我想知道什么图像格式最适合保存文档页面。 (文档页面以文字为主,图片较少)。我知道 png、jpeg 是位图格式,因此它们会有缩放问题。我对 TIFF(标记图像格式)了解不多。对于文档页面来说,它比 png/jpeg 有优势吗?
I was wondering what image format would be best suited to save document pages. (document pages are mainly text with few images). I know that png, jpeg are bitmap formats and hence they will have scaling problems. I don't know much about TIFF (tagged image format). Does it have an advantage over png/jpeg for document pages?
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TIFF 可以每个文件保存多个页面,PNG 和 JPEG 则不能。 TIFF 还具有多种不同的位深度和压缩格式选择,这可能使其成为最佳选择,也可能导致一场噩梦,具体取决于所使用的不同软件组件的兼容性。避免在 TIFF 中使用 JPEG 压缩选项,它存在已知问题。
TIFF can save multiple pages per file, PNG and JPEG cannot. TIFF also has a number of different format choices for bit depth and compression, which might make it the best choice or might result in a nightmare depending on the compatibility of the different software components used. Avoid the JPEG compression option in TIFF, it has known problems.