Placement-new 与 gcc 4.4.3 严格别名规则

发布于 2024-10-04 06:06:08 字数 2599 浏览 0 评论 0原文

我有一些代码,多年来我一直成功地使用它们来实现“变体类型对象”;也就是说,一个 C++ 对象可以保存各种类型的值,但仅使用(大约)尽可能多的可能类型的内存。该代码在本质上与标记联合相似,只是它也支持非 POD 数据类型。它通过使用字符缓冲区、放置新/删除和reinterpret_cast<>来实现这一魔力。

我最近尝试在 gcc 4.4.3 下编译此代码(使用 -O3 和 -Wall),并收到很多这样的警告:

warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules

从我读到的内容来看,这表明 gcc 的新优化器可能会生成“有缺陷”的代码,我显然想避免这种情况。

我在下面粘贴了代码的“玩具版本”;我可以对我的代码做些什么,使其在 gcc 4.4.3 下更安全,同时仍然支持非 POD 数据类型?我知道,作为最后的手段,我总是可以使用 -fno-strict-aliasing 来编译代码,但如果代码在优化下不会中断,那就太好了,所以我宁愿不这样做。

(请注意,我想避免在代码库中引入 boost 或 C++0X 依赖项,因此虽然 boost/C++0X 解决方案很有趣,但我更喜欢更老式的东西)

#include <new>

class Duck
   Duck() : _speed(0.0f), _quacking(false) {/* empty */}
   virtual ~Duck() {/* empty */}  // virtual only to demonstrate that this may not be a POD type

   float _speed;
   bool _quacking;

class Soup
   Soup() : _size(0), _temperature(0.0f) {/* empty */}
   virtual ~Soup() {/* empty */}  // virtual only to demonstrate that this may not be a POD type

   int _size;
   float _temperature;

enum {
   TYPE_UNSET = 0,

/** Tagged-union style variant class, can hold either one Duck or one Soup, but not both at once. */
class DuckOrSoup
   DuckOrSoup() : _type(TYPE_UNSET) {/* empty*/}
   ~DuckOrSoup() {Unset();}

   void Unset() {ChangeType(TYPE_UNSET);}
   void SetValueDuck(const Duck & duck) {ChangeType(TYPE_DUCK); reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(_data)[0] = duck;}
   void SetValueSoup(const Soup & soup) {ChangeType(TYPE_SOUP); reinterpret_cast<Soup*>(_data)[0] = soup;}

   void ChangeType(int newType);

   template <int S1, int S2> struct _maxx {enum {sz = (S1>S2)?S1:S2};};
   #define compile_time_max(a,b) (_maxx< (a), (b) >::sz)
   enum {STORAGE_SIZE = compile_time_max(sizeof(Duck), sizeof(Soup))};

   char _data[STORAGE_SIZE];
   int _type;   // a TYPE_* indicating what type of data we currently hold

void DuckOrSoup :: ChangeType(int newType)
   if (newType != _type)
         case TYPE_DUCK: (reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(_data))->~Duck(); break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: (reinterpret_cast<Soup*>(_data))->~Soup(); break;
      _type = newType;
         case TYPE_DUCK: (void) new (_data) Duck();  break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: (void) new (_data) Soup();  break;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   DuckOrSoup dos;
   return 0;

I've got some code that I've been using successfully for some years to implement a "variant-type object"; that is, a C++ object that can hold a values of various types, but only uses (approximately) as much memory as the largest of the possible types. The code is similar in spirit to a tagged-union, except that it supports non-POD data types as well. It accomplishes this magic by using a char buffer, placement new/delete, and reinterpret_cast<>.

I recently tried compiling this code under gcc 4.4.3 (with -O3 and -Wall), and got lots of warnings like this:

warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules

From what I've read, this is an indication that the gcc's new optimizer might generate 'buggy' code, which I obviously would like to avoid.

