使用 J2ME Polish 和 Generic MPDP2 构建的菜单(命令)
我在我的应用程序中使用 J2ME Polish。该应用程序本身相当简单,但我们对其进行了改进,因为它有漂亮的用户界面。我想要一个类似于所附图片的弹出菜单(命令)。我能够为特定于设备的版本(例如诺基亚 6212 Classic)获得这种 UI,但不能为通用 MIDP2 版本获得这种 UI。
我相信所有内容都在 J2ME Canvas 上呈现,并且我看不出有任何技术原因无法为通用设备呈现。有人可以告诉我这是否是设计上不可能的吗?
I am using J2ME Polish for my application. The app itself is fairly simple but we are using polish for it's nice UI. I would like to have a popup menu (Command) that is similar to the picture attached. I am able to get this kind of UI for device specific builds, such as Nokia 6212 Classic but not for Generic MIDP2 builds.
I believe everything is being rendered on J2ME Canvas and I don't see any technical reason why this cannot be rendered for a generic device. Could anyone out there let me know if this is not possible by design?
Any pointers on how to get this working is appreciated. Thanks.
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在浏览了文档“J2ME Polish 的完整指南,专业无线 Java 开发的解决方案”后,我找到了解决方案,我强烈推荐给任何使用此库的人。
当设备具有时,J2ME Polish 支持“菜单”模式当您为设备数据库(devices.xml 和其他相关 xml 文件)中已存在的设备进行开发时,此功能默认可用,但如果您为自定义设备进行开发,则需要使用此功能。例如,我正在为所有诺基亚 S40、S60 设备进行开发,
I have found the solution after going through the document 'Complete guide to J2ME Polish, The solution for professional wireless Java development", which I highly recommend for anyone making use of this library.
J2ME Polish supports "menu" mode when the device has a feature "hasCommandKeyEvents". This is available by default when you are developing for a device that is already present in the device database (devices.xml and other related xml files). But if you are developing for a custom device, this feature needs to be set for the device definition. For example, I am developing for ALL Nokia S40, S60 devices. Add the following entry in the file custom-devices.xml.
Build for this device Nokia/Midp2CLDC11. The UI would now show the menu.