如何在 Delphi 2006 中创建随机 64 位整数值?内置的基于整数的 Random() 函数似乎只返回 0 到 2^31 之间的值。
How can I create a random 64-bit integer value in Delphi 2006? The built-in integer-based Random() function seems to return only values between 0 and 2^31.
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您可以使用我的 GpRandomGen 。它实现了 Marsaglia/Zaman/James 算法,速度非常快,而且据说非常随机。作为免费软件发布。
You can use my GpRandomGen. It implements Marsaglia/Zaman/James algorithm, is extremely fast and supposedly very random. Released as a freeware.
生成两个 32 位随机数并将它们拼接在一起。
Generate two 32 bit randoms and splice them together.
Similar to @Andreas's answer I like the following (equivalent) implementation:
不确定这是否是一个有效的解决方案,或者它总是会在给定结果编号 X 之后创建相同的后续编号 X+1。
To answer my own question I came up with the following code:
Not sure if this is a valid solution or it will always create the same follow-up number X+1 after a given result number X.
您可以生成 64 个随机位并将结果解释为整数。 (如果您使用有符号整数并希望结果为非负,则为 63 位。)同样,您可以采用 0..2^31-1 范围内的两个随机整数,加上两个额外的随机位,并将它们连接到获取一个随机 64 位整数。
编辑:我对通过连接伪随机组件生成的伪随机数的统计特性感到好奇,并发现(显然)这种方法可能无法很好地工作,具体取决于您的伪随机生成器(当然对于真正的随机数生成,如大气噪声,连接随机位没有问题)。对于娱乐用途,各种统计属性的损失可能是可以接受的,但对于更严肃的用途,您可能最终需要一个自定义伪随机生成器,如 @gabr 建议的那样。这是一个相关的问题: 最佳方法生成一个 256 个随机位的数字?
You can generate 64 random bits and interpret the result as an integer. (63 bits if you are working with signed integers and want the result to be non-negative.) Equivalently you can take two random integers in the range 0..2^31-1, plus two extra random bits, and concatenate them to get a random 64-bit integer.
EDIT: I was curious about the statistical properties of pseudo-random numbers generated by concatenating pseudo-random components and found that (apparently) this approach might not work well depending on your pseudo-random generator (of course for true random number generation, as from atmospheric noise, concatenating random bits is no problem). For recreational use, the loss of various statistical properties might be acceptable, but for more serious use you might end up needing a custom pseudo-random generator as @gabr suggested. Here is a related question: Best method of generating a number with 256 random bits?
创建 GUID(例如 CoCreateGuid)并强制转换它为 Int64。
Create a GUID (eg CoCreateGuid) and cast it to Int64.
是您最喜欢的 32 位无符号整数随机数函数。Simple:
is your favourite 32-bit unsigned integer random number function.