I've pasted a 'toy version' of my code below; is there anything I can do to my code to make it safer under gcc 4.4.3, while still supporting non-POD data types? I know that as a last resort I could always compile the code with -fno-strict-aliasing, but it would be nice to have code that doesn't break under optimization so I'd rather not do that.

(Note that I'd like to avoid introducing a boost or C++0X dependency into the codebase, so while boost/C++0X solutions are interesting, I'd prefer something a little more old-fashioned)

#include <new>

class Duck
   Duck() : _speed(0.0f), _quacking(false) {/* empty */}
   virtual ~Duck() {/* empty */}  // virtual only to demonstrate that this may not be a POD type

   float _speed;
   bool _quacking;

class Soup
   Soup() : _size(0), _temperature(0.0f) {/* empty */}
   virtual ~Soup() {/* empty */}  // virtual only to demonstrate that this may not be a POD type

   int _size;
   float _temperature;

enum {
   TYPE_UNSET = 0,

/** Tagged-union style variant class, can hold either one Duck or one Soup, but not both at once. */
class DuckOrSoup
   DuckOrSoup() : _type(TYPE_UNSET) {/* empty*/}
   ~DuckOrSoup() {Unset();}

   void Unset() {ChangeType(TYPE_UNSET);}
   void SetValueDuck(const Duck & duck) {ChangeType(TYPE_DUCK); reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(_data)[0] = duck;}
   void SetValueSoup(const Soup & soup) {ChangeType(TYPE_SOUP); reinterpret_cast<Soup*>(_data)[0] = soup;}

   void ChangeType(int newType);

   template <int S1, int S2> struct _maxx {enum {sz = (S1>S2)?S1:S2};};
   #define compile_time_max(a,b) (_maxx< (a), (b) >::sz)
   enum {STORAGE_SIZE = compile_time_max(sizeof(Duck), sizeof(Soup))};

   char _data[STORAGE_SIZE];
   int _type;   // a TYPE_* indicating what type of data we currently hold

void DuckOrSoup :: ChangeType(int newType)
   if (newType != _type)
         case TYPE_DUCK: (reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(_data))->~Duck(); break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: (reinterpret_cast<Soup*>(_data))->~Soup(); break;
      _type = newType;
         case TYPE_DUCK: (void) new (_data) Duck();  break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: (void) new (_data) Soup();  break;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   DuckOrSoup dos;
   return 0;

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好的,如果你愿意存储一个额外的 void * 就可以做到。我对您的示例进行了一些重新格式化,以便我更容易使用。看看这个,看看它是否符合您的需求。另请注意,我提供了一些示例,以便您可以向其中添加一些有助于可用性的模板。它们可以扩展得更多,但这应该给你一个好主意。



我的 g++ 版本信息:

g++ --版本
g++ (SUSE Linux) 4.5.0 20100604 [gcc-4_5-分支修订版 160292]

#include <new>
#include <iostream>

class Duck
   Duck(float s = 0.0f, bool q = false) : _speed(s), _quacking(q)
    std::cout << "Duck::Duck()" << std::endl;
   virtual ~Duck() // virtual only to demonstrate that this may not be a POD type
     std::cout << "Duck::~Duck()" << std::endl;

   float _speed;
   bool _quacking;

class Soup
   Soup(int s = 0, float t = 0.0f) : _size(s), _temperature(t)
    std::cout << "Soup::Soup()" << std::endl;
   virtual ~Soup() // virtual only to demonstrate that this may not be a POD type
     std::cout << "Soup::~Soup()" << std::endl;

   int _size;
   float _temperature;

enum TypeEnum {
   TYPE_UNSET = 0,
template < class T > TypeEnum type_enum_for();
template < > TypeEnum type_enum_for< Duck >() { return TYPE_DUCK; }
template < > TypeEnum type_enum_for< Soup >() { return TYPE_SOUP; }

