Akka 框架的最佳用例是什么

发布于 2024-10-08 04:45:42 字数 1432 浏览 0 评论 0原文

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帅气称霸 2024-10-15 04:45:42


Akka 确实完成了这些项目,尽管我们是在 0.7 版本时就开始的。 (顺便说一下,我们正在使用 scala)


它非常适合对任何类型的异步消息处理进行建模。与任何其他风格相比,我更喜欢用这种风格编写任何类型的(网络)服务系统。 (您是否尝试过使用 JAX-WS 编写异步 Web 服务(服务器端)?这需要大量的工作)。因此,我想说任何不想挂在其组件之一上的系统,因为所有内容都是使用同步方法隐式调用的,并且一个组件正在锁定某些内容。它非常稳定,并且“让它崩溃+主管”的故障解决方案确实效果很好。一切都很容易以编程方式设置,并且单元测试并不困难。

Camel 模块确实可以很好地插入到 Akka 中,并且可以轻松开发具有可配置端点的异步服务。


I have used it so far in two real projects very successfully. both are in the near real-time traffic information field (traffic as in cars on highways), distributed over several nodes, integrating messages between several parties, reliable backend systems. I'm not at liberty to give specifics on clients yet, when I do get the OK maybe it can be added as a reference.

Akka has really pulled through on those projects, even though we started when it was on version 0.7. (we are using scala by the way)

One of the big advantages is the ease at which you can compose a system out of actors and messages with almost no boilerplating, it scales extremely well without all the complexities of hand-rolled threading and you get asynchronous message passing between objects almost for free.

It is very good in modeling any type of asynchronous message handling. I would prefer to write any type of (web) services system in this style than any other style. (Have you ever tried to write an asynchronous web service (server side) with JAX-WS? that's a lot of plumbing). So I would say any system that does not want to hang on one of its components because everything is implicitly called using synchronous methods, and that one component is locking on something. It is very stable and the let-it-crash + supervisor solution to failure really works well. Everything is easy to setup programmatically and not hard to unit test.

Then there are the excellent add-on modules.
The Camel module really plugs in well into Akka and enables such easy development of asynchronous services with configurable endpoints.

I'm very happy with the framework and it is becoming a defacto standard for the connected systems that we build.

无需解释 2024-10-15 04:45:42

免责声明:我是 Akka 的 PO,

除了提供一个更容易推理和获得正确性的并发大杂烩(参与者、代理、数据流并发)以及 STM 形式的并发控制。


  1. 事务处理(在线

    • 纵向扩展、横向扩展、容错/HA
  2. 服务后端(任何行业、任何应用程序)
    • 服务 REST、SOAP、cometd 等
    • 充当消息中心/集成层
    • 纵向扩展、横向扩展、容错/HA
  3. 管理单元并发/并行(任何应用程序)
    • 正确
    • 易于使用和理解
    • 只需将 jar 添加到您现有的 JVM 项目中(使用 Scala,
      Java、Groovy 或 JRuby)
  4. 批处理(任何行业)
    • Camel 集成以连接批量数据源
    • 参与者划分并克服批量工作负载
  5. 通信中心(电信、网络媒体、移动媒体)
    • 纵向扩展、横向扩展、容错/HA
  6. 游戏服务器(在线游戏、博彩)
    • 纵向扩展、横向扩展、容错/HA
  7. BI/数据挖掘/通用处理
    • 纵向扩展、横向扩展、容错/HA
  8. 在此处插入其他不错的用例

Disclaimer: I am the PO for Akka

Besides offering a concurrency smorgasbord that is much simpler to reason about and to get correct (actors, agents, dataflow concurrency) and with concurrency control in the form of STM.

Here are some use-cases you might consider:

  1. Transaction processing (online
    gaming, finance, statistics,
    betting, social media, telecom, ...)

    • scale up, scale out, fault-tolerance / HA
  2. Service backend (any industry, any app)
    • service REST, SOAP, cometd etc
    • act as message hub / integration layer
    • scale up, scale out, fault-tolerance / HA
  3. Snap-in concurrency/parallelism ( any app )
    • Correct
    • Simple to work with and understand
    • Just add the jars to your existing JVM project (use Scala,
      Java, Groovy or JRuby)
  4. Batch processing ( any industry )
    • Camel integration to hook up with batch data sources
    • Actors divide and conquer the batch workloads
  5. Communications hub ( telecom, web media, mobile media )
    • scale up, scale out, fault-tolerance / HA
  6. Game server (online gaming, betting)
    • scale up, scale out, fault-tolerance / HA
  7. BI/datamining/general purpose crunching
    • scale up, scale out, fault-tolerance / HA
  8. insert other nice use cases here
泪冰清 2024-10-15 04:45:42

