
发布于 2024-10-04 18:51:55 字数 802 浏览 0 评论 0原文


防病毒软件从不冒犯。它只是等待那些有足够时间窃取/下载/安装 X 软件、测试其防御并向其无人机/僵尸部署新更新以利用 X 软件弱点的人的攻击。因此,立即击败 X 软件(特别是如果您的 PC 最终成为测试新漏洞的第一候选者)。


抛开伦理/道德不谈,如果你编写了一种自我传播的病毒,其唯一使命是消灭 Zeus、Conficker、Grum、Bobax 等,那么你可以坐下来,放松地看着你的电子邮件过滤器逐渐无事可做。






正如@Woot4Moo 指出的,我显然在这个领域没有太多背景。



所以我的反问是我们如何继续进攻?攻击命令&控制服务器? (再次强调,烧毁建筑物是违法的,即使它属于暴徒)。或者我们不应该打扰并永远防守? (如果我不知道进攻性举措,请赐教)。

Wouldn't the best way to dismantle a botnet come from writing your own Virus?

Anti-Virus software never plays offense. It simply waits to be attacked by people who have ample time to steal/download/install X software, test its defenses, and deploy new updates to their drones/zombies to exploit X software's weakness. Thus instantly defeating X software (especially if your PC winds up being candidate #1 for testing the new exploit).

So to play offense, why not write your own Anti-Virus Virus.

Ethics/Morality aside, if your wrote a self propagating virus whose sole mission was to take out Zeus, Conficker, Grum, Bobax, etc. you could sit back, relax and watch as your email filter gradually runs out of things to do.

You could be the Batman of the web. Breaking the rules for the greater good! I'm not seriously advocating vigilantism of course, but in theory, you could wage a war against any botnet using the same tactics that a virus/worm/trojan uses.

To keep it more ethical, have your program self delete once it's cleaned a PC and copied itself to another.

The people participating in the botnet didn't ask to participate in it, so should they need to be asked to not participate in it?

What do you think?


As @Woot4Moo pointed out, I clearly don't have a lot of background in this field.

And I certainly know you can't truly separate morality/ethics from this question, since at the end of the day I don't want anyone messing with my stuff either (regardless of their "good" intentions).

I guess my question was more along the lines of (again attempting to remove morality) "Which would be more efficient at combating the problem?" Waiting to be attacked or offensively attacking. This idea spawned my "Good Botnet" idea (an idea clearly beaten down).

So my counter question is how do we go on the offense then? Attack the Command & Control Servers? (Again, illegal to burn down a building even if it's owned by the mob). Or should we not bother and play defense forever? (And if I'm ignorant of an offensive initiative then please enlighten me).

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深者入戏 2024-10-11 18:51:56


1) Worm-vs-Worm(补丁想法):2003 年的 Welchia 蠕虫试图在 2003 年的 Blaster 蠕虫之后进行清理,但意外后果的法则(以及一些糟糕的结果)设计选择)开始:带宽饱和,新的攻击向量 http://www.icir.org /vern/worm04/castaneda.pdf

据我所知,这是唯一一次启动反蠕虫病毒。后来的蠕虫病毒(如 Conficker)通过修补漏洞并添加特殊协议功能(仅允许附属的 C& 病毒)来防范这种情况。 C 进入 - 因此该漏洞成为带有代码的后门。

2)劫持C& C 渠道:多个研究小组已经接管僵尸网络来研究它们:UCSB 于 2009 年在 ACM CCS 上发表了一篇公开论文:http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~seclab/projects/torpig/torpig.pdf

公共僵尸网络业务是大笔资金,因此投入了大量工作制作 C & C 通道无懈可击(强加密、去中心化、双通量等),可防止关闭和接管。


2012/2:Seawave:博士论文< /a>良性第 2 层“拓扑感知漏洞”
2012 年 1 月:日本/富士通有一个“主动防御”病毒项目(制定了 3 年),声称可以在网络攻击的情况下进行归因和中和
cnet 链接

The idea has appeal in theory, and it has happened

1) Worm-vs-Worm (the patch idea): The Welchia worm in 2003 tried to clean up after the Blaster worm in 2003, but the law of unintended consequences (and some poor design choices) kicked in: bandwidth saturation, new attack vectors http://www.icir.org/vern/worm04/castaneda.pdf

As far as I know, this is the only time that a counter-worm was launched. Later worms (like Conficker) hedge against this by patching the vulnerability and putting in special protocol features that only allow affiliated C & C to get in - so the vulnerability becomes a backdoor with a code.

2) Hijacking the C & C channels: Several research groups have done taken over botnets to study them: UCSB has a public paper at ACM CCS in 2009: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~seclab/projects/torpig/torpig.pdf

Public botnet business is big money, so a lot of work is put into making the C & C channels unassailable (strong crypto, decentralization, double flux, etc) to prevent the shutdown and takeover.


2012/2: Seawave: PhD thesison benign layer 2 "Topology-Aware Vulnerability
Mitigation Worms "
2012/1: Japan/Fujitsu has an "active-defense" virus project (3 year in making) that claims to attribute and neutralize in case of cyber-attacks cnet link

梦里兽 2024-10-11 18:51:56

从技术角度来看,这可能是可能的,而且我听说它已经在僵尸网络与僵尸网络级别上发生了(找不到参考资料 - 抱歉),如果那里也有研究人员,我不会感到惊讶做类似的事情,尽管出于道德方面的考虑,他们不太可能宣布或吹嘘它。


From a technical point of view this is probably possible and I have heard it is already happening at a botnet vs. botnet level (can't find the reference - sorry), and I wouldn't be surprised if there were researchers out there also doing similar things, though they're unlikely to announce it or brag about it due to the ethical concerns.

From an ethical point of view, you probably shouldn't do this. You're installing software onto someone else's machine and mucking around with it without their permission. It would be similar to breaking into someone's house through the living room window to ensure that the smoke alarms are still working. If the users participated in it voluntarily (that is, they deliberately install the software) then it would be OK, but then it would be like any other anti-virus... consent is the key here.

遗弃M 2024-10-11 18:51:56


这与索尼在每张 CD 上放置间谍软件以阻止用户翻录音乐有何不同?它不是。在索尼看来,盗版音乐的人就是坏人,他们采取了类似于你建议的措施来打击它。最终他们被起诉并被处以巨额罚款。教训?仅仅因为您认为需要保护自己的利益,就不能在不公开的情况下将某些内容放在另一台计算机上。绝不。

This cant happen. It sounds good in theory, but if they didnt kill you, you would soon find your self in jail. You can simply push ethics aside and do as you wish.

How is this any different from when Sony put spyware on each CD so they could prevent users from ripping the music? Its not. In Sony's eyes they person who ripped music was the bad guy, and they employed a measure similar to what you suggested to combat it. In the end they got sued and slapped with a huge fine. The lesson? Just because you think you need to protect your interests, it is never ok to put something on another computer without disclosure. Never.

烟酒忠诚 2024-10-11 18:51:56


Some researcher already created something like this, but this was never used. That is as illegal as creating the botnets in the first place. And I don’t think this would really help for long.

欲拥i 2024-10-11 18:51:56


This is honestly the worst idea I have ever heard, ever. You either have a lack of knowledge or you are intentionally being ridiculous. I don't ask the police to protect me, but I surely would be upset if they shot at my car every day, ya know just in case. Additionally you make more money in research by finding ways to circumvent protection than you do by creating the protection. Look at any scientist whom helps a professional athlete hide steroid use.

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