
发布于 2024-10-04 03:03:54 字数 227 浏览 15 评论 0原文

我正在开发一个产品,并使用 Pivotal Tracker 来编写用户故事,但我对 BDD 和 XP 很陌生,对 Cucumber 也比较陌生。所以我对这些术语有点困惑。故事和黄瓜特征有什么区别?两者都是简单的描述,由三部分组成——参与者、行动和商业价值。正确的?因此,如果我已经用 Pivotal Tracker 编写了一个故事,我是否应该将其直接复制到 Cucumber 功能中?一个故事可以有多种功能吗?


I am working on a product and I am using Pivotal Tracker to write user stories, but I am quite new to BDD and XP, and newer to Cucumber. So I am getting confused by the terminology a little bit. What is the difference between a story and a cucumber feature? Both are simple descriptions consisting of three parts--actor, action and business value. Right? So if I already have a story written in Pivotal Tracker, should I just copy that directly into the Cucumber feature? Can one story have multiple features?

What do you think?

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回梦 2024-10-11 03:03:54


在 BDD 术语中,故事是功能中的一小部分,它是功能性的,我们可以在其中获得反馈。例如,我们可能会在没有个人资料页面且没有验证的情况下生成注册。验证可能是另一个故事。图片可以是另一个。

考虑到架构、新技术、领域学习等,生成一些更复杂的功能可能需要几周的时间 - 因此故事可以让我们比这更快地获得反馈。

您可能有兴趣了解分析领域的功能注入 - BDD。我们在故事和功能上都大量使用该模板:

In order to <achieve a goal>
As <the stakeholder who wants the goal>
I want <something>


A feature is a fully-fledged piece of functionality, ready to go live. For instance, a feature might be a user profile, complete with registration page, validation, pictures, etc.

In BDD-terminology, a story is a small slice through the feature which is functional, and on which we can get feedback. For instance, we might produce the registration without a profile page, and without validation. Validation might be another story. Pictures can be another.

It can take weeks to produce some of the more complex features, taking into account architecture, new technologies, domain learning, etc. - so a story lets us get feedback more quickly than this.

You might be interested in learning about Feature Injection - BDD in the analysis space. We use the template quite a lot for both stories and features:

In order to <achieve a goal>
As <the stakeholder who wants the goal>
I want <something>

I tend not to worry too much about whether what I'm doing is a feature or a story, as long as I'm getting feedback as quickly as possible.

静待花开 2024-10-11 03:03:54



BDD 是 TDD(测试驱动开发)的变体。据我了解,BDD 的语义比 TDD 的语义更少面向实现,因为您使用诸如“系统应该加载用户”之类的短语,而不是“用户实例在被 DAO 加载后不应为空” “——它们描述系统行为(功能集),而不是实际实现的具体细节。但最终,如果做得正确的话,他们都会测试同样的事情。

而且,就主题而言,故事的概念与 BDD 确实是正交的;有些开发实践有故事但没有 BDD。

"Story" is a series of development tasks which together accomplish a goal. It is a device used by developers.

"Feature" is, well, a feature that the business stake holders want to see in their application. To implement a feature you might need one story, or many, since typically if a story is "too big" it is broken down into more manageable smaller stories.

BDD is a variant on TDD (Test Driven Development). As I understand it, the semantics of BDD are less implementation oriented than the semantics of TDD, in that you use phrases such as 'the system should load the user' instead of "the user instance should not be null after being loaded by the DAO" -- they describe system behavior (feature set) as opposed to specific details of the actual implementation. In the end though, they all test the same thing if done correctly.

And, on topic, the concept of story is really orthogonal to BDD; there are development practices that have Stories and do not have BDD.

ら栖息 2024-10-11 03:03:54

不幸的是,功能在这个领域是一个重载的词,而 Cucumber 功能与完全成熟的功能是完全不同的东西。

“Cucumber 功能”和用户故事之间最有趣的区别是,用户故事是历史文档,而功能描述了应用程序的当前状态(假设该功能已实现)。

这种差异(IMO)比粒度或大小的差异重要得多。您可以拥有由许多用户故事驱动/启发的 Cucumber 功能,也可以拥有包含许多 Cucumber 功能的单个用户故事。

一旦 Cucumber 功能可以运行,它就是代码。这意味着它更容易被重构和更改。每次运行它时,它都会为您提供有关应用程序当前状态的信息。用户故事告诉您应用程序应该做什么。或者更准确地说,故事的作者认为您的应用程序在撰写故事时应该做什么。

Unfortunately feature is a heavily overloaded word in this space and a Cucumber feature is a very different thing to a fully fledged piece of functionality.

The most interesting difference between a 'Cucumber Feature' and a User Story is that a User Story is a historical document, whilst a Feature describes the current state of the application (assuming the feature has been implemented).

This difference is (IMO) much more important than differences in granularity or size. You can have a Cucumber feature that was driven/inspired by many user stories, and you can have a single user story that has many Cucumber features.

Once a Cucumber feature can be run it is code. This means it is much more prone to being refactored and changed. Each time you run it, it gives you information about the current state of your application. A user story tells you about what your application should do. Or perhaps more accurately, what the authors of the story thought you application should do at the time the story was written.

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