C++ 中的性能比较(普通函数调用 vs for_each+mem_fun vs lambda 表达式)
for(list<Enemy*>::iterator iter = enemies.begin(); iter != enemies.end(); iter ++)
for_each(enemies.begin(), enemies.end(), [time_elapsed] (Enemy *e) {e->prepare(time_elapsed);});
for_each(enemies.begin(), enemies.end(), bind2nd(mem_fun1<void, Enemy, GLfloat>(&Enemy::prepare), time_elapsed));
Which is the best one (in performance) among these snippets?
for(list<Enemy*>::iterator iter = enemies.begin(); iter != enemies.end(); iter ++)
for_each(enemies.begin(), enemies.end(), [time_elapsed] (Enemy *e) {e->prepare(time_elapsed);});
for_each(enemies.begin(), enemies.end(), bind2nd(mem_fun1<void, Enemy, GLfloat>(&Enemy::prepare), time_elapsed));
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Lambda 是最快的解决方案。引用基于堆栈的变量涉及一些特殊的优化。此外,在 C++0x 中,它们比任何绑定内容都灵活得多,并且第一个循环也有清晰度方面的缺点。 Lambda 在各个方面都是 winrar。
Lambdas are the fastest solution. There are special optimizations involved with taking references to stack-based variables. In addition, in C++0x, they're FAR more flexible than any of that bind stuff, and the first loop also has the clarity disadvantage. Lambdas are the winrar in every way.
However, I'm seriously thinking micro-optimization, unless this is in a really, really inner loop that runs billions of times.
2) 和 3) 的运行时间几乎相同,而 1) 则慢了 10 倍。我还添加了对 Visual C++ 2010 有效的 4)
,并且在语义上应该与 Ferruccio 的相同:
4) 也几乎与 2) 和 3) 一样快。
使用 -O2 时,所有的运行时间几乎相同。
I did the measurations with no compiler optimizations:
2) and 3) have almost the same running time, instead 1) is 10 times slower. I added also a 4)
valid for Visual C++ 2010 and should be sematically the same of Ferruccio's:
4) is also almost as fast as 2) and 3).
With -O2 all have almost the same running time.
2和3本质上是相同的。 1 可能会更快,因为它每次迭代执行一次函数调用,而 2 和 3 每次迭代执行两次函数调用。然后,一些函数调用可能会被内联。真正判断的唯一方法是测量。
另外,既然您要引入 lambda 函数 (C++0x),为什么不将基于范围的 for 循环添加到您的测量中:
编辑:我刚刚注意到 vc++2010 标签。不幸的是,您的编译器尚不支持它们:-(
2 and 3 are essentially identical. 1 might be faster because it performs one function call per iteration whereas 2 and 3 perform two function calls per iteration. Then again some of the function calls might get inlined. The only way to really tell is to measure.
Also, since you're throwing in lambda functions (C++0x), why not add range-based for loops to your measurements:
assuming your compiler supports them, of course.
EDIT: I just noticed the vc++2010 tag. Unfortunately, your compiler does not yet support them :-(
The answer is "it's not at all important until you've measured that something is currently not fast enough". This question is essentially premature optimisation. Until it's too slow and you've measured the loop as being a bottleneck, your priority is to use the code that communicates what you're trying to do in the clearest way. Write nice code first, optimise later.