eclipse (Fedora) 上的 c 程序中对 pthread_create 的未定义引用
我在构建交流线程程序时遇到问题。程序给出如下错误 “对 pthread_creat 的未定义引用”。 我搜索并发现使用 gcc 选项,例如 “gcc -lpthread -o ....”
但我无法为 Eclipse 设置它。我试图在 makefile 中进行更改,但每次它都被默认选项替换。请帮助我设置这些 gcc 选项,并写出在 fedora 10 上的 eclipse 中设置 gcc 选项的位置和方式。
I have a problem in building a c thread program. Program is giving error like
"undefined reference to pthread_creat".
I searched and found to use gcc options like
"gcc -lpthread -o ...."
But I not able to set it for eclipse. I tried to make change in makefile but every time it got replaced with default options. Please help me to set these gcc options and write about where and how to set gcc options in eclipse on fedora 10.
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要将 pthread 库添加到非 makefile 项目,请执行以下步骤(在 Eclipse 中):
在项目资源管理器中右键单击该项目。选择属性-> c/c++ 通用 ->路径和符号 ->图书馆 ->添加->在文本框中输入“pthread”->好的->好的->重建
To add pthread library to your non-makefile project, do following steps (in eclipse):
right click on the project in the project explorer. Select properties -> c/c++ general -> Paths and Symbols -> libraries -> add -> type 'pthread' in text box -> ok -> ok -> rebuild
检查这个关于如何设置 eclipse 来开发 posix 线程的“教程”。
Check this 'tutorial' on about how to setup eclipse for developing posix threads.
Hope it helps.
要将 pthread 库添加到您的项目流程中,请执行以下步骤(在 Eclipse 中):
在项目资源管理器中右键单击该项目 ->属性-> c/c++ 构建 ->设置->链接器->图书馆 ->添加-> pthread->;好的->重建
to add pthread library to your project flow these steps (in eclipse):
right cklick on the project in the project explorer -> properties -> c/c++ build -> Settings -> linker -> libraries -> add -> pthread -> ok -> rebuild