Android 桌面日志查看器
我的 Android 应用程序可能会将 logcat 日志保存到文件中。然后将该日志文件发送给开发人员进行分析。
是否有一个很好的桌面 Android 日志查看器应用程序,可以可视化这些日志?
我无法在 Android SDK 中找到可用的工具。也许我错过了一些东西?
My Android application may save logcat logs to a file. This log file is then sent to developers for analysis.
Is there a nice desktop android log viewer application, which would visualize these logs?
I wasn't able to find a ready to use tool in Android SDK. Maybe I missed something there?
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读取android logcat日志文件的桌面工具,与DDMS相同。

Desktop tool for reading android logcat log file, the same as DDMS.

The purpose of this tool is to allow developers to quickly locate, analyze, problem-solving, rather
than struggling in the log file.
我尝试过 logview-0.19 - 对于我的 13Mb 日志效果很好。
在 Linux 中运行时,请确保将 ./logview 和 ./lib/logview.jar 标记为可执行文件。
I've tried logview-0.19 - works fine for my 13Mb logs.
Make sure to mark ./logview and ./lib/logview.jar as executable when running in Linux.
Splinter Log 适用于 MacOS,并且可以做一些比 DDMS 更好的事情,例如分组标签、将 pid 解析为包名称、等
Splinter Log works on MacOS and can do a few things better than DDMS, like grouping tags, resolving pids to package name, etc.
我发现在线LogCat美化器可以为给定的LogCat着色以方便阅读。非常好的工具,它使用 JavaScript,这意味着任何地方都不会存储任何内容!
该链接不再可访问,幸运的是,Android Studio 现在支持粘贴 LogCat进入其“LogCat”选项卡(以前的“Monitor”)。粘贴后,您可以选择像普通 LogCat 的日志一样进行搜索/单击。
I found Online LogCat Beautifier to which can colourize given LogCat for easy reading. Really nice tool and it uses JavaScript, which means nothing is stored anywhere!
The link is no longer accessible, and luckily enough for us, Android Studio now supports pasting the LogCat into its "LogCat" tab (previously "Monitor"). Upon pasting, you'd have the options to search/click like a normal LogCat's log.
看看这个链接 coloredlogcat 了解详细信息。
I use coloredlogcat for viewing logcat logs on the console. You should be able to do the same.
It should work out of the box. If it doesn't, I'm sure only minor modifications are needed.
Have a look at this link coloredlogcat for details.
您可以在没有 Eclipse 的情况下使用 Android 调试监视器或 DDMS。
You can use Android Debug Monitor or DDMS without Eclipse.
我调整了 log4j Chainsaw V2 和 (VFS)LogFilePatternReceiver,以允许 Chainsaw 从通过 logcat -v time 生成的 Android 日志文件中读取事件
下载 Chainsaw 的最新开发人员快照(Mac DMG 和 tarball 可用):
将此 XML 保存为文件(调整 fileURL 后):
然后启动 Chainsaw 后,从“文件,加载 Chainsaw 配置”菜单中选择“使用 Chainsaw 配置文件”选项,浏览到此 XML 文件,选择“始终使用此配置启动 Chainsaw”,然后按“确定”。
I've tweaked log4j Chainsaw V2 and the (VFS)LogFilePatternReceiver to allow Chainsaw to read events from Android log files generated via logcat -v time
Download the latest developer snapshot of Chainsaw (Mac DMG and tarball available):
Save this XML off as a file (after tweaking the fileURL):
And then after starting Chainsaw, select the 'Use a Chainsaw config file' option from the 'File, load Chainsaw configuration' menu, browse to this XML file, select 'always start Chainsaw with this configuration' and press OK.
我喜欢 LogExpert。它有很棒的过滤选项,而且速度相当快。因此,我创建了一个解析 LogCat 日志的自定义列生成器。它有一些改进,能够使用方法和行解析我的自定义日志。您可以在此处下载它。
I like LogExpert. It has great filtering options and it is pretty fast. So I have created a custom columnizer that parses LogCat logs. It has some improvements to be able to parse my custom logs with method and line. You can download it here.
就我个人而言,我喜欢 TailExpert ,我将它与 logcatUDP 一起使用来捕获来自多个 android 目标的日志,logcatUDP 通过网络发送日志到 tailexpert,我在那里捕获它并并排查看。但是如果您愿意,您也可以从文件中读取日志,它是一个尾部程序,因此当日志消息到达时它会将日志消息添加到视图中。您可以根据关键字过滤消息并使用颜色来识别某些日志消息。我喜欢的另一件事是,在 tailexpert 中,您可以动态创建列生成器,并轻松隐藏一个或多个列或更改列顺序。该程序充满了功能,我最近刚刚开始发现使用通知来动态放置书签并在特定日志消息经过时停止日志,这使得导航速度更快。只需检查一下即可,您可以在此处下载。
Personally I like TailExpert which I use together with logcatUDP to capture logs from multiple android targets, logcatUDP sends the log over the network to tailexpert where I capture it and view the side by side. But you can also read the logs from file if you like, it's a tail program so it will add logmessages to the view when they arrive. You can filter messages on keywords and use colors to identify certain logmessages. The other thing I like is that in tailexpert you can create columnizers on the fly and easily hide one or more columns or change the column order. The program is packed with features and I recently just started to discover the use of notifications to place bookmarks on the fly and halt the log when a certain logmessages passes by, which makes navigation so much quicker. Just check it out, you can download it here.
我现在使用 ,因为 Logcat Offline Viewer 可能由于 JAVA 更新而退出工作。
I went with now, since Logcat Offline Viewer quit its job probably due to JAVA update.