我想在标记集中添加一个按钮,通过它我可以切换预览,也就是说,如果我单击预览按钮,我可以看到预览,如果我想隐藏预览 - 我可以使用该按钮隐藏它。我已经用谷歌搜索过这个但仍然没有结果。知道该怎么做吗?
I want to add a button to a markitup set by which i can toggle preview, that is if i click on preview button i can see the preview, if i want to hide the preview - i can hide it by using that button. I've googleed for this but still no result. Any idea how to do that?
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没关系,我已经弄清楚了。我添加了一个按钮来隐藏它,代码如下 -
其中 hidepreview() 作为我的自定义函数。我定义这个函数如下
Nevermind, i've figured it out. I've added a button to hide it, code as below -
Where hidepreview() as my custom function. I defined this function as below
It works for me.
您可以通过按住 Alt 键并单击“预览”按钮来完成此操作 - 这将关闭打开的预览窗口。
它位于 Preview() 函数的 else if 语句中:
You can do it by holding the Alt key and clicking on the Preview button - this will close the opened preview window.
It's in the else if statement of the preview() function: