想象一下,在接下来的 10 年里,您可以使用世界上所有的超级计算机。你的任务是尽可能无损地压缩 10 部完整长度的电影。另一个标准是普通计算机应该能够即时解压缩,并且不需要花费太多硬盘来安装解压缩软件。
我的问题是,与当今最好的替代方案相比,您能实现多少压缩? 1%、5%、50%?更具体地说:给定固定的字典大小(如果也称为视频压缩),压缩是否存在理论上的限制?
Imagine that you had all the supercomputers in the world at your disposal for the next 10 years. Your task was to compress 10 full-length movies losslessly as much as possible. Another criteria was that a normal computer should be able to decompress it on the fly and should not need to spend much of his HD to install the decompressing software.
My question is, how much more compression could you achieve than the best alternatives today? 1%, 5%, 50%? More specifically: is there a theoretical limit to compression, given a fixed dictionary size (if it is called that for video compression as well)?
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The limits of compression are dictated by the randomness of the source. Welcome to the study of information theory! See data compression.
There is a theoretical limit: I suggest reading this article on Information theory and the pigeon hole principle. It seems to sum up the issue in a very easy to understand way.
如果您有要压缩的所有电影的固定目录,您只需发送电影的 ID,然后“解压缩”即可使用该索引查找数据。因此,压缩可以是固定大小的 log2(N) 位,其中 N 是电影的数量。
If you have a fixed catalogue of all the movies you were ever going to compress, you could just send an id for the movie and have the "decompression" lookup up the data with that index. So compression could be to a fixed size of log2(N) bits, where N was the number of movies.
I suspect the practical lower bound is rather higher than this.
Do you really mean lossless? Most of today's video compression is lossy, I thought.
在信息论中,使用了以下 3 个基本假设:
信息由熵函数 H(X) 定义。
第一个极限是最著名的,由香农定义,其中所有 3 个假设均成立。
具有源 X 的 H(X) 熵。
第三个限制,我们去掉第三个假设。在这种情况下,使用了集合塑造理论SST,这是一种新的彻底改变信息论的方法。该理论研究一对一函数 f,将一组字符串转换为一组由更长长度的字符串组成的相同大小的集合。通过这种方法,我们得到以下极限:
其中f(X)=Y并且N 2 >N。
另一个有趣的方面是,作者共享了执行集合整形理论中描述的变换的代码和函数。该文件在 Matlab 文件交换上共享: https ://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/115590-test-sst-huffman-coding?s_tid=FX_rc1_behav
It is important to redefine the limits with the latest developments regarding information theory. For this purpose, I recommend the following article which is very detailed and clear.
A Modern approach to compression limit
In order to define a compression limit it is essential to report the hypotheses for which the limit is valid.
In information theory, 3 fundamental hypotheses are used which are the following:
the information is defined by the entropy function H(X).
the information that identifies the source is known both by the encoder and by the decoder.
the source and its isomorphisms are considered. It means that we can decode a symbol at a time.
First limit, the most famous, defined by Shannon in which all 3 hypotheses are true.
With H(X) entropy of the source X.
Second limit. we remove the second hypothesis the decoder does not know the source.
NH(X)+source information
Third limit, let's remove the third hypothesis. In this case, the Set Shaping Theory SST is used, a new method that is revolutionizing information theory. This theory studies the one-to-one functions f that transform a set of strings into a set of equal size made up of strings of greater length. With this method, we get the following limit:
N2H(Y)+ source information≈NH(X)
with f(X)=Y and N2>N.
In practice, we obtain a gain in terms of compression equivalent to the information necessary to describe the source is obtained. The information needed to describe the source represents the inefficiency of the entropy coding.
In this case, however, it is not possible to decode a symbol at a time (the code is not instantaneous) but the message must be decoded in full before obtaining the original message.
Important progress has been made in this area. It was possible to apply this theory to a concrete case of data compression "Practical applications of Set Shaping Theory in Huffman coding".
Another interesting aspect is that the authors shared the code and the function that performs the transform described in the set shaping theory. The file is shared on Matlab file exchange: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/115590-test-sst-huffman-coding?s_tid=FX_rc1_behav