Flash AS3 FLVPlayback 组件即使在精确缩放的情况下,视频上方和下方始终有黑条

发布于 2024-10-06 23:11:38 字数 6760 浏览 0 评论 0原文

我围绕工具包中的FLVPlayback组件编写了一个非常基本的Flash播放器,然后通过SWFObject将其放置在页面中。由于某种原因,即使缩放模式设置为 EXACT_FIT,视频上方和下方始终会出现黑条。这对我来说没有意义,因为预览图像设置为相同的 x,y 位置和高度和高度。宽度与视频相同,但它完全适合并且没有黑条。


我使用 SWFObject 向播放器注入以下代码:

<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {
   playerSkinURL: 'SkinUnderPlayStopSeekFullVol.swf',
   videoURL: 'video.flv',
   previewImageURL: 'video-preview.jpg',
   scaleMode: 'exact',
   autoBegin: false,
   playerColour: '#cccccc',
   playerAutoHide: false,
   playerAlpha: 0.85
var params = {
 allowfullscreen: true,
 quality: 'best',
 wmode: 'window'
swfobject.embedSWF("video.swf", "video", "479", "310", "9.0.0","/video/expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params);

<div id="video"></div>

我的动作脚本全部位于第 1 帧上:


 * Embedding this player is simple with the following flashvars API
 * playerSkinURL   = the url to the skin to use eg. SkinUnderPlayStopSeekMuteVol.swf
 * videoURL        = the url to the video FLV file
 * previewImageURL = the url of the image to use for the preview image (43px less than total height)
 * scaleMode       = scale mode of the player
 *        - exact (default) = fit to player dimensions exactly
 *        - no              = use FLV original dimensions
 *                     - aspect    = scale the video whilst maintaining aspect ratio
 * autoBegin       = automatically start playing the video as soon as it is ready (true or false) default = false
 * playerColour    = the colour of the bezel default = 0x47ABCB
 * playerAlpha     = the alpha transparency of the bezel default = 0.85
 * playerAutoHide  = whether to hide the bezel when the mouse is not over it (boolean true or false)
import fl.video.VideoEvent;
import fl.video.VideoScaleMode;
import fl.video.LayoutEvent;
var flashVars;
var imageLoader:Loader;

var playerSkin:String = 'SkinUnderPlayStopSeekMuteVol.swf';
var videoURL:String = '';
var previewImage:String = '';
var previewImageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var scaleMode:String = 'exact';
var autoBegin:Boolean = false;
var playerColour:uint = 0xCCCCCC;
var playerAlpha:Number = 0.85;
var playerAutoHide:Boolean = false;

 * Action functions
function populateLocalVars() {
 flashVars = root.loaderInfo.parameters;
 if(null != flashVars['playerSkinURL']) {
  playerSkin = flashVars['playerSkinURL'];
 if(null != flashVars['videoURL']) {
  videoURL = flashVars['videoURL'];
 if(null != flashVars['previewImageURL']) {
  previewImage = flashVars['previewImageURL'];
 if(null != flashVars['scaleMode'] && 
    ('no' == flashVars['scaleMode'] || 'aspect' == flashVars['scaleMode'] || 'exact' == flashVars['scaleMode'])) {
  scaleMode = flashVars['scaleMode'];
 if(null != flashVars['autoBegin']) {
  if('true' == flashVars['autoBegin']) {
   autoBegin = true;
  } else {
   autoBegin = false;
 if(null != flashVars['playerColour']) {
  if('#' == flashVars['playerColour'].substring(0, 1)) {
   playerColour = uint('0x' + flashVars['playerColour'].substring(1, flashVars['playerColour'].length));
  } else if('x' == flashVars['playerColour'].substring(1, 2)) {
   playerColour = uint(flashVars['playerColour']);
 if(null != flashVars['playerAlpha']) {
  playerAlpha = Number(flashVars['playerAlpha']);
 if(null != flashVars['playerAutoHide']) {
  if('true' == flashVars['playerAutoHide']) {
   playerAutoHide = true;
  } else {
   playerAutoHide = false;
function initPlayer() {




 // this must come after the video is loaded!

 * Set FLVPlayBack component parameters
function setScaleMode() {
 if('no' == scaleMode) {
  player.scaleMode = VideoScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
 } else if('aspect' == scaleMode) {
  player.scaleMode = VideoScaleMode.MAINTAIN_ASPECT_RATIO;
 } else if('exact' == scaleMode) {
  player.scaleMode = VideoScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
function setPlayerAutoBegin() {
 player.autoPlay = Boolean(autoBegin);
function setPlayerColour() {
 player.skinBackgroundColor = uint(playerColour);
function setPlayerAlpha() {
 player.skinBackgroundAlpha = Number(playerAlpha);
function setPlayerAutoHide() {
 player.skinAutoHide = Boolean(playerAutoHide);
function setPlayerSkin() {
 player.skin = playerSkin;
function loadMovieIntoPlayer() {

