It depends on the open source license of each library. You'll need to examine the licenses individually to determine what you can legally do with their libraries. For instance, the GPL puts some very severe restrictions on what you can do with an application linking to a GPL library. (It's a copyleft license, its goal is for you to also license your app's source openly; thus it's both very open and very restrictive.) The LGPL has fewer restrictions. An MIT-style license is much freer. Some projects roll their own. Others use CreativeCommons licenses. You get the idea.
Open source licenses are also commonly free, allowing for modification, redistribution, and commercial use without having to pay the original author. Some open source licenses only permit modification of the source code for personal use or only permit non-commercial redistribution.
这取决于每个库的开源许可证。您需要单独检查许可证,以确定您可以合法地使用它们的库做什么。例如,GPL 对您可以使用链接的应用程序执行的操作设置了一些非常严格的限制到 GPL 库。 (这是一个copyleft许可证,它的目标是让您也公开许可您的应用程序的源代码;因此它既非常开放又非常严格。) org/licenses/lgpl.html" rel="nofollow">LGPL 的限制较少。麻省理工学院风格的许可证要自由得多。有些项目是自己推出的。其他人则使用 CreativeCommons 许可证。你明白了。
It depends on the open source license of each library. You'll need to examine the licenses individually to determine what you can legally do with their libraries. For instance, the GPL puts some very severe restrictions on what you can do with an application linking to a GPL library. (It's a copyleft license, its goal is for you to also license your app's source openly; thus it's both very open and very restrictive.) The LGPL has fewer restrictions. An MIT-style license is much freer. Some projects roll their own. Others use CreativeCommons licenses. You get the idea.
It all depends on the license.
See: Open-Source License, Comparison of Free Software Licenses
如果它是 GPL,您可以出售您的应用程序,但您也必须使您的应用程序成为 GPL(这意味着您必须共享您的源代码)。
Apache 和 MIT 的限制要少得多。
If it's GPL, you can sell your app but you have to make your app GPL too (meaning you have to share your source).
Apache and MIT are much, much less restrictive.
Be sure to read up on what the license is for the project you are wanting to include and follow what the license tells you to do.