我们如何使用它的一个例子是借记卡/信用卡交易的优先级队列。我们有数百万个这样的数据,工作量取决于输入字符串类型。如果交易是 CHECK 类型,我们几乎不需要处理,但如果是销售点,则有很多工作要做,例如与元数据(类别、标签、标记等)合并并提供服务(电子邮件/短信提醒、欺诈检测、低资金余额等)。
根据输入类型,我们构建处理工作所需的各种特征(称为 mixin)的类,然后执行工作。所有这些工作都以实时模式从不同的金融机构进入同一个队列。一旦数据被清理,它就会被发送到不同的数据存储以进行持久化、分析,或推送到套接字连接,或Lift comet actor。工作参与者不断地自我负载平衡工作,以便我们能够尽快处理数据。我们还可以嵌入其他服务、持久性模型和

在 JVM 上传递的 Erlang OTP 风格的消息为在现有库和应用程序服务器的基础上开发实时系统提供了一个出色的系统。

Akka 允许您像在传统

An example of how we use it would be on a priority queue of debit/credit card transactions. We have millions of these and the effort of the work depends on the input string type. If the transaction is of type CHECK we have very little processing but if it is a point of sale then there is lots to do such as merge with meta data (category, label, tags, etc) and provide services (email/sms alerts, fraud detection, low funds balance, etc).
Based on the input type we compose classes of various traits (called mixins) necessary to handle the job and then perform the work. All of these jobs come into the same queue in realtime mode from different financial institutions. Once the data is cleansed it is sent to different data stores for persistence, analytics, or pushed to a socket connection, or to Lift comet actor. Working actors are constantly self load balancing the work so that we can process the data as fast as possible. We can also snap in additional services, persistence models, and for critical decision points.

The Erlang OTP style message passing on the JVM makes a great system for developing realtime systems on the shoulders of existing libraries and application servers.

Akka allows you to do message passing like you would in a traditional but with speed! It also gives you tools in the framework to manage the vast amount of actor pools, remote nodes, and fault tolerance that you need for your solution.

迷路的信 2024-10-15 04:45:42

我们使用 Akka 异步处理 REST 调用 - 与异步 Web 服务器(基于 Netty)一起,与传统的每个用户请求线程模型相比,我们可以将每个节点/服务器服务的用户数量提高 10 倍。

告诉你的老板,你的 AWS 托管费用将下降 10 倍,这是理所当然的事情!嘘...不过不要告诉亚马逊...:)

We use Akka to process REST calls asynchronously - together with async web server (Netty-based) we can achieve 10 fold improvement on the number of users served per node/server, comparing to traditional thread per user request model.

Tell it to your boss that your AWS hosting bill is going to drop by the factor of 10 and it is a no-brainer! Shh... dont tell it to Amazon though... :)

孤独难免 2024-10-15 04:45:42

我们正在一个大型电信项目中使用 Akka(不幸的是我无法透露很多细节)。
Akka Actor 由 Web 应用程序远程部署和访问。这样,我们就有了一个基于 Google protobuffer 的简化 RPC 模型,并使用 Akka Futures 实现了并行性。
到目前为止,这个模型运作良好。需要注意的是:我们使用的是 Java API。

We are using Akka in a large scale Telco project (unfortunately I can't disclose a lot of details).
Akka actors are deployed and accessed remotely by a web application. In this way, we have a simplified RPC model based on Google protobuffer and we achieve parallelism using Akka Futures.
So far, this model has worked brilliantly. One note: we are using the Java API.

百变从容 2024-10-15 04:45:42


Akka 提供了一个类似于 Erlang 的“让它崩溃”心态的消息系统。


  • 聊天服务器
  • MMO 的网络层
  • 金融数据泵
  • iPhone/手机/任何应用程序的通知系统
  • REST 服务器
  • 也许类似于 WebMachine(猜测)

Akka 的好处是它为持久性提供的选择,它是 STM 实现、REST 服务器和容错。



(仅根据观看视频和使用源代码的经验编写,我没有使用 akka 实现任何内容。)

If you abstract the chat server up a level, then you get the answer.

Akka provides a messaging system that is akin to Erlang's "let it crash" mentality.

So examples are things that need varying levels of durability and reliability of messaging:

  • Chat server
  • Network layer for an MMO
  • Financial data pump
  • Notification system for an iPhone/mobile/whatever app
  • REST Server
  • Maybe something akin to WebMachine (guess)

The nice things about Akka are the choices it affords for persistence, it's STM implementation, REST server and fault-tolerance.

Don't get annoyed by the example of a chat server, think of it as an example of a certain class of solution.

With all their excellent documentation, I feel like a gap is this exact question, use-cases and examples. Keeping in mind the examples are non-trivial.

