SQL Server 2008 的本机 XML Web 服务
我想共享 SQL Server 2008 数据库中的一些小表。客户端是基于 html/javascript 的。我开始使用 SQL Server 的本机 XML Web 服务,但它在 SQL Server 2008 中已弃用< /a>.
I want to share a few small tables from my SQL Server 2008 database. Client is html/javascript based. I started with Native XML Web Services for SQL Server, but it's deprecated in SQL Server 2008.
Is there any other quick and cheap solution, rather then building data service from scratch?
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WCF 数据服务(基于 REST 的 HTTP 服务)是可行的方法,基本上取代了“本机”SQL Server XML Web 服务。
阅读有关 WCF 数据服务的所有内容,并观看大量白皮书、教程和介绍视频等等。 WCF 数据服务是 Microsoft OData 协议的具体实现。
WCF Data Services (REST-based HTTP services) are the way to go and basically replace the "native" SQL Server XML web services.
Read all about WCF Data Services and see lots of white papers, tutorials, intro videos and more. The WCF Data Services are Microsoft's concrete implementation of the OData protocol.
我不知道 SqlServer 的内置功能,但您可以使用 OData 界面快速完成此操作,如下所示此处进行了描述(其中解释了如何使用 stackoverflow 数据库从头开始构建它)。
I don't know about built in functionality of SqlServer, but you could do it very quickly using OData interface, as described here (there it explains how to build it from scratch using stackoverflow database).
It's using Entity Framework, and it's actually very nice to have, quick to build, doesn't require much knowledge about it, and it's easy to tweak further.