Div 出现在滚动条上方
大家好,我正在使用 WordPress 构建一个网站,但我在使用 Internet Explorer 7 时遇到了一些问题,
您可以在此处查看错误的屏幕截图 http://d.pr/U3LX 正如你所看到的 #footer div 位于滚动条上方,我已经尝试过一些方法,但我无法弄清楚。
这是页脚 css http://pastebin.com/nuxhXXSe
如果您喜欢实时预览,请使用 ie7 前往此处< a href="http://d.pr/1UHi" rel="nofollow">http://d.pr/1UHi
编辑:我现在注意到这个错误出现在所有其他浏览器上(chrome ,火狐等...)
Hello guys i'm building a website with wordpress, and i've got a little problem with internet explorer 7
you can see a screenshot of the error here http://d.pr/U3LX as you see the #footer div is above the scrollbar, i've tried something but i can't just figure it out.
This is the footer css http://pastebin.com/nuxhXXSe
If you prefer a live preview go here with ie7 http://d.pr/1UHi
Edit : i've noticed now that this error appears on every other browser (chrome, firefox etc...)
How do i fix this ? Any advice ?
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我也这么想。因为在我的浏览器中,标题也位于滚动条上方。您是否有一个 Div 包含您的所有内容?如果您使用 WordPress,我确定您有 header.php 和 footer.php。我假设 div 将在 header.php 中打开,并在 footer.php 的最后关闭,
您希望页脚 div 位于该 div 内
Im thinking the same. Because in my browser, the header sits above the scroll bar as well. Do you have a Div wrapping around all of your content? If your using wordpress, im sure you have a header.php and a footer.php. Im assuming the div would open in header.php, and close at the very end of footer.php
you want your footer div inside of that div
或其他对你更好。you can change the position for
then you can settop:1100px;
or whatever is better for your.尽管我不同意整体标记,但是,您似乎已设置页脚宽度 = 100% PLUS padding-left = 15px!这将始终占用整个浏览器宽度(因为 width:100%)并且多 15px! (这只是因为您使用了溢出:隐藏而不可见,但它就在那里!)
编辑:在检查了 IE 后,以上并不是造成这种情况的原因,但仍然确实是一个不好的做法。
even though I don't agree on the markup overall but, it seems that you have set the footer width = 100% PLUS padding-left = 15px!! which will always takes the full browser width (because of width:100%) AND 15px more! (this is not visible just because you are using overflow: hidden, but it's there!)
Try removing the left padding and apply it on inner element.
EDIT: after checking on IE, the above is not the cause of this but still indeed a bad practice..