 * Operate on video
function playMovie() {
function resetPlayHead() {
function stopMovie() {

 * Preview image related
function loadPreview() {
 previewImageLoader.load(new URLRequest(previewImage));
function hidePreview() {
 preview.visible = false; 
function showPreview() {
 preview.visible = true;

 * Cause player to fit the defined area of the object html tag
function resizePlayer() {
 player.width = stage.stageWidth;
 player.height = stage.stageHeight - 43;

 // now if the preview image has been loaded when can set it to the same
 // width and height as the player
 previewImageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, previewImageLoadedEventHandler);
function resizePreview() {
 preview.width = player.width;
 preview.height = player.height;

 preview.x = player.x;
 preview.y = player.y;

 * Event handling functions
function loaderCompleteEventHandler(event:Event) {
 stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stageSizeEventHandler);
 stage.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.RESIZE));
function beginPlayingEventHandler(event:Event):void {
function finishPlayingEventHandler(event:Event):void {
function previewClickedEventHandler(event:Event):void {
function previewImageLoadedEventHandler(event:Event):void {
function stageSizeEventHandler(event:Event):void {
 if (stage.stageHeight > 0 && stage.stageWidth > 0) {
  stage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stageSizeEventHandler);
function playerHasBeenResizedEventHandler(event:Event):void {

 * Event bindings
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaderCompleteEventHandler);
player.addEventListener(VideoEvent.PLAYING_STATE_ENTERED, beginPlayingEventHandler);
player.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, finishPlayingEventHandler);
player.addEventListener(LayoutEvent.LAYOUT, playerHasBeenResizedEventHandler);
preview.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, previewClickedEventHandler);

I have written a very basic flash player based around the FLVPlayback component in the toolkit, which is then placed in the page by SWFObject. For some reason there always appear to be black bars above and below the video even if the scaling mode is set to EXACT_FIT. This does not make sense to me as the preview image is set to the same x,y position and height & width as the video, but it fits exactly and does not have black bars.

Is there something simple I am missing? I apologise for the large amount of code but I am not sure how must you need to see.

I am using SWFObject to inject the player with the following code:

<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {
   playerSkinURL: 'SkinUnderPlayStopSeekFullVol.swf',
   videoURL: 'video.flv',
   previewImageURL: 'video-preview.jpg',
   scaleMode: 'exact',
   autoBegin: false,
   playerColour: '#cccccc',
   playerAutoHide: false,
   playerAlpha: 0.85
var params = {
 allowfullscreen: true,
 quality: 'best',
 wmode: 'window'
swfobject.embedSWF("video.swf", "video", "479", "310", "9.0.0","/video/expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params);

<div id="video"></div>

My action script is all on frame 1:


 * Embedding this player is simple with the following flashvars API
 * playerSkinURL   = the url to the skin to use eg. SkinUnderPlayStopSeekMuteVol.swf
 * videoURL        = the url to the video FLV file
 * previewImageURL = the url of the image to use for the preview image (43px less than total height)
 * scaleMode       = scale mode of the player
 *        - exact (default) = fit to player dimensions exactly
 *        - no              = use FLV original dimensions
 *                     - aspect    = scale the video whilst maintaining aspect ratio
 * autoBegin       = automatically start playing the video as soon as it is ready (true or false) default = false
 * playerColour    = the colour of the bezel default = 0x47ABCB
 * playerAlpha     = the alpha transparency of the bezel default = 0.85
 * playerAutoHide  = whether to hide the bezel when the mouse is not over it (boolean true or false)
import fl.video.VideoEvent;
import fl.video.VideoScaleMode;
import fl.video.LayoutEvent;
var flashVars;
var imageLoader:Loader;

var playerSkin:String = 'SkinUnderPlayStopSeekMuteVol.swf';
var videoURL:String = '';
var previewImage:String = '';
var previewImageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var scaleMode:String = 'exact';
var autoBegin:Boolean = false;
var playerColour:uint = 0xCCCCCC;
var playerAlpha:Number = 0.85;
var playerAutoHide:Boolean = false;

 * Action functions
function populateLocalVars() {
 flashVars = root.loaderInfo.parameters;
 if(null != flashVars['playerSkinURL']) {
  playerSkin = flashVars['playerSkinURL'];
 if(null != flashVars['videoURL']) {
  videoURL = flashVars['videoURL'];
 if(null != flashVars['previewImageURL']) {
  previewImage = flashVars['previewImageURL'];
 if(null != flashVars['scaleMode'] && 
    ('no' == flashVars['scaleMode'] || 'aspect' == flashVars['scaleMode'] || 'exact' == flashVars['scaleMode'])) {
  scaleMode = flashVars['scaleMode'];
 if(null != flashVars['autoBegin']) {
  if('true' == flashVars['autoBegin']) {
   autoBegin = true;
  } else {
   autoBegin = false;
 if(null != flashVars['playerColour']) {
  if('#' == flashVars['playerColour'].substring(0, 1)) {
   playerColour = uint('0x' + flashVars['playerColour'].substring(1, flashVars['playerColour'].length));
  } else if('x' == flashVars['playerColour'].substring(1, 2)) {
   playerColour = uint(flashVars['playerColour']);
 if(null != flashVars['playerAlpha']) {
  playerAlpha = Number(flashVars['playerAlpha']);
 if(null != flashVars['playerAutoHide']) {
  if('true' == flashVars['playerAutoHide']) {
   playerAutoHide = true;
  } else {
   playerAutoHide = false;
function initPlayer() {