(Written with only experience of watching videos and playing with the source, I have implemented nothing using akka.)

悲欢浪云 2024-10-15 04:45:42

我们在工作中的几个项目中使用 Akka,其中最有趣的是与车辆碰撞修复相关。主要在英国,但现在扩展到美国、亚洲、澳大利亚和欧洲。

Akka 的问题实际上更多是“你不能用 Akka 做什么”。它与强大框架集成的能力、强大的抽象和所有容错方面使其成为一个非常全面的工具包。

We use Akka in several projects at work, the most interesting of which is related to vehicle crash repair. Primarily in the UK but now expanding to the US, Asia, Australasia and Europe.
We use actors to ensure that crash repair information is provided realtime to enable the safe and cost effective repair of vehicles.

The question with Akka is really more 'what can't you do with Akka'. Its ability to integrate with powerful frameworks, its powerful abstraction and all of the fault tolerance aspects make it a very comprehensive toolkit.

温柔女人霸气范 2024-10-15 04:45:42

您可以将 Akka 用于多种不同类型的事情。

我当时正在做一个网站,我将技术栈迁移到了 Scala 和 Akka。我们几乎用它来处理网站上发生的所有事情。即使您可能认为聊天示例很糟糕,但所有内容基本上都是相同的:

  • 网站上的实时更新(例如视图、喜欢等)
  • 显示实时用户评论
  • 通知服务
  • 搜索和所有其他类型的服务


我还将 Akka 用于 PCB 自动布线应用程序,其想法是能够从笔记本电脑扩展到数据中心。你给予它的力量越多,结果就越好。如果您尝试使用通常的并发性,这是非常难以实现的,因为 Akka 还为您提供位置透明性。


自从 Google Reader 关闭后,我开始使用 RSS 阅读器,当然是使用 Akka。对我来说,这都是关于封装服务的。结论:Actor 模型本身是您应该首先采用的,Akka 是一个非常可靠的框架,可以帮助您实现它,并在此过程中您将获得很多好处。

You can use Akka for several different kinds of things.

I was working on a website, where I migrated the technology stack to Scala and Akka. We used it for pretty much everything that happened on the website. Even though you might think a Chat example is bad, all are basically the same:

  • Live updates on the website (e.g. views, likes, ...)
  • Showing live user comments
  • Notification services
  • Search and all other kinds of services

Especially the live updates are easy since they boil down to what a Chat example ist. The services part is another interesting topic because you can simply choose to use remote actors and even if your app is not clustered, you can deploy it to different machines with ease.

I am also using Akka for a PCB autorouter application with the idea of being able to scale from a laptop to a data center. The more power you give it, the better the result will be. This is extremely hard to implement if you try to use usual concurrency because Akka gives you also location transparency.

Currently as a free time project, I am building a web framework using only actors. Again the benefits are scalability from a single machine to an entire cluster of machines. Besides, using a message driven approach makes your software service oriented from the start. You have all those nice components, talking to each other but not necessarily knowing each other, living on the same machine, not even in the same data center.

And since Google Reader shut down I started with a RSS reader, using Akka of course. It is all about encapsulated services for me. As a conclusion: The actor model itself is what you should adopt first and Akka is a very reliable framework helping you to implement it with a lot of benefits you will receive along the way.

三月梨花 2024-10-15 04:45:42

我正在尝试使用 Akka(Java api)。我尝试将 Akka 基于 actor 的并发模型与普通 Java 并发模型(java.util.concurrent 类)进行比较。

该用例是一个简单的规范映射减少字符计数的实现。该数据集是随机生成的字符串(长度为 400 个字符)的集合,并计算其中的元音数量。

对于 Akka,我使用了 BalancedDispatcher(用于线程之间的负载平衡)和 RoundRobinRouter(以限制我的函数参与者)。对于 Java,我使用了简单的 fork join 技术(在没有任何工作窃取算法的情况下实现),该技术将 fork map/reduce 执行并连接结果。中间结果保存在阻塞队列中,以使连接尽可能并行。如果我没记错的话,这可能会以某种方式模仿 Akka Actor 的“邮箱”概念,他们在其中接收消息。

直到中等负载(~50000 个字符串输入),结果都是可比的,在不同的迭代中略有不同。然而,当我将负载增加到 ~100000 时,它会挂起 Java 解决方案。在这种情况下,我将 Java 解决方案配置为 20-30 个线程,但在所有迭代中都失败了。

将负载增加到 1000000,对于 Akka 来说也是致命的。我可以与任何有兴趣进行交叉检查的人分享代码。

所以对我来说,Akka 的扩展能力似乎比传统的 Java 多线程解决方案更好。原因很可能是 Scala 背后的魔力。

如果我可以将问题域建模为事件驱动的消息传递域,我认为 Akka 对于 JVM 来说是一个不错的选择。

集成开发环境:Eclipse 3.7
Windows Vista 32 位。 3GB 内存。 Intel Core i5 处理器,2.5 GHz 时钟速度

请注意,用于测试的问题域可以进行辩论,我尽力在我的 Java 知识允许的范围内做到公平:-)

I was trying out my hands on Akka (Java api). What I tried was to compare Akka's actor based concurrency model with that of plain Java concurrency model (java.util.concurrent classes).

