将稳健的标准误差添加到修改后的 outreg 函数时出现问题

发布于 2024-10-06 18:26:30 字数 6426 浏览 0 评论 0原文

我已经被困了几个小时了。我想向 Paul Johnsson 的 R outreg 函数添加强大的标准错误(和其他一些东西)(原始代码在这里 http://pj.freefaculty.org/R/outreg-worked.R



se<-sqrt(diag(vcovHC(model,type="HC1" )))[regname]

但无论如何,当我使用 Sweave 生成​​乳胶文件时,会出现非稳健标准错误。 我已经查看了,并且我的代码块确实返回了强大的 SE(或其他值,然后是原始代码)。我要生气了! =)


### Paul Johnson
### Adapted from ideas in post in r-help by Dave Armstrong May 8, 2006

###tight means one column per fitted model
###not tight means 2 columns per fitted model

###incoming= either one regression model or a list of regresion models
###title = a string
###modelLabels= a VECTOR of character strings
### varLabels= a LIST of labels linked to variable names (see examples)
### tight= BOOLEAN, indicates results should be on one tight column or two for each model
### showAIC= BOOLEAN should the AIC be displayed for each model?
### lyx=create a table suitable for inclusion in a lyx float.

outreg <- function(incoming, title="My Regression", label="", modelLabels=NULL, varLabels=NULL, tight=TRUE, showAIC=TRUE, lyx=TRUE){

  modelList <- NULL

  ## was input just one model, or a list of models?  ###
  if ( "lm" %in% class(incoming)) { ##just one model input
    nmodels <- 1
    modelList <- list(modl1=incoming)
  } else {
    nmodels <- length(incoming)
    modelList <- incoming

  ##TODO modelLabels MUST have same number of items as "incoming"

  ## Get a regression summary object for each fitted model
  summaryList <- list()
  fixnames <- vector()
  myModelClass <- vector()

  i <-  1
  for (model in modelList){
    summaryList[[i]] <- summary(model)

    fixnames <- unique( c( fixnames, names(coef(model))))
    myModelClass[i] <- class(model)[1]
    i <- i+1

  ###If you are just using LaTeX, you need these
if (lyx == FALSE){
 cat("\\begin{table}\n ")
  cat("\\caption{",title,"}\\label{",label,"}\n ")
  cat("\\begin{center}\n ")
  nColumns <- ifelse(tight, 1+nmodels, 1 + 2*nmodels) 
  cat(paste("\\begin{tabular}{*{",nColumns,"}{l}}\n ", sep=""))
  cat("\\hline\n ")

  ### Put model labels on top of each model column, if modelLabels were given
  if (!is.null(modelLabels)){
    cat("     ")
    for (modelLabel in modelLabels){
      if (tight == T) {
        cat(paste("&", modelLabel))
    cat (" \\\\\n ")

  ### Print the headers "Estimate" and "(S.E.)", output depends on tight or other format 
  if (tight == T){
    cat("             ")
    for (i in 1:nmodels) { cat (" & Estimate ") }
    cat(" \\\\\n")

    cat("             ")
    for (i in 1:nmodels) {  cat (" & (S.E.) ") }
    cat(" \\\\\n")

    cat("             ")
    for (i in 1:nmodels) { cat (" & Estimate & S.E.") }
    cat(" \\\\\n")

  cat("\\hline \n \\hline\n ")

  ### Here come the regression coefficients
  for (regname in fixnames){
    if ( !is.null(varLabels[[regname]]) ) { cat(paste("",varLabels[[regname]]), sep="")}
    else {cat(paste("", regname), sep="")}

    for (model in modelList) {
      est <- coef(model)[regname]
      se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(model)))[regname]
      if ( !is.na(est) ) {
        cat (paste("   &   ", round(est,3)))
        pval <- pt(abs(est/se), lower.tail=F, df = model$df.residual)
        if (pval < 0.025) cat("*")

        if (tight == F) {
          cat (paste("   &   (", round(se,3),")",sep=""))
      } else {
        cat ("   & . ")
        if (tight == F) cat (" & " )
    cat (" \\\\\n ")

    if (tight == T){
      for (model in modelList) {
        est <- coef(model)[regname]
        if (!is.na(est)) cat (paste("   &   (",round(sqrt(diag(vcov(model)))[regname],3)),")",sep="")
        else cat("   &  ")
      cat (" \\\\\n ")
  cat("\\hline \n")

  ### Print a row for the number of cases
  cat(paste("N"), sep="")
  for (model in summaryList) {
    myDF <- sum( model$df[-3] ) #omit third value from df vector
    cat (paste("   &   ", myDF))
    if (tight == F) cat("    &")
  cat (" \\\\\n ")

  ### Print a row for the root mean square error
  if ("lm" %in% myModelClass) {
       for (model in summaryList) {
         cat( paste("       &", if(is.numeric(model$sigma)) round(model$sigma,3)))
         if (tight == F) cat("    &")
       cat ("  \\\\\n ")

