bairro, :cep, :cidade
  validates_uniqueness_of :cpfcnpj
  validates_presence_of :estado
  #validate :must_have_at_least_one_telephone
  validates_presence_of :user
  validates_presence_of :situacao
  validates_numericality_of :agencia, :allow_blank => true
  validates_numericality_of :digito_agencia, :allow_blank => true
  validates_numericality_of :cc, :allow_blank => true
  validates_numericality_of :digito_cc, :allow_blank => true
  validates_numericality_of :cpf_titular, :allow_blank => true
  #cpf must be unique

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :telefones, :reject_if => lambda {|attr| attr['ddd'].blank? && attr['numero'].blank?}
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :outra_indicacao
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :comentario_internos, :reject_if => lambda {|attr| attr['comentario'].blank?}
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :comentario_externos, :reject_if => lambda {|attr| attr['comentario'].blank?}

  #attr_accessible :new_comentario_interno, :new_comentario_externo, :telefones_attributes

  attr_accessible :telefones_attributes, :new_comentario_interno, :new_comentario_externo, :outra_indicacao_attributes,
                  :user_id, :cc, :digito_cc, :data_instalacao, :cpfcnpj, :profissao, :tp_logradouro, :agencia, :cpf_titular,
                  :situacao_id, :estado_id, :plano_id, :banco_id, :nome, :data_nascimento, :cep, :observacao, :data_agendamento,
                  :dia_vencimento, :digito_agencia, :pacote_id, :nome_titular, :logradouro,
                  :indicacao_id, :telefones_attributes, :contrato, :confirmacao_condicoes, :estado_civil, :cidade,
                  :horario_retorno, :tipo, :sexo, :filiacao, :complemento, :bairro, :rg, :expeditor, :email, :numero,

  def new_comentario_interno=(attributes = {})
    self.comentario_internos << ComentarioInterno.new(:user_id => attributes[:user_id], :comentario => attributes[:comentario]) unless attributes[:comentario].blank?

  def new_comentario_externo=(attributes = {})
    self.comentario_externos << ComentarioExterno.new(:user_id => attributes[:user_id], :comentario => attributes[:comentario]) unless attributes[:comentario].blank?

  def self.buscar_cadastros(options = {})
    conditions = []
    conditions << sanitize_sql(["cadastros.situacao_id = ?", options[:situacao_id]]) unless options[:situacao_id].blank?
    conditions << sanitize_sql(["cadastros.user_id = ?", options[:user_id]]) unless options[:user_id].blank?
    conditions << sanitize_sql(["cadastros.created_at >= ? AND cadastros.created_at < ?",
                                Date.civil(options[:ano].to_i, options[:mes].to_i, 1),
                                Date.civil(options[:ano].to_i, options[:mes].to_i, -1)]) unless options[:ano].blank? || options[:mes].blank?

    self.find(:all, :conditions => conditions.join(" AND "))

  def self.vendas_count_on(situacao_id, options = {})
    select = sanitize_sql(["SELECT count(*) FROM cadastros LEFT JOIN situacaos ON cadastros.situacao_id = situacaos.id
    WHERE situacaos.id = ?", situacao_id])
    select << sanitize_sql([" AND cadastros.user_id = ?", options[:user_id]]) unless options[:user_id].blank?
    select << sanitize_sql([" AND cadastros.created_at >= ? AND cadastros.created_at < ?",
                            Date.civil(options[:ano].to_i, options[:mes].to_i, 1),
                            Date.civil(options[:ano].to_i, options[:mes].to_i, -1)]) unless options[:ano].blank? || options[:mes].blank?


  def all_changes
    #agregar telefones, outra indicacao, comentarios internos, comentarios externos
    changes = self.changes
    h = Hash.new
    h["outra_indicacao"] = self.outra_indicacao.descricao_change if self.outra_indicacao && self.outra_indicacao.changed?

    if self.id
      old_telefones = connection.execute("select ddd || '-' || numero as numformat from telefones where cadastro_id = #{self.id}").collect {|t| t["numformat"]}
      old_telefones = []
    new_telefones = self.telefones.collect {|t| "#{t.ddd}-#{t.numero}"}
    h["telefones"] = [old_telefones.join(', '), new_telefones.join(', ')] unless (old_telefones - new_telefones).empty?

  def locked?
    #pegar o ultimo lock e retornar o valor
    last_lock = self.lock_history.last
    if last_lock
      return last_lock.locked?
      return false


#here's what Ive got to do in controller for this to work, remember its only when updating existing phones, creating is working normally

@cadastro.attributes = params[:cadastro]
    @cadastro.attributes = {:telefones_attributes => params[:cadastro][:telefones_attributes]}

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来世叙缘 2024-10-15 11:07:51

在您的示例中不清楚如何使用 all_changes 或是否调用它。尝试简化您的代码,看看问题实际上是出在 Rails 还是您的实现上。例如,以下内容应该有效:

class Telefone < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :cadastro
  validates_presence_of :ddd
  validates_presence_of :numero
  validates_numericality_of :ddd
  validates_numericality_of :numero

class Cadastro < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :telefones

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :telefones

@cadastro.attributes = {:telefones_attributes => [{:ddd => 111, :numero => 1234567}]}

您还应该注意到您的accepts_nested_attributes_for 中不需要reject_if 条件,因为您已经在验证基类中是否存在:ddd 和:numero。

It's not clear in your example how all_changes is used or if it is even called. Try simplifying your code to see if the issue is actually with Rails or with your implementation. For example, the following should work:

class Telefone < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :cadastro
  validates_presence_of :ddd
  validates_presence_of :numero
  validates_numericality_of :ddd
  validates_numericality_of :numero

class Cadastro < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :telefones

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :telefones

@cadastro.attributes = {:telefones_attributes => [{:ddd => 111, :numero => 1234567}]}

You should also notice that you don't need the reject_if condition in your accepts_nested_attributes_for because you are already validating the presence of :ddd and :numero in the base class.

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