在递归函数定义中使用 forall
我试图使用 Function 使用度量来定义递归定义,但出现错误:
Error: find_call_occs : Prod
Function kripke_sat (M : kripke) (s : U) (p : formula) {measure size p}: Prop :=
match p with
| Proposition p' => L M (s)(p')
| Not p' => ~ kripke_sat M s p'
| And p' p'' => kripke_sat M s p' /\ kripke_sat M s p''
| Or p' p'' => kripke_sat M s p' \/ kripke_sat M s p''
| Implies p' p'' => ~kripke_sat M s p' \/ kripke_sat M s p''
| Knows a p' => forall t, ~(K M a) s t \/ kripke_sat M t p'
| EvKnows p' => forall i, kripke_sat M s (Knows i p' )
我知道问题是由于 foralls 造成的:如果我用 True 替换它们,它就会起作用。我 还知道如果我的右侧使用含义(->),我会得到同样的错误。 Fixpoint 可与 foralls 配合使用,但不允许我定义度量。
Module Belief.
Require Import Arith.EqNat.
Require Import Arith.Gt.
Require Import Arith.Plus.
Require Import Arith.Le.
Require Import Arith.Lt.
Require Import Logic.
Require Import Logic.Classical_Prop.
Require Import Init.Datatypes.
Require Import funind.Recdef.
(* Formalization of a variant of a logic of knowledge, as given in Halpern 1995 *)
Section Kripke.
Variable n : nat.
(* Universe of "worlds" *)
Definition U := nat.
(* Universe of Principals *)
Definition P := nat.
(* Universe of Atomic propositions *)
Definition A := nat.
Inductive prop : Type :=
| Atomic : A -> prop.
Definition beq_prop (p1 p2 :prop) : bool :=
match (p1,p2) with
| (Atomic p1', Atomic p2') => beq_nat p1' p2'
Inductive actor : Type :=
| Id : P -> actor.
Definition beq_actor (a1 a2: actor) : bool :=
match (a1,a2) with
| (Id a1', Id a2') => beq_nat a1' a2'
Inductive formula : Type :=
| Proposition : prop -> formula
| Not : formula -> formula
| And : formula -> formula -> formula
| Or : formula -> formula -> formula
| Implies : formula -> formula ->formula
| Knows : actor -> formula -> formula
| EvKnows : formula -> formula (*me*)
Inductive con : Type :=
| empty : con
| ext : con -> prop -> con.
Notation " C # P " := (ext C P) (at level 30).
Require Import Relations.
Record kripke : Type := mkKripke {
K : actor -> relation U;
K_equiv: forall y, equivalence _ (K y);
L : U -> (prop -> Prop)
Fixpoint max (a b: nat) : nat :=
match a, b with
| 0, _ => a
| _, 0 => b
| S(a'), S(b') => 1 + max a' b'
Fixpoint length (p: formula) : nat :=
match p with
| Proposition p' => 1
| Not p' => 1 + length(p')
| And p' p'' => 1 + max (length p') (length p'')
| Or p' p'' => 1 + max (length p') (length p'')
| Implies p' p'' => 1 + max (length p') (length p'')
| Knows a p' => 1 + length(p')
| EvKnows p' => 1 + length(p')
Fixpoint numKnows (p: formula): nat :=
match p with
| Proposition p' => 0
| Not p' => 0 + numKnows(p')
| And p' p'' => 0 + max (numKnows p') (numKnows p'')
| Or p' p'' => 0 + max (numKnows p') (numKnows p'')
| Implies p' p'' => 0 + max (numKnows p') (numKnows p'')
| Knows a p' => 0 + numKnows(p')
| EvKnows p' => 1 + numKnows(p')
Definition size (p: formula): nat :=
(numKnows p) + (length p).
Definition twice (n: nat) : nat :=
n + n.
Theorem duh: forall a: nat, 1 + a > a.
Proof. induction a. apply gt_Sn_O.
apply gt_n_S in IHa. unfold plus in *. apply IHa. Qed.
Theorem eq_lt_lt: forall (a b c d: nat), a = b -> c<d -> a+ c< b+d.
Proof. intros. apply plus_le_lt_compat.
apply eq_nat_elim with (n:=a) (m := b). apply le_refl.
apply eq_nat_is_eq. apply H. apply H0. Qed.
Function kripke_sat (M : kripke) (s : U) (p : formula) {measure size p}: Prop :=
match p with
| Proposition p' => L M (s)(p')
| Not p' => ~ kripke_sat M s p'
| And p' p'' => kripke_sat M s p' /\ kripke_sat M s p''
| Or p' p'' => kripke_sat M s p' \/ kripke_sat M s p''
| Implies p' p'' => ~kripke_sat M s p' \/ kripke_sat M s p''
| Knows a p' => forall t, ~(K M a) s t \/ kripke_sat M t p'
| EvKnows p' => forall i, kripke_sat M s (Knows i p' )
I'm trying to use Function to define a recursive definition using a measure, and I'm getting the error:
Error: find_call_occs : Prod
I'm posting the whole source code at the bottom, but my function is
Function kripke_sat (M : kripke) (s : U) (p : formula) {measure size p}: Prop :=
match p with
| Proposition p' => L M (s)(p')
| Not p' => ~ kripke_sat M s p'
| And p' p'' => kripke_sat M s p' /\ kripke_sat M s p''
| Or p' p'' => kripke_sat M s p' \/ kripke_sat M s p''
| Implies p' p'' => ~kripke_sat M s p' \/ kripke_sat M s p''
| Knows a p' => forall t, ~(K M a) s t \/ kripke_sat M t p'
| EvKnows p' => forall i, kripke_sat M s (Knows i p' )
I know the problem is due to the foralls: if I replace them with True, it works. I
also know I get the same error if my right-hand-side uses implications (->).