 // this must come after the video is loaded!

 * Set FLVPlayBack component parameters
function setScaleMode() {
 if('no' == scaleMode) {
  player.scaleMode = VideoScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
 } else if('aspect' == scaleMode) {
  player.scaleMode = VideoScaleMode.MAINTAIN_ASPECT_RATIO;
 } else if('exact' == scaleMode) {
  player.scaleMode = VideoScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
function setPlayerAutoBegin() {
 player.autoPlay = Boolean(autoBegin);
function setPlayerColour() {
 player.skinBackgroundColor = uint(playerColour);
function setPlayerAlpha() {
 player.skinBackgroundAlpha = Number(playerAlpha);
function setPlayerAutoHide() {
 player.skinAutoHide = Boolean(playerAutoHide);
function setPlayerSkin() {
 player.skin = playerSkin;
function loadMovieIntoPlayer() {

 * Operate on video
function playMovie() {
function resetPlayHead() {
function stopMovie() {

 * Preview image related
function loadPreview() {
 previewImageLoader.load(new URLRequest(previewImage));
function hidePreview() {
 preview.visible = false; 
function showPreview() {
 preview.visible = true;

 * Cause player to fit the defined area of the object html tag
function resizePlayer() {
 player.width = stage.stageWidth;
 player.height = stage.stageHeight - 43;

 // now if the preview image has been loaded when can set it to the same
 // width and height as the player
 previewImageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, previewImageLoadedEventHandler);
function resizePreview() {
 preview.width = player.width;
 preview.height = player.height;

 preview.x = player.x;
 preview.y = player.y;

 * Event handling functions
function loaderCompleteEventHandler(event:Event) {
 stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stageSizeEventHandler);
 stage.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.RESIZE));
function beginPlayingEventHandler(event:Event):void {
function finishPlayingEventHandler(event:Event):void {
function previewClickedEventHandler(event:Event):void {
function previewImageLoadedEventHandler(event:Event):void {
function stageSizeEventHandler(event:Event):void {
 if (stage.stageHeight > 0 && stage.stageWidth > 0) {
  stage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stageSizeEventHandler);
function playerHasBeenResizedEventHandler(event:Event):void {

 * Event bindings
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaderCompleteEventHandler);
player.addEventListener(VideoEvent.PLAYING_STATE_ENTERED, beginPlayingEventHandler);
player.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, finishPlayingEventHandler);
player.addEventListener(LayoutEvent.LAYOUT, playerHasBeenResizedEventHandler);
preview.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, previewClickedEventHandler);

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眼睛会笑 2024-10-13 23:11:38

wmode="transparent" 可能会有所帮助。
您也可以在 Flash 应用程序中应用遮罩来隐藏栏,但恕我直言,如果问题在独立 FP 中不存在 - 这是由插入 HTML/js 引起的,因此应该修复此问题。
scale: "noScale" 也很有用(但你必须调整播放器或 html 容器的大小)

wmode="transparent" might help.
also you can apply a mask to your flash app to hide the bars, but imho if the problem doesn't exist in a standalone FP - it's caused by insertion into HTML/js and so this should be fixed.
scale: "noScale" is useful too (but you'll have to resize your player or html container)

远昼 2024-10-13 23:11:38

事实证明,我正在使用 JS 缩放 Flash,但我真正想要的是 Flash 组件保持其相对于可查看/Flash 窗格边缘的位置。我不想让它们拉伸或扭曲。

这必须通过使用 ActionScript 绘制控件等以编程方式完成,而不是使用默认的播放器皮肤。看一下开源播放器的源码,你就会明白我的意思。当播放器处于全屏模式时,这也可以防止控件显得模糊。


Turns out that I was scaling the flash using JS, but what I really wanted was for the Flash components to maintain their position in relation to the edge of the viewable/Flash pane. I did not want them to stretch or warp.

This would have to be done programmatically by drawing the controls etc with ActionScript rather than using the default player skins. Take a look at the source of an opensource player and you will see what I mean. This also stops the controls from appearing fuzzy when the player is in full screen mode.

Also it appears that the source does have some small bars above and below the video, but not as large as the ones I was attempting to remove here.

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