If you are still looking for a solution, iOS5 (finally!) includes the Core Audio MusicPlayer. - it can read/write midi files, load soundfonts, play back midi with a variety of option.
您可能可以仔细阅读 Stephan Bernsee 的示例代码,该代码附带他的免费 Dirac LE 时间拉伸库。它有两个类,EAFRead 和 EAFWrite,用于读取/转换/写入音频文件。您可以从 http://dirac.dspdimension.com 获取它。查看库附带的 mobile/iOS 文件夹。您可以简单地将对其库的调用替换为您想要的任何内容(例如采样率转换以转置声音,请查看 http://www .musicdsp.com 获取执行此操作的提示/代码)。
You could probably peruse Stephan Bernsee's example code that comes with his free Dirac LE time stretching library. It has two classes, EAFRead and EAFWrite that read/convert/write audio files. You can get it from http://dirac.dspdimension.com. Check out the mobile/iOS folder that comes with the library. You can simply replace the call to his library with anything you want (like sample rate conversion to transpose sound, check out http://www.musicdsp.com for hints/code that does this).
You could create all the chords in Garage Band and then export the sounds from there to be used in your app. (Although your app will be larger with all the digitized audio.)
如果您仍在寻找解决方案,iOS5(终于!)包含了 Core Audio MusicPlayer。 - 它可以读取/写入 MIDI 文件、加载声音字体、使用多种选项播放 MIDI。
Mac MusicPlayer 开发人员参考
iOS MusicPlayer 开发人员参考
If you are still looking for a solution, iOS5 (finally!) includes the Core Audio MusicPlayer. - it can read/write midi files, load soundfonts, play back midi with a variety of option.
Mac MusicPlayer Developer Reference
iOS MusicPlayer Developer Reference
您可能可以仔细阅读 Stephan Bernsee 的示例代码,该代码附带他的免费 Dirac LE 时间拉伸库。它有两个类,EAFRead 和 EAFWrite,用于读取/转换/写入音频文件。您可以从 http://dirac.dspdimension.com 获取它。查看库附带的 mobile/iOS 文件夹。您可以简单地将对其库的调用替换为您想要的任何内容(例如采样率转换以转置声音,请查看 http://www .musicdsp.com 获取执行此操作的提示/代码)。
You could probably peruse Stephan Bernsee's example code that comes with his free Dirac LE time stretching library. It has two classes, EAFRead and EAFWrite that read/convert/write audio files. You can get it from http://dirac.dspdimension.com. Check out the mobile/iOS folder that comes with the library. You can simply replace the call to his library with anything you want (like sample rate conversion to transpose sound, check out http://www.musicdsp.com for hints/code that does this).
您可以在库乐队中创建所有和弦,然后从那里导出声音以在您的应用程序中使用。 (尽管您的应用程序会因所有数字化音频而变得更大。)
You could create all the chords in Garage Band and then export the sounds from there to be used in your app. (Although your app will be larger with all the digitized audio.)