  ### Print a row for the R-square
  if ("lm" %in% myModelClass) {
     for (model in summaryList) {
       cat( paste("       &", if(is.numeric(model$r.square))round(model$r.square,3)))
       if (tight == F) cat("    &")
     cat ("  \\\\\n ")

  ## Print a row for the model residual deviance
   if ("glm" %in% myModelClass) {
    for (model in summaryList) {
      cat (paste("      &", if(is.numeric(model$deviance))round(model$deviance,3)))
      if (tight == F) cat("      &")
    cat ("  \\\\\n ")

  ### Print a row for the model's fit, as -2LLR
  if ("glm" %in% myModelClass) {    
    cat (paste("$-2LLR (Model \\chi^2)$"),sep="")
    for (model in modelList) {
      if (is.numeric(model$deviance)){
        n2llr <- model$null.deviance - model$deviance 
        cat (paste("      &", round(n2llr,3)))
        gmdf <- model$df.null - model$df.residual + 1

        if (pchisq(n2llr, df= gmdf, lower.tail=F) < 0.05) {cat ("*")}

      else {
        cat ("    &")
      if (tight == F) cat("      &")
    cat ("  \\\\\n ")

  ## Print a row for the model's fit, as -2 LLR
  ### Can't remember why I was multiplying by -2

  if (showAIC == T) {
    for (model in modelList) {
      cat (paste("      &", if(is.numeric(AIC(model)))round(AIC(model),3)))
      if (tight == F) cat("      &")
    cat ("  \\\\\n ")

   cat ("* $p \\le 0.05$")
   if (lyx == FALSE){ 

I have been stuck for hours. I want to add robust standard errors (and some other stuff) to the R outreg function by Paul Johnsson (orginal code here http://pj.freefaculty.org/R/outreg-worked.R)

I have a great problem thou making the standard errors robust. In the code I have replaced



se<-sqrt(diag(vcovHC(model,type="HC1" )))[regname]

But anyway the nonrobust standard errors appears when I generate a latex file with Sweave.
I have looking at the and my code chunk do returns robust S.E. (or other values then the orginal code anyhow). I am getting mad ! =)

Here is my complete code for the function.

### Paul Johnson
### Adapted from ideas in post in r-help by Dave Armstrong May 8, 2006

###tight means one column per fitted model
###not tight means 2 columns per fitted model

###incoming= either one regression model or a list of regresion models
###title = a string
###modelLabels= a VECTOR of character strings
### varLabels= a LIST of labels linked to variable names (see examples)
### tight= BOOLEAN, indicates results should be on one tight column or two for each model
### showAIC= BOOLEAN should the AIC be displayed for each model?
### lyx=create a table suitable for inclusion in a lyx float.

outreg <- function(incoming, title="My Regression", label="", modelLabels=NULL, varLabels=NULL, tight=TRUE, showAIC=TRUE, lyx=TRUE){

  modelList <- NULL

  ## was input just one model, or a list of models?  ###
  if ( "lm" %in% class(incoming)) { ##just one model input
    nmodels <- 1
    modelList <- list(modl1=incoming)
  } else {
    nmodels <- length(incoming)
    modelList <- incoming

  ##TODO modelLabels MUST have same number of items as "incoming"

  ## Get a regression summary object for each fitted model
  summaryList <- list()
  fixnames <- vector()
  myModelClass <- vector()

  i <-  1
  for (model in modelList){
    summaryList[[i]] <- summary(model)

    fixnames <- unique( c( fixnames, names(coef(model))))
    myModelClass[i] <- class(model)[1]
    i <- i+1

  ###If you are just using LaTeX, you need these
if (lyx == FALSE){
 cat("\\begin{table}\n ")
  cat("\\caption{",title,"}\\label{",label,"}\n ")
  cat("\\begin{center}\n ")
  nColumns <- ifelse(tight, 1+nmodels, 1 + 2*nmodels) 
  cat(paste("\\begin{tabular}{*{",nColumns,"}{l}}\n ", sep=""))
  cat("\\hline\n ")

  ### Put model labels on top of each model column, if modelLabels were given
  if (!is.null(modelLabels)){
    cat("     ")
    for (modelLabel in modelLabels){
      if (tight == T) {
        cat(paste("&", modelLabel))
    cat (" \\\\\n ")

  ### Print the headers "Estimate" and "(S.E.)", output depends on tight or other format 
  if (tight == T){
    cat("             ")
    for (i in 1:nmodels) { cat (" & Estimate ") }
    cat(" \\\\\n")

    cat("             ")
    for (i in 1:nmodels) {  cat (" & (S.E.) ") }
    cat(" \\\\\n")

    cat("             ")
    for (i in 1:nmodels) { cat (" & Estimate & S.E.") }
    cat(" \\\\\n")

  cat("\\hline \n \\hline\n ")