The use case was a simple canonical map reduce implementation of character count. The dataset was a collection of randomly generated strings (400 chars in length), and calculate the number of vowels in them.

For Akka I used a BalancedDispatcher(for load balancing amongst threads) and RoundRobinRouter (to keep a limit on my function actors). For Java, I used simple fork join technique (implemented without any work stealing algorithm) that would fork map/reduce executions and join the results. Intermediate results were held in blocking queues to make even the joining as parallel as possible. Probably, if I am not wrong, that would mimic somehow the "mailbox" concept of Akka actors, where they receive messages.

Till medium loads (~50000 string input) the results were comparable, varying slightly in different iterations. However, as I increased my load to ~100000 it would hang the Java solution. I configured the Java solution with 20-30 threads under this condition and it failed in all iterations.

Increasing the load to 1000000, was fatal for Akka as well. I can share the code with anyone interested to have a cross check.

So for me, it seems Akka scales out better than traditional Java multithreaded solution. And probably the reason is the under the hood magic of Scala.

If I can model a problem domain as an event driven message passing one, I think Akka is a good choice for the JVM.

Test performed on:
Java version:1.6
IDE: Eclipse 3.7
Windows Vista 32 bit. 3GB ram. Intel Core i5 processor, 2.5 GHz clock speed

Please note, the problem domain used for the test can be debated and I tried to be as much fair as my Java knowledge allowed :-)

冷…雨湿花 2024-10-15 04:45:42

我们使用 akka 及其 Camel 插件来分发对 twimpact.com 的分析和趋势处理。我们每秒必须处理 50 到 1000 条消息。除了使用骆驼进行多节点处理之外,它还用于将单个处理器上的工作分配给多个工作人员,以获得最大性能。效果很好,但需要了解如何处理拥塞。

We are using akka with its camel plugin to distribute our analysis and trending processing for twimpact.com. We have to process between 50 and 1000 messages per second. In addition to multi-node processing with camel it is also used to distribute work on a single processor to multiple workers for maximum performance. Works quite well, but requires some understanding of how to handle congestions.

一片旧的回忆 2024-10-15 04:45:42

我们在口语对话系统中使用 Akka (primetalk)。无论是内部还是外部。为了在单个集群节点上同时运行大量电话通道,显然需要一些多线程框架。 Akka 工作得非常完美。我们之前曾经历过关于 java 并发的噩梦。对于 Akka,它就像秋千一样 — 简单有效。坚固可靠。 7*24小时,不间断。

- 冗长的自动语音识别——由演员完成;
- 混合一些音频源(包括合成语音)的音频输出生成器;
- 文本到语音转换是在通道之间共享的一组单独的参与者;
- 语义和知识处理。

为了实现复杂信号处理的互连,我们使用 SynapseGrid。它的优点是可以在复杂的参与者系统中对数据流进行编译时检查。

We use Akka in spoken dialog systems (primetalk). Both internally and externally. In order to simultaneously run a lot of telephony channels on a single cluster node it is obviously necessary to have some multithreading framework. Akka works just perfect. We have previous nightmare with the java-concurrency. And with Akka it is just like a swing — it simply works. Robust and reliable. 24*7, non-stop.

Inside a channel we have real-time stream of events that are processed in parallel. In particular:
- lengthy automatic speech recognition — is done with an actor;
- audio output producer that mixes a few audio sources (including synthesized speech);
- text-to-speech conversion is a separate set of actors shared between channels;
- semantic and knowledge processing.

To make interconnections of complex signal processing we use SynapseGrid. It has the benefit of compile-time checking of the DataFlow in the complex actor systems.

三人与歌 2024-10-15 04:45:42

我最近在 Akka 中实现了规范的 map-reduce 示例:字数统计。所以这是 Akka 的一个用例:更好的性能。这更像是 JRuby 和 Akka 的参与者比其他任何东西都重要,但这也表明 Akka 不仅仅是 Scala 或 Java:它适用于 JVM 之上的所有语言。

I've recently implemented the canonical map-reduce example in Akka: Word count. So it's one use case of Akka: better performance. It was more of a experiment of JRuby and Akka's actors than anything else, but it also shows that Akka is not Scala or Java only: it works on all languages on top of JVM.

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