/** Tagged-union style variant class, can hold either one Duck or one Soup, but not both at once. */
class DuckOrSoup
   DuckOrSoup() : _type(TYPE_UNSET), _data_ptr(_data) {/* empty*/}
   ~DuckOrSoup() {Unset();}

   void Unset() {ChangeType(TYPE_UNSET);}
   void SetValueDuck(const Duck & duck)
     reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(_data_ptr)[0] = duck;
   void SetValueSoup(const Soup & soup)
     reinterpret_cast<Soup*>(_data_ptr)[0] = soup;

   template < class T >
   void set(T const & t)
     ChangeType(type_enum_for< T >());
     reinterpret_cast< T * >(_data_ptr)[0] = t;

   template < class T >
   T & get()
     ChangeType(type_enum_for< T >());
     return reinterpret_cast< T * >(_data_ptr)[0];

   template < class T >
   T const & get_const()
     ChangeType(type_enum_for< T >());
     return reinterpret_cast< T const * >(_data_ptr)[0];

   void ChangeType(int newType);

   template <int S1, int S2> struct _maxx {enum {sz = (S1>S2)?S1:S2};};
   #define compile_time_max(a,b) (_maxx< (a), (b) >::sz)
   enum {STORAGE_SIZE = compile_time_max(sizeof(Duck), sizeof(Soup))};

   char _data[STORAGE_SIZE];
   int _type;   // a TYPE_* indicating what type of data we currently hold
   void * _data_ptr;

void DuckOrSoup :: ChangeType(int newType)
   if (newType != _type)
         case TYPE_DUCK: (reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(_data_ptr))->~Duck(); break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: (reinterpret_cast<Soup*>(_data_ptr))->~Soup(); break;
      _type = newType;
         case TYPE_DUCK: (void) new (_data) Duck();  break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: (void) new (_data) Soup();  break;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   Duck sample_duck; sample_duck._speed = 23.23;
   Soup sample_soup; sample_soup._temperature = 98.6;
   std::cout << "Just saw sample constructors" << std::endl;
     DuckOrSoup dos;
     std::cout << "Setting to Duck" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Setting to Soup" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Should see DuckOrSoup destruct which will dtor a Soup"
       << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Do it again with the templates" << std::endl;
     DuckOrSoup dos;
     std::cout << "Setting to Duck" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "duck speed: " << dos.get_const<Duck>()._speed << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Setting to Soup" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "soup temp: " << dos.get_const<Soup>()._temperature << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Should see DuckOrSoup destruct which will dtor a Soup"
       << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Do it again with only template get" << std::endl;
     DuckOrSoup dos;
     std::cout << "Setting to Duck" << std::endl;
     dos.get<Duck>() = Duck(42.42);
     std::cout << "duck speed: " << dos.get_const<Duck>()._speed << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Setting to Soup" << std::endl;
     dos.get<Soup>() = Soup(0, 32);
     std::cout << "soup temp: " << dos.get_const<Soup>()._temperature << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Should see DuckOrSoup destruct which will dtor a Soup"
       << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Get ready to see sample destructors" << std::endl;
   return 0;

OK, you can do it if you are willing to store an extra void *. I reformatted your sample a bit so it was easier for me to work with. Look at this and see if it fits your needs. Also, note that I provided a few samples so you can add some templates to it that will help usability. They can be extended much more, but that should give you a good idea.

There is also some output stuff to help you see what is going on.

One more thing, I assume you know that you need to provide appropriate copy-ctor and assignment-operator but that is not the crux of this problem.

My g++ version info:

g++ --version
g++ (SUSE Linux) 4.5.0 20100604 [gcc-4_5-branch revision 160292]

#include <new>
#include <iostream>

class Duck
   Duck(float s = 0.0f, bool q = false) : _speed(s), _quacking(q)
    std::cout << "Duck::Duck()" << std::endl;
   virtual ~Duck() // virtual only to demonstrate that this may not be a POD type
     std::cout << "Duck::~Duck()" << std::endl;

   float _speed;
   bool _quacking;

class Soup
   Soup(int s = 0, float t = 0.0f) : _size(s), _temperature(t)
    std::cout << "Soup::Soup()" << std::endl;
   virtual ~Soup() // virtual only to demonstrate that this may not be a POD type
     std::cout << "Soup::~Soup()" << std::endl;

   int _size;
   float _temperature;

enum TypeEnum {
   TYPE_UNSET = 0,
template < class T > TypeEnum type_enum_for();
template < > TypeEnum type_enum_for< Duck >() { return TYPE_DUCK; }
template < > TypeEnum type_enum_for< Soup >() { return TYPE_SOUP; }

