从非管理员用户帐户启动/停止 Windows 服务
我有一个名为 BST 的 Windows 服务,我需要向非管理员用户 UserA 授予启动/停止此特定服务的权限。我的服务在各种 Windows 操作系统上运行,从 Windows Server 2003 到 Windows 7。
我在 Google 上搜索并找到了一些有关使用命令 sc sdset
授予权限的内容,但我不太确定这些参数。我不想为组设置权限,而只想为特定用户(本例中为 UserA)设置权限。
I have a Windows service named, say, BST and I need to give a non-Administrator user, UserA, the permissions to Start/Stop this particular service. My service runs on a variety of Windows OS, starting from Windows Server 2003 to Windows 7.
How can I do this?
I Googled and found some stuff about giving permissions using the command sc sdset
, but I am not exactly sure about the parameters. I do not want to set the permissions for a group, but ONLY to a particular user, UserA in this case.
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下面我整理了我学到的有关从非管理员用户帐户启动/停止 Windows 服务的所有内容,如果有人需要了解的话。
主要有两种方法可以启动/停止 Windows服务。
2. 使用网络服务帐户通过 IIS 访问服务。
启动/停止服务的 C# 代码:
注 1:
通过 IIS 访问服务时,创建一个 Visual Studio C# ASP.NET Web 应用程序并将代码放入其中。将 WebService 部署到 IIS 根文件夹 (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\),然后就可以开始了。
通过 url http:/// 访问它。
如果您发出命令或运行代码的 Windows 用户帐户是非管理员帐户,则您需要为该特定用户帐户设置权限,以便它能够启动和运行停止 Windows 服务。这就是你的做法。
现在我们需要做的是为我们想要的组或用户设置启动/停止 Windows 服务的适当权限。在这种情况下,我们需要当前的非管理员用户能够启动/停止服务,因此我们将设置该用户的权限。为此,我们需要该特定 Windows 用户帐户的 SID。要获取它,请打开注册表(“开始”>“regedit”)并找到以下注册表项。
在此之下,该计算机中的每个用户帐户都有一个单独的密钥,密钥名称是每个帐户的 SID。 SID 的格式通常为 S-1-5-21-2103278432-2794320136-1883075150-1000。单击每个键,您将在右侧窗格中看到每个键的值列表。找到“ProfileImagePath”,通过它的值可以找到SID所属的用户名。例如,如果帐户的用户名是 SACH,则“ProfileImagePath”的值将类似于“C:\Users\Sach”。因此,请记下您要为其设置权限的用户帐户的 SID。
这是一个简单的 C# 代码示例,可用于获取所述键及其值的列表。
现在我们已经有了要设置权限的用户帐户的 SID,让我们开始吧。假设用户帐户的 SID 为 S-1-5-21-2103278432-2794320136-1883075150-1000。
将 [sc sdshow ] 命令的输出复制到文本编辑器。它看起来像这样:
现在,复制上述文本的 (A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SY) 部分,并将其粘贴到 S 之前 :(AU;... 文本的一部分。然后将该部分更改为如下所示:
然后在前面添加sc sdset ,并将上面的内容括起来带引号的部分。您的最终命令应如下所示:
本例中,我们需要将权限授予IIS用户“网络服务”,而不是登录Windows用户帐户。过程是一样的,只是命令的参数会改变。由于我们将权限设置为“网络服务”,因此在我们之前使用的最终 sdset 命令中将 SID 替换为字符串“NS”。最终命令应如下所示:
从管理员用户帐户在命令提示符中执行它,瞧!您有权使用 WebMethod 从任何用户帐户(无论是否为管理员帐户)启动/停止服务。请参阅注释 1 了解如何执行此操作。
Below I have put together everything I learned about Starting/Stopping a Windows Service from a non-Admin user account, if anyone needs to know.
Primarily, there are two ways in which to Start / Stop a Windows Service.
1. Directly accessing the service through logon Windows user account.
2. Accessing the service through IIS using Network Service account.
Command line command to start / stop services:
C# Code to start / stop services:
Note 1:
When accessing the service through IIS, create a Visual Studio C# ASP.NET Web Application and put the code in there. Deploy the WebService to IIS Root Folder (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\) and you're good to go.
Access it by the url http:///.
1. Direct Access Method
If the Windows User Account from which either you give the command or run the code is a non-Admin account, then you need to set the privileges to that particular user account so it has the ability to start and stop Windows Services. This is how you do it.
Login to an Administrator account on the computer which has the non-Admin account from which you want to Start/Stop the service. Open up the command prompt and give the following command:
Output of this will be something like this:
It lists all the permissions each User / Group on this computer has with regards to .
Now what we need to do is to set the appropriate permissions to Start/Stop Windows Services to the groups or users we want. In this case we need the current non-Admin user be able to Start/Stop the service so we are going to set the permissions to that user. To do that, we need the SID of that particular Windows User Account. To obtain it, open up the Registry (Start > regedit) and locate the following registry key.
Under that there is a seperate Key for each an every user account in this computer, and the key name is the SID of each account. SID are usually of the format S-1-5-21-2103278432-2794320136-1883075150-1000. Click on each Key, and you will see on the pane to the right a list of values for each Key. Locate "ProfileImagePath", and by it's value you can find the User Name that SID belongs to. For instance, if the user name of the account is SACH, then the value of "ProfileImagePath" will be something like "C:\Users\Sach". So note down the SID of the user account you want to set the permissions to.
Here a simple C# code sample which can be used to obtain a list of said Keys and it's values.
