如何在 AST 中查找标识符的用法?
给定以下 AST 定义和示例代码,在给定树中位置的情况下查找标识符的所有用法的最佳算法是什么?
AST Definition
type Literal
= Char of char // character literal
| String of string // string literal
| Integer of int // integer literal
| Float of float // floating point literal
| Double of double
| Unit
type SrcCol = { startColumn : int; endColumn : int }
type SrcLine = { startLine : int; endLine : int }
type SrcLoc = { srcFilename : string; srcLine : SrcLine; srcColumn : SrcCol }
type Pat =
| PVar of 'a
| PApp of Pat * Pat
| PLit of Literal
| PWithTy of Pat * Type
type Exp
= Var of 'a // variable
| Lam of Pat list * Exp // lambda abstraction
| App of Exp * Exp // application
| Let of Pat * Exp * Exp // local definition
| Lit of Literal // literal
| WithTy of Exp * Type
Sample Code:
let f x = let g x = x
g x
AST instance of Sample Code
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 1;
endLine = 1;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 4;
endColumn = 5;};}),
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 1;
endLine = 1;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 6;
endColumn = 7;};})),
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 1;
endLine = 1;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 14;
endColumn = 15;};}),
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 1;
endLine = 1;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 16;
endColumn = 17;};})),
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 1;
endLine = 1;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 20;
endColumn = 21;};}),
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 2;
endLine = 2;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 10;
endColumn = 11;};}),
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 2;
endLine = 2;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 12;
endColumn = 13;};}))),Lit Unit)]
Given the following AST definition and sample code, what would be the best algorithm to find all the usages of an identifier given its position in the tree ?
AST Definition
type Literal
= Char of char // character literal
| String of string // string literal
| Integer of int // integer literal
| Float of float // floating point literal
| Double of double
| Unit
type SrcCol = { startColumn : int; endColumn : int }
type SrcLine = { startLine : int; endLine : int }
type SrcLoc = { srcFilename : string; srcLine : SrcLine; srcColumn : SrcCol }
type Pat =
| PVar of 'a
| PApp of Pat * Pat
| PLit of Literal
| PWithTy of Pat * Type
type Exp
= Var of 'a // variable
| Lam of Pat list * Exp // lambda abstraction
| App of Exp * Exp // application
| Let of Pat * Exp * Exp // local definition
| Lit of Literal // literal
| WithTy of Exp * Type
Sample Code:
let f x = let g x = x
g x
AST instance of Sample Code
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 1;
endLine = 1;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 4;
endColumn = 5;};}),
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 1;
endLine = 1;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 6;
endColumn = 7;};})),
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 1;
endLine = 1;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 14;
endColumn = 15;};}),
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 1;
endLine = 1;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 16;
endColumn = 17;};})),
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 1;
endLine = 1;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 20;
endColumn = 21;};}),
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 2;
endLine = 2;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 10;
endColumn = 11;};}),
{srcFilename =
srcLine = {startLine = 2;
endLine = 2;};
srcColumn = {startColumn = 12;
endColumn = 13;};}))),Lit Unit)]
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Basically any kind of enumeration of the tree nodes with a filter for the desired property is what is needed. A depth-first-search (as proposed in another answer) is one way to enumerate the nodes.
However, what one typically wants to know, for a particular identifier in a particular tree node, is what "declared entity" does it represent? Otherwise you find all the references but they are to different entities and that's generally not helpful.
This requires building symbol tables for the application language in question, and then constructing a map between identifier nodes and symbol table entries. A simple enumerator won't do the trick for building symbol tables.
“创建”身份的节点的子树中的 DFS 怎么样?
What about a DFS in the child trees of the node where the ident is "created" ?
似乎工作 :)
Take a look at the implementation I hacked over the weekend:
Seems to work :)
FSharpRefactor 0.1(预览版)在 Visual Studio Gallery 上发布。
http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/339cbae9 -911d-4f99-9033-3c3564676f45?SRC=Home
FSharpRefactor 0.1 (Preview version) Release on the Visual Studio Gallery.
Cheers ;)