/** Tagged-union style variant class, can hold either one Duck or one Soup, but not both at once. */
class DuckOrSoup
   DuckOrSoup() : _type(TYPE_UNSET), _data_ptr(_data) {/* empty*/}
   ~DuckOrSoup() {Unset();}

   void Unset() {ChangeType(TYPE_UNSET);}
   void SetValueDuck(const Duck & duck)
     reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(_data_ptr)[0] = duck;
   void SetValueSoup(const Soup & soup)
     reinterpret_cast<Soup*>(_data_ptr)[0] = soup;

   template < class T >
   void set(T const & t)
     ChangeType(type_enum_for< T >());
     reinterpret_cast< T * >(_data_ptr)[0] = t;

   template < class T >
   T & get()
     ChangeType(type_enum_for< T >());
     return reinterpret_cast< T * >(_data_ptr)[0];

   template < class T >
   T const & get_const()
     ChangeType(type_enum_for< T >());
     return reinterpret_cast< T const * >(_data_ptr)[0];

   void ChangeType(int newType);

   template <int S1, int S2> struct _maxx {enum {sz = (S1>S2)?S1:S2};};
   #define compile_time_max(a,b) (_maxx< (a), (b) >::sz)
   enum {STORAGE_SIZE = compile_time_max(sizeof(Duck), sizeof(Soup))};

   char _data[STORAGE_SIZE];
   int _type;   // a TYPE_* indicating what type of data we currently hold
   void * _data_ptr;

void DuckOrSoup :: ChangeType(int newType)
   if (newType != _type)
         case TYPE_DUCK: (reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(_data_ptr))->~Duck(); break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: (reinterpret_cast<Soup*>(_data_ptr))->~Soup(); break;
      _type = newType;
         case TYPE_DUCK: (void) new (_data) Duck();  break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: (void) new (_data) Soup();  break;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   Duck sample_duck; sample_duck._speed = 23.23;
   Soup sample_soup; sample_soup._temperature = 98.6;
   std::cout << "Just saw sample constructors" << std::endl;
     DuckOrSoup dos;
     std::cout << "Setting to Duck" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Setting to Soup" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Should see DuckOrSoup destruct which will dtor a Soup"
       << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Do it again with the templates" << std::endl;
     DuckOrSoup dos;
     std::cout << "Setting to Duck" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "duck speed: " << dos.get_const<Duck>()._speed << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Setting to Soup" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "soup temp: " << dos.get_const<Soup>()._temperature << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Should see DuckOrSoup destruct which will dtor a Soup"
       << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Do it again with only template get" << std::endl;
     DuckOrSoup dos;
     std::cout << "Setting to Duck" << std::endl;
     dos.get<Duck>() = Duck(42.42);
     std::cout << "duck speed: " << dos.get_const<Duck>()._speed << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Setting to Soup" << std::endl;
     dos.get<Soup>() = Soup(0, 32);
     std::cout << "soup temp: " << dos.get_const<Soup>()._temperature << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Should see DuckOrSoup destruct which will dtor a Soup"
       << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Get ready to see sample destructors" << std::endl;
   return 0;
梦情居士 2024-10-11 06:06:08


typedef boost::variant<Duck, Soup> DuckOrSoup;


顺便说一句,您的代码有错误,您没有考虑可能的对齐问题,您不能将对象放在内存中的任何位置,有一个需要遵守的约束,该约束随每种类型而变化。在 C++0x 中,有 alignof 关键字来获取它,还有一些其他实用程序来获取对齐存储。

I would have written the code like so:

typedef boost::variant<Duck, Soup> DuckOrSoup;

but I guess everyone got its own taste.