Now that we have the SID of the user account we want to set the permissions to, let's get down to it. Let's assume the SID of the user account is S-1-5-21-2103278432-2794320136-1883075150-1000.
Copy the output of the [sc sdshow ] command to a text editor. It will look like this:
Now, copy the (A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SY) part of the above text, and paste it just before the S:(AU;... part of the text. Then change that part to look like this:
Then add sc sdset at the front, and enclose the above part with quotes. Your final command should look something like the following:
Now execute this in your command prompt, and it should give the output as follows if successful:
Now we're good to go! Your non-Admin user account has been granted permissions to Start/Stop your service! Try loggin in to the user account and Start/Stop the service and it should let you do that.
2. Access through IIS Method
In this case, we need to grant the permission to the IIS user "Network Services" instead of the logon Windows user account. The procedure is the same, only the parameters of the command will be changed. Since we set the permission to "Network Services", replace SID with the string "NS" in the final sdset command we used previously. The final command should look something like this:
Execute it in the command prompt from an Admin user account, and voila! You have the permission to Start / Stop the service from any user account (irrespective of whether it ia an Admin account or not) using a WebMethod. Refer to Note1 to find out how to do so.
我使用 SubInACL 实用程序用于此目的。例如,如果我想为计算机 VMX001 上的用户作业提供启动和停止万维网发布服务(也称为 w3svc)的能力,我会以管理员身份发出以下命令:
subinacl.exe /service w3svc /grant=VMX001\job=PTO
您可以授予的权限定义如下(列表取自 此处):
因此,通过指定 PTO,我有权 job 用户暂停/继续、启动和停止 w3svc 服务。
编辑:更新了 web.archive.org 的链接,因为原始的 MS 链接已失效。
I use the SubInACL utility for this. For example, if I wanted to give the user job on the computer VMX001 the ability to start and stop the World Wide Web Publishing Service (also know as w3svc), I would issue the following command as an Administrator:
subinacl.exe /service w3svc /grant=VMX001\job=PTO
The permissions you can grant are defined as follows (list taken from here):
So, by specifying PTO, I am entitling the job user to Pause/Continue, Start, and Stop the w3svc service.
Edit: updated links to web.archive.org since the original MS links are dead.
:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx? id=23510
位于C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\
)。cd C: \Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\
subinacl /SERVICE \\MachineName\bst /GRANT=domainname.com\username=F
或subinacl /SERVICE \\MachineName\bst /GRANT=username=F
from Microsoft:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=23510
is inC:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\
).cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\
subinacl /SERVICE \\MachineName\bst /GRANT=domainname.com\username=F
orsubinacl /SERVICE \\MachineName\bst /GRANT=username=F
launch the BST service.
有一个免费的 GUI 工具ServiceSecurityEditor,
它允许您编辑 Windows 服务权限。我已成功使用它来授予非管理员用户启动和停止服务的权限。
在我知道这个工具之前,我曾使用过“sc sdset”。
ServiceSecurityEditor 感觉就像作弊,就这么简单:)
There is a free GUI Tool ServiceSecurityEditor
Which allows you to edit Windows Service permissions. I have successfully used it to give a non-Administrator user the rights to start and stop a service.
I had used "sc sdset" before I knew about this tool.
ServiceSecurityEditor feels like cheating, it's that easy :)
以下是 MSKB 文章,其中包含适用于 Windows Server 2008 的说明/ Windows 7,但 2000 和 2003 的说明相同。
It's significantly easier to grant management permissions to a service using one of these tools:
Here's the MSKB article with instructions for Windows Server 2008 / Windows 7, but the instructions are the same for 2000 and 2003.
subinacl.exe 命令行工具可能是本文中唯一可行且非常易于使用的工具。您不能将 GPO 与非系统服务一起使用,而另一个选项则过于复杂。
subinacl.exe command-line tool is probably the only viable and very easy to use from anything in this post. You cant use a GPO with non-system services and the other option is just way way way too complicated.
这是一个批处理文件,它自动执行授予特定用户或组权限以停止和启动特定 Windows 服务所涉及的任务。它使用Windows内置命令sc.exe和wmic.exe,因此不依赖于任何外部工具。
批处理文件有 5 个退出代码来帮助自动化过程:
Set "$UserDomain=MyDomain"
Here is a batch file that automates the tasks involved in granting a specific user or group permissions to stop and start a specific windows services. It uses the Windows built-in commands sc.exe and wmic.exe, so there are no dependencies on any external tools.
The batch file has 5 exit codes to help in automation processes:
Before you run the batch file, make sure you replace the values in the following variable to match your environment:
Set "$ServiceName=TestService"
Set "$UserName=TestUser"
Set "$UserDomain=MyDomain"
Note: The batch file does not have any error checking, for example, it does not check if the services actually exists, or if the user was already granted the proper permissions on the service.
Windows 服务使用本地系统帐户运行。它可以在用户登录系统时自动启动,也可以手动启动。但是,Windows 服务说 BST 可以使用计算机上的特定用户帐户运行。这可以完成如下所示:启动 services.msc 并转到 Windows 服务的属性,BST。从那里您可以提供所需用户的登录参数。然后服务使用该用户帐户运行,并且其他用户无法运行该服务。
Windows Service runs using a local system account.It can start automatically as the user logs into the system or it can be started manually.However, a windows service say BST can be run using a particular user account on the machine.This can be done as follows:start services.msc and go to the properties of your windows service,BST.From there you can give the login parameters of the required user.Service then runs with that user account and no other user can run that service.