  ### Here come the regression coefficients
  for (regname in fixnames){
    if ( !is.null(varLabels[[regname]]) ) { cat(paste("",varLabels[[regname]]), sep="")}
    else {cat(paste("", regname), sep="")}

    for (model in modelList) {
      est <- coef(model)[regname]
      se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(model)))[regname]
      if ( !is.na(est) ) {
        cat (paste("   &   ", round(est,3)))
        pval <- pt(abs(est/se), lower.tail=F, df = model$df.residual)
        if (pval < 0.025) cat("*")

        if (tight == F) {
          cat (paste("   &   (", round(se,3),")",sep=""))
      } else {
        cat ("   & . ")
        if (tight == F) cat (" & " )
    cat (" \\\\\n ")

    if (tight == T){
      for (model in modelList) {
        est <- coef(model)[regname]
        if (!is.na(est)) cat (paste("   &   (",round(sqrt(diag(vcov(model)))[regname],3)),")",sep="")
        else cat("   &  ")
      cat (" \\\\\n ")
  cat("\\hline \n")

  ### Print a row for the number of cases
  cat(paste("N"), sep="")
  for (model in summaryList) {
    myDF <- sum( model$df[-3] ) #omit third value from df vector
    cat (paste("   &   ", myDF))
    if (tight == F) cat("    &")
  cat (" \\\\\n ")

  ### Print a row for the root mean square error
  if ("lm" %in% myModelClass) {
       for (model in summaryList) {
         cat( paste("       &", if(is.numeric(model$sigma)) round(model$sigma,3)))
         if (tight == F) cat("    &")
       cat ("  \\\\\n ")

  ### Print a row for the R-square
  if ("lm" %in% myModelClass) {
     for (model in summaryList) {
       cat( paste("       &", if(is.numeric(model$r.square))round(model$r.square,3)))
       if (tight == F) cat("    &")
     cat ("  \\\\\n ")

  ## Print a row for the model residual deviance
   if ("glm" %in% myModelClass) {
    for (model in summaryList) {
      cat (paste("      &", if(is.numeric(model$deviance))round(model$deviance,3)))
      if (tight == F) cat("      &")
    cat ("  \\\\\n ")

  ### Print a row for the model's fit, as -2LLR
  if ("glm" %in% myModelClass) {    
    cat (paste("$-2LLR (Model \\chi^2)$"),sep="")
    for (model in modelList) {
      if (is.numeric(model$deviance)){
        n2llr <- model$null.deviance - model$deviance 
        cat (paste("      &", round(n2llr,3)))
        gmdf <- model$df.null - model$df.residual + 1

        if (pchisq(n2llr, df= gmdf, lower.tail=F) < 0.05) {cat ("*")}

      else {
        cat ("    &")
      if (tight == F) cat("      &")
    cat ("  \\\\\n ")

  ## Print a row for the model's fit, as -2 LLR
  ### Can't remember why I was multiplying by -2

  if (showAIC == T) {
    for (model in modelList) {
      cat (paste("      &", if(is.numeric(AIC(model)))round(AIC(model),3)))
      if (tight == F) cat("      &")
    cat ("  \\\\\n ")

   cat ("* $p \\le 0.05$")
   if (lyx == FALSE){ 

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沫尐诺 2024-10-13 18:26:30

您仅编辑了该代码中 vcov() 调用的一个实例。您错过了本节:

if (tight == T) {
    for (model in modelList) {
        est <- coef(model)[regname]
        if (!is.na(est)) cat (paste("   &   (",round(sqrt(diag(vcov(model))[regname],3)),")",sep="")
        else cat("   &  ")
    cat (" \\\\\n ")

那么,您是否使用默认参数 tight = TRUE 来调用该函数?我怀疑这就是问题所在。

You have only edited one instance of the call to vcov() in that code. You missed this section:

if (tight == T) {
    for (model in modelList) {
        est <- coef(model)[regname]
        if (!is.na(est)) cat (paste("   &   (",round(sqrt(diag(vcov(model))[regname],3)),")",sep="")
        else cat("   &  ")
    cat (" \\\\\n ")

So, are you calling the function with the argument tight = TRUE, which is the default? I suspect this is the problem.

菊凝晚露 2024-10-13 18:26:30

我的猜测是,Sweave 只是返回到包中的原始函数。



如果您使用 Sweave,则应该显式加载您采用的函数。更重要的是,我会给你采用的函数一个不同的名称(如 outreg2 等)并使用它。如果您不显式加载它,您很可能会收到一条错误消息,指出无法找到 outreg2。

附带说明:如果您想在 R 会话中临时编辑函数,可以使用 这个问题

My guess is that Sweave just goes back to the original function in the package.

My guess was wrong. See Gavins answer. The problem I presumed can be a source of error, so I leave this answer for reference. But your problem lies elsewhere.

Original answer:

If you Sweave, you should explicitly load your adopted function. Even more, I'd give your adopted function a different name (like outreg2 or so) and use that. Chance is big that if you don't load it explicitly, you'll get an error saying that outreg2 could not be found.

On a side note: if you want to edit a function temporarily in your R-session, you can use one of the options discussed in this question.

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