By the way, your code is buggy, you haven't taken care of possible alignment issues, you cannot just put an object at any point in the memory, there's a constraint to respect, which change with every type. In C++0x, there is the alignof keyword to get it, and a few other utilities to get aligned storage.

怪我入戏太深 2024-10-11 06:06:08

我已经成功说服 GCC(4.2.4,使用 -Wstrict-aliasing=2 运行)不要通过使用 void * 临时来抱怨,即。

void SetValueDuck(const Duck & duck) {ChangeType(TYPE_DUCK); void *t=&_data; reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(t)[0] = duck;}

I've managed to convince GCC (4.2.4, run with -Wstrict-aliasing=2) not to complain by using a void * temporary, ie.

void SetValueDuck(const Duck & duck) {ChangeType(TYPE_DUCK); void *t=&_data; reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(t)[0] = duck;}
风透绣罗衣 2024-10-11 06:06:08

带 -O3 -Wall 的 g++ 4.4.3 可与以下补丁配合使用。

class DuckOrSoup
   DuckOrSoup() : _type(TYPE_UNSET) {_duck = NULL; _soup = NULL;/* empty*/}
   ~DuckOrSoup() {Unset();}

   void Unset() {ChangeType(TYPE_UNSET);}
   void SetValueDuck(const Duck & duck) {ChangeType(TYPE_DUCK); _duck = new (&_data[0])Duck (duck); }
   void SetValueSoup(const Soup & soup) { ChangeType(TYPE_SOUP); _soup = new (&_data[0])Soup (soup); }

   void ChangeType(int newType);

   template <int S1, int S2> struct _maxx {enum {sz = (S1>S2)?S1:S2};};
   #define compile_time_max(a,b) (_maxx< (a), (b) >::sz)
   enum {STORAGE_SIZE = compile_time_max(sizeof(Duck), sizeof(Soup))};

   char _data[STORAGE_SIZE];
   int _type;   // a TYPE_* indicating what type of data we currently hold
   Duck* _duck;
   Soup* _soup;

void DuckOrSoup :: ChangeType(int newType)
   if (newType != _type)
         case TYPE_DUCK:
             _duck = NULL;
         case TYPE_SOUP:
             _soup = NULL;
      _type = newType;
         case TYPE_DUCK: _duck = new (&_data[0]) Duck();  break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: _soup = new (&_data[0]) Soup();  break;

I still cannot understand the need or usage for this but
g++ 4.4.3 with -O3 -Wall works with the following patch.
If it works, can you share the use case, why you need this?

class DuckOrSoup
   DuckOrSoup() : _type(TYPE_UNSET) {_duck = NULL; _soup = NULL;/* empty*/}
   ~DuckOrSoup() {Unset();}

   void Unset() {ChangeType(TYPE_UNSET);}
   void SetValueDuck(const Duck & duck) {ChangeType(TYPE_DUCK); _duck = new (&_data[0])Duck (duck); }
   void SetValueSoup(const Soup & soup) { ChangeType(TYPE_SOUP); _soup = new (&_data[0])Soup (soup); }

   void ChangeType(int newType);

   template <int S1, int S2> struct _maxx {enum {sz = (S1>S2)?S1:S2};};
   #define compile_time_max(a,b) (_maxx< (a), (b) >::sz)
   enum {STORAGE_SIZE = compile_time_max(sizeof(Duck), sizeof(Soup))};

   char _data[STORAGE_SIZE];
   int _type;   // a TYPE_* indicating what type of data we currently hold
   Duck* _duck;
   Soup* _soup;

void DuckOrSoup :: ChangeType(int newType)
   if (newType != _type)
         case TYPE_DUCK:
             _duck = NULL;
         case TYPE_SOUP:
             _soup = NULL;
      _type = newType;
         case TYPE_DUCK: _duck = new (&_data[0]) Duck();  break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: _soup = new (&_data[0]) Soup();  break;
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