student1 90 -> student2 85 -> student3 80 -> NULL
student1 90 -> student3 80 -> student2 75 -> NULL
I am creating a student list (linked list) that can add, view and edit student information. I have two fields namely Student Name and Student Grade and I add new students in the list in a way that it is sorted according to the student's grades in descending order.
I have finished doing the add and view portion. The problem is on the edit part because I need to edit the information, then I need to sort it again so that it would be on the proper location of the list.
For example, I have 3 students information arranged according to their grades:
student1 90 -> student2 85 -> student3 80 -> NULL
Then I need to edit student2's grade to 75 so the edited linked list should now be arranged as follows:
student1 90 -> student3 80 -> student2 75 -> NULL
How should I do that? You don't need to give me any code. I just want some advices on how I can implement the edit part of my program. I am thinking of creating a new node (with the edited info), delete the old node and insert the edited node into the list. Is my logic correct? or is there a better way on solving my problem.
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You can accomplish your goal by
从链接列表中删除您的节点(通过设置 previous_node->next to thisOne->next)
拼接到列表中(editedNode->next = nextNode; current->next =editedNode)
将编辑的节点 双向链表您可以使用“其他”/后退/向上链接来查找前一个节点
Singly linked list?
Find the node you want to edit, and either keep a pointer to the previous node or write a routine to retrieve the previous node.
Remove your node from the linked list (by setting previous_node->next to thisOne->next)
Make your edits.
Insert the new node in the right place in the list (by traversing the list unti the next node is less than your edited value.
Splice edited into the list ( editedNode->next = nextNode; current->next = editedNode)
With doubly linked lists you can just use the "other"/back/up link to find the previous node
Basically your idea is correct except that I wouldn't create a new node. What I would do would be:
Note that indexing the list into an array, etc. may give a quicker search than a linear traversal. If you already have such a mechanism it may be quicker to use that when finding the location to re-insert the node.
您可以执行编辑指定节点的功能。扫描列表直到找到该节点,然后直接编辑它。当然你会使用指针。对于排序部分,假设你有 n 个节点,将每个节点 i 与其后面的节点进行比较,如果你要比较的节点更大,则交换它们:
You could do a function that edits a specified node. Scan the list until you find that node and then directly edit it. Of course you will use a pointer. For the sorting part, say you have n nodes, compare every node i with the nodes after it and swap them if the one you are comparing with is larger:
you can swap them copying their memory, so you won't need to change any pointer.