Visual Studio 2010 Express 关闭解决方案时不再保存打开的选项卡
我正在使用适用于 Windows Phone 的 Visual Studio 2010 Express。我已经使用了几个月,没有任何问题。大约一周前,当我关闭 Visual Studio 时,它停止保存我打开的选项卡。下次打开该解决方案时,它不会自动打开我上次关闭该解决方案时打开的文件。我不知道为什么它停止工作,而且我找不到控制它的设置。还有其他人遇到过这个吗?如果是这样,您如何让它再次记住您打开的选项卡?
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone. I've been using it for a few months without any problems. About a week ago, it stopped saving my open tabs when I close Visual Studio. The next time I open the solution, it does not automatically open the files I had open when I last closed the solution. I'm not sure why it stopped working and I can't find the setting that controls this. Has anyone else run into this? If so, how did you get it to remember your open tabs again?
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在 Windows 资源管理器中显示解决方案文件夹中的隐藏文件,您将找到 Visual Studio *.suo 文件(它包含用户相关信息)。删除它,下次打开解决方案后会重新创建。似乎有时此文件存在问题(例如,您通过源代码管理从另一个用户的计算机获取此文件(顺便说一句:不要将其放入源代码控制!));这不仅会导致“不打开以前的选项卡”,还会导致其他令人困惑的事情,例如无法在 Visual Studio 重新启动之间保存“启动”项目。
文件也建议不添加它:Show hidden files in solution folder in windows explorer and you will find visual studio *.suo file (it contains user related information). Delete it, after opening solution next time it will be recreated. Seems that sometimes there are problems with this file (for example you take this file from another user's machine via source control(by the way: DO NOT PUT IT INTO SOURCE CONTROL!)); this causes not only "not opening previous tabs", but other confusing things as well, like not be able to save "startup" project between visual studio restarts.
Even typical
file for source control suggests NOT to add it:我刚刚遇到了同样的问题。我做了什么来解决:
I just had the same problem. What I did to solve:
Reset your settings via:
Through the same menu, import your previously exported settings. That fixed the issue for me, hope it helps who gets it next.
I was never able to fix it, but a fresh install works correctly.