Fixpoint works with foralls, but doesn't allow me to define a measure.
Any advice?
As promised, my complete code is:
Module Belief.
Require Import Arith.EqNat.
Require Import Arith.Gt.
Require Import Arith.Plus.
Require Import Arith.Le.
Require Import Arith.Lt.
Require Import Logic.
Require Import Logic.Classical_Prop.
Require Import Init.Datatypes.
Require Import funind.Recdef.
(* Formalization of a variant of a logic of knowledge, as given in Halpern 1995 *)
Section Kripke.
Variable n : nat.
(* Universe of "worlds" *)
Definition U := nat.
(* Universe of Principals *)
Definition P := nat.
(* Universe of Atomic propositions *)
Definition A := nat.
Inductive prop : Type :=
| Atomic : A -> prop.
Definition beq_prop (p1 p2 :prop) : bool :=
match (p1,p2) with
| (Atomic p1', Atomic p2') => beq_nat p1' p2'
Inductive actor : Type :=
| Id : P -> actor.
Definition beq_actor (a1 a2: actor) : bool :=
match (a1,a2) with
| (Id a1', Id a2') => beq_nat a1' a2'
Inductive formula : Type :=
| Proposition : prop -> formula
| Not : formula -> formula
| And : formula -> formula -> formula
| Or : formula -> formula -> formula
| Implies : formula -> formula ->formula
| Knows : actor -> formula -> formula
| EvKnows : formula -> formula (*me*)
Inductive con : Type :=
| empty : con
| ext : con -> prop -> con.
Notation " C # P " := (ext C P) (at level 30).
Require Import Relations.
Record kripke : Type := mkKripke {
K : actor -> relation U;
K_equiv: forall y, equivalence _ (K y);
L : U -> (prop -> Prop)
Fixpoint max (a b: nat) : nat :=
match a, b with
| 0, _ => a
| _, 0 => b
| S(a'), S(b') => 1 + max a' b'
Fixpoint length (p: formula) : nat :=
match p with
| Proposition p' => 1
| Not p' => 1 + length(p')
| And p' p'' => 1 + max (length p') (length p'')
| Or p' p'' => 1 + max (length p') (length p'')
| Implies p' p'' => 1 + max (length p') (length p'')
| Knows a p' => 1 + length(p')
| EvKnows p' => 1 + length(p')
Fixpoint numKnows (p: formula): nat :=
match p with
| Proposition p' => 0
| Not p' => 0 + numKnows(p')
| And p' p'' => 0 + max (numKnows p') (numKnows p'')
| Or p' p'' => 0 + max (numKnows p') (numKnows p'')
| Implies p' p'' => 0 + max (numKnows p') (numKnows p'')
| Knows a p' => 0 + numKnows(p')
| EvKnows p' => 1 + numKnows(p')
Definition size (p: formula): nat :=
(numKnows p) + (length p).
Definition twice (n: nat) : nat :=
n + n.
Theorem duh: forall a: nat, 1 + a > a.
Proof. induction a. apply gt_Sn_O.
apply gt_n_S in IHa. unfold plus in *. apply IHa. Qed.
Theorem eq_lt_lt: forall (a b c d: nat), a = b -> c<d -> a+ c< b+d.
Proof. intros. apply plus_le_lt_compat.
apply eq_nat_elim with (n:=a) (m := b). apply le_refl.
apply eq_nat_is_eq. apply H. apply H0. Qed.
Function kripke_sat (M : kripke) (s : U) (p : formula) {measure size p}: Prop :=
match p with
| Proposition p' => L M (s)(p')
| Not p' => ~ kripke_sat M s p'
| And p' p'' => kripke_sat M s p' /\ kripke_sat M s p''
| Or p' p'' => kripke_sat M s p' \/ kripke_sat M s p''
| Implies p' p'' => ~kripke_sat M s p' \/ kripke_sat M s p''
| Knows a p' => forall t, ~(K M a) s t \/ kripke_sat M t p'
| EvKnows p' => forall i, kripke_sat M s (Knows i p' )
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友好,我认为这是一个错误)。这意味着函数体内不允许使用 forall(我不知道这种行为是否有理论上的原因)。
祝你好运 !
The "Function" plugin is still very experimental.
In the documentation you can find
But I have to agree that this error message is far from being explicit
(normally such error messages should either end with "Please report" or be more user
friendly, I consider this as a bug). It means foralls are not allowed in the body of a Function (I don't know whether or not there are theoretical reasons for this behavior).
So you need to do your definition "by hand" without the help of
Function. Here is a small example you can adapt for your development.
Good luck !
PS: I am going to fill a bug report with the following simpler version of your code.
错误消息在 Coq 8.4 中已更改,但问题仍然存在。新的错误消息是:“错误:找到了一个产品。无法处理这样的术语”
错误消息中的此更改也导致 Marc 的错误被关闭:
http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/coq/bugs /show_bug.cgi?id=2457
The error message has changed in Coq 8.4 but the problem is still there. The new error message is: "Error: Found a product. Can not treat such a term"
This change in error message also lead to Marc's bug being closed: