应用程序在线程退出时崩溃 - C++
void * pvThreadData = reinterpret_cast<void *>(_pobjSerialPort);
// Create the exit notify window thread event handle.
_hNotifyWindowThreadExitEvent = ::CreateEvent(
NULL, // No security
TRUE, // Create a manual-reset event object
FALSE, // Initial state is non-signaled
NULL // No name specified
if ( _hNotifyWindowThreadExitEvent == NULL )
TRACE(_T("CreateNotifyWindow : Failed to get a handle for the exit message-only window event.\r\n\tError: %d\r\n\tFile: %s\r\n\tLine: %d\r\n"), ::GetLastError(), __WFILE__, __LINE__);
return ::GetLastError();
// Create the notify window thread to begin execution on its own.
_hNotifyWindowThread = ::CreateThread(
NULL, // No security attributes.
0, // Use default initial stack size.
pThreadStart, // Function to execute in new thread.
pvThreadData, // Thread parameters.
0, // Use default creation settings.
NULL // Thread ID is not needed.
if ( _hNotifyWindowThread == NULL )
TRACE(_T("CreateNotifyWindow : Failed to create handle for message-only window thread.\r\n\tError: %d\r\n\tFile: %s\r\n\tLine: %d\r\n"), ::GetLastError(), __WFILE__, __LINE__);
return ::GetLastError();
DWORD NotifyWindowThreadFn( void * pParam )
static CNotifyWindow * pobjNotifyWindow = NULL;
CSerialPort * pobjSerialPort = reinterpret_cast<CSerialPort *>(pParam);
// Create notify window to handle surprize removal/insertion events...
pobjNotifyWindow = new CNotifyWindow();
catch ( DWORD error )
return error; // 1. PC gets here
catch ( long error )
return error;
catch ( ... )
/* Other stuff that is not executed due to return. */
} // 2. PC then gets here
当应用程序崩溃时,Visual Studio 会给出以下错误消息:
Windows 已在 CppTestConsole.exe 中触发断点。
这可能是由于堆损坏造成的,这表明 CppTestConsole.exe 或其加载的任何 DLL 中存在错误。
这也可能是由于用户在 CppTestConsole.exe 获得焦点时按了 F12。
线程“NotifyWindowThreadFn”(0x414) 已退出,代码为 0 (0x0)。
然后显示一堆DLL被卸载了。当我单击“Break”按钮时,PC 位于 dbgheap.c 中的 _CrtIsValidHeapPointer
My application is crashing when it exits the thread function. This is how my thread is initialized:
void * pvThreadData = reinterpret_cast<void *>(_pobjSerialPort);
// Create the exit notify window thread event handle.
_hNotifyWindowThreadExitEvent = ::CreateEvent(
NULL, // No security
TRUE, // Create a manual-reset event object
FALSE, // Initial state is non-signaled
NULL // No name specified
if ( _hNotifyWindowThreadExitEvent == NULL )
TRACE(_T("CreateNotifyWindow : Failed to get a handle for the exit message-only window event.\r\n\tError: %d\r\n\tFile: %s\r\n\tLine: %d\r\n"), ::GetLastError(), __WFILE__, __LINE__);
return ::GetLastError();
// Create the notify window thread to begin execution on its own.
_hNotifyWindowThread = ::CreateThread(
NULL, // No security attributes.
0, // Use default initial stack size.
pThreadStart, // Function to execute in new thread.
pvThreadData, // Thread parameters.
0, // Use default creation settings.
NULL // Thread ID is not needed.
if ( _hNotifyWindowThread == NULL )
TRACE(_T("CreateNotifyWindow : Failed to create handle for message-only window thread.\r\n\tError: %d\r\n\tFile: %s\r\n\tLine: %d\r\n"), ::GetLastError(), __WFILE__, __LINE__);
return ::GetLastError();
This is the portion of my thread function that gets executed:
DWORD NotifyWindowThreadFn( void * pParam )
static CNotifyWindow * pobjNotifyWindow = NULL;
CSerialPort * pobjSerialPort = reinterpret_cast<CSerialPort *>(pParam);
// Create notify window to handle surprize removal/insertion events...
pobjNotifyWindow = new CNotifyWindow();
catch ( DWORD error )
return error; // 1. PC gets here
catch ( long error )
return error;
catch ( ... )
/* Other stuff that is not executed due to return. */
} // 2. PC then gets here
When the application crashes, Visual Studio gives me this error message:
Windows has triggered a breakpoint in CppTestConsole.exe.
This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in CppTestConsole.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded.
This may also be due to the user pressing F12 while CppTestConsole.exe has focus.
The output window may have more diagnostic information.
The output window doesn't have anything especially useful. Only...
The thread 'NotifyWindowThreadFn' (0x414) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Then it shows that a bunch of DLLs are unloaded. When I click the Break button, the PC is at the end of _CrtIsValidHeapPointer
in dbgheap.c. Does anyone have any ideas as to why my application is crashing when the thread exits? Should I not be returning directly from within a threaded function? Thanks.
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
我可能是错的,但看起来你正在尝试从工作线程创建一个窗口。不要这样做。 Windows 需要消息泵才能运行,而您的应用程序中只有一个消息泵——它位于主线程中。
I might be wrong, but it seems like you're trying to create a window from a worker thread. Don't do this. Windows need the message pump in order to function, and there's only one message pump in your application -- it's in the main thread.
您应该将您的函数声明和定义为: DWORD WINAPI NotifyWindowThreadFn( void * pParam )
you should declare and define you function as : DWORD WINAPI NotifyWindowThreadFn( void * pParam )
尝试使用 _beginthreadex 而不是 CreateThread:
Try using _beginthreadex instead of CreateThread: