将系数名称转换为 R 中的公式

发布于 2024-10-04 02:37:50 字数 2407 浏览 0 评论 0原文

当使用具有因子的公式时,拟合模型将系数命名为 XY,其中 X 是因子的名称,Y 是因子的特定级别。我希望能够根据这些系数的名称创建一个公式。


n <- 200
Z <- data.frame(letter=factor(sample(letters,n,replace=T),letters),
f <- ~ letter + x:letter + I(x>5):letter
X <- sparse.model.matrix(f, Z)
beta <- matrix(rnorm(dim(X)[2],0,5),dim(X)[2],1)
y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(n)

myfit <- glmnet(X,as.vector(y),lambda=.05)
fnew <- rownames(myfit$beta)[which(myfit$beta != 0)]
 [1] "letterb"              "letterc"              "lettere"             
 [4] "letterf"              "letterg"              "letterh"             
 [7] "letterj"              "letterm"              "lettern"             
[10] "lettero"              "letterp"              "letterr"             
[13] "letters"              "lettert"              "letteru"             
[16] "letterw"              "lettery"              "letterz"             
[19] "lettera:x"            "letterb:x"            "letterc:x"           
[22] "letterd:x"            "lettere:x"            "letterf:x"           
[25] "letterg:x"            "letterh:x"            "letteri:x"           
[28] "letterj:x"            "letterk:x"            "letterl:x"           
[31] "letterm:x"            "lettern:x"            "lettero:x"           
[34] "letterp:x"            "letterq:x"            "letterr:x"           
[37] "letters:x"            "lettert:x"            "letteru:x"           
[40] "letterv:x"            "letterw:x"            "letterx:x"           
[43] "lettery:x"            "letterz:x"            "letterb:I(x > 5)TRUE"
[46] "letterc:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterd:I(x > 5)TRUE" "lettere:I(x > 5)TRUE"
[49] "letteri:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterj:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterl:I(x > 5)TRUE"
[52] "letterm:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterp:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterq:I(x > 5)TRUE"
[55] "letterr:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letteru:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterv:I(x > 5)TRUE"
[58] "letterx:I(x > 5)TRUE" "lettery:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterz:I(x > 5)TRUE"


~ I(letter=="d") + I(letter=="e") + ...(etc)

我检查了 Formula() 和 all.vars() 无济于事。此外,编写一个函数来解析它有点痛苦,因为可能会出现不同类型的术语。例如,对于x:letter,当x是数值并且letter是因子时,或者I(x>5):letter作为另一个烦人的情况。


When using formulas that have factors, the fitted models name the coefficients XY, where X is the name of the factor and Y is a particular level of it. I want to be able to create a formula from the names of these coefficients.

The reason: If I fit a lasso to a sparse design matrix (as I do below) I would like to create a new formula object that only contains terms for the nonzero coefficients.

n <- 200
Z <- data.frame(letter=factor(sample(letters,n,replace=T),letters),
f <- ~ letter + x:letter + I(x>5):letter
X <- sparse.model.matrix(f, Z)
beta <- matrix(rnorm(dim(X)[2],0,5),dim(X)[2],1)
y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(n)

myfit <- glmnet(X,as.vector(y),lambda=.05)
fnew <- rownames(myfit$beta)[which(myfit$beta != 0)]
 [1] "letterb"              "letterc"              "lettere"             
 [4] "letterf"              "letterg"              "letterh"             
 [7] "letterj"              "letterm"              "lettern"             
[10] "lettero"              "letterp"              "letterr"             
[13] "letters"              "lettert"              "letteru"             
[16] "letterw"              "lettery"              "letterz"             
[19] "lettera:x"            "letterb:x"            "letterc:x"           
[22] "letterd:x"            "lettere:x"            "letterf:x"           
[25] "letterg:x"            "letterh:x"            "letteri:x"           
[28] "letterj:x"            "letterk:x"            "letterl:x"           
[31] "letterm:x"            "lettern:x"            "lettero:x"           
[34] "letterp:x"            "letterq:x"            "letterr:x"           
[37] "letters:x"            "lettert:x"            "letteru:x"           
[40] "letterv:x"            "letterw:x"            "letterx:x"           
[43] "lettery:x"            "letterz:x"            "letterb:I(x > 5)TRUE"
[46] "letterc:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterd:I(x > 5)TRUE" "lettere:I(x > 5)TRUE"
[49] "letteri:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterj:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterl:I(x > 5)TRUE"
[52] "letterm:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterp:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterq:I(x > 5)TRUE"
[55] "letterr:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letteru:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterv:I(x > 5)TRUE"
[58] "letterx:I(x > 5)TRUE" "lettery:I(x > 5)TRUE" "letterz:I(x > 5)TRUE"

From this I would like to have a formula

~ I(letter=="d") + I(letter=="e") + ...(etc)

I checked out formula() and all.vars() to no avail. Also, writing a function to parse this is a bit of a pain because of the different types of terms that can arise. For example, for x:letter when x is a numeric value and letter is a factor, or I(x>5):letter as another annoying case.

So am I not aware of some function to convert between formula and its character representation and back again?

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尝蛊 2024-10-11 02:37:51

当我运行代码时,我得到了一些不同的东西,因为 set.seed() 尚未指定。我没有使用变量名“letter”,而是使用“letter_”作为方便的分割标记:

> fnew <- rownames(myfit$beta)[which(myfit$beta != 0)]

> fnew
 [1] "letter_c" "letter_d" "letter_e" "letter_f" "letter_h" "letter_k" "letter_l"
 [8] "letter_o" "letter_q" "letter_r" "letter_s" "letter_t" "letter_u" "letter_v"
[15] "letter_w"


> fnewmtx <- cbind( lapply(sapply(fnew, strsplit, split="_"), "[[", 2),
+ lapply(sapply(fnew, strsplit, split="_"), "[[", 1))

[,1] [,2]

并将粘贴函数输出包装在 as.formula() 中,这是如何“在公式及其字符表示形式之间进行转换并返回”的答案的一半。另一半是 as.character()

form <- as.formula( paste("~", 
               paste(" I(", fnewmtx[,2], "_ ==", "'",fnewmtx[,1],"') ", sep="") , 
             sep="", collapse="+")
           )  # edit: needed to add back the underscore


> class(form)
[1] "formula"
> form
~I(letter_ == "c") + I(letter_ == "d") + I(letter_ == "e") + 
    I(letter_ == "f") + I(letter_ == "h") + I(letter_ == "k") + 
    I(letter_ == "l") + I(letter_ == "o") + I(letter_ == "q") + 
    I(letter_ == "r") + I(letter_ == "s") + I(letter_ == "t") + 
    I(letter_ == "u") + I(letter_ == "v") + I(letter_ == "w")

我发现有趣的是 as.formula 转换使字母周围的单引号变成了双引号。

编辑:既然问题有一个或两个额外的维度,我的建议是跳过公式的重新创建。请注意,myfit$beta 的行名称与 X 的列名称完全相同,因此请使用非零行名称作为索引来选择 X 矩阵中的列:

> str(X[ , which( colnames(X) %in% rownames(myfit$beta)[which(myfit$beta != 0)] )] )
Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:429] 9 54 91 157 166 37 55 68 117 131 ...
  ..@ p       : int [1:61] 0 5 13 20 28 36 42 50 60 68 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 200 60
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:200] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:60] "letter_b" "letter_c" "letter_e" "letter_f" ...
  ..@ x       : num [1:429] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  ..@ factors : list()

> myfit2 <- glmnet(X[ , which( colnames(X) %in% rownames(myfit$beta)[which(myfit$beta != 0)] )] ,as.vector(y),lambda=.05)
> myfit2

Call:  glmnet(x = X[, which(colnames(X) %in% rownames(myfit$beta)[
                                           which(myfit$beta != 0)])], 
              y = as.vector(y), lambda = 0.05) 

     Df   %Dev Lambda
[1,] 60 0.9996   0.05

When I ran the code, I got something a bit different, since set.seed() had not been specified. Instead of using the variable name "letter", I used "letter_" as a convenient splitting marker:

> fnew <- rownames(myfit$beta)[which(myfit$beta != 0)]

> fnew
 [1] "letter_c" "letter_d" "letter_e" "letter_f" "letter_h" "letter_k" "letter_l"
 [8] "letter_o" "letter_q" "letter_r" "letter_s" "letter_t" "letter_u" "letter_v"
[15] "letter_w"

Then made the split and packaged into a character matrix:

> fnewmtx <- cbind( lapply(sapply(fnew, strsplit, split="_"), "[[", 2),
+ lapply(sapply(fnew, strsplit, split="_"), "[[", 1))

[,1] [,2]
letter_c "c" "letter"
letter_d "d" "letter"
letter_e "e" "letter"
letter_f "f" "letter" snipped the rest

And wrapped the paste function(s) output in as.formula() which is half of the answer to how to "convert between formula and its character representation and back." The other half is as.character()

form <- as.formula( paste("~", 
               paste(" I(", fnewmtx[,2], "_ ==", "'",fnewmtx[,1],"') ", sep="") , 
             sep="", collapse="+")
           )  # edit: needed to add back the underscore

And the output is now an appropriate class object:

> class(form)
[1] "formula"
> form
~I(letter_ == "c") + I(letter_ == "d") + I(letter_ == "e") + 
    I(letter_ == "f") + I(letter_ == "h") + I(letter_ == "k") + 
    I(letter_ == "l") + I(letter_ == "o") + I(letter_ == "q") + 
    I(letter_ == "r") + I(letter_ == "s") + I(letter_ == "t") + 
    I(letter_ == "u") + I(letter_ == "v") + I(letter_ == "w")

I find it interesting that the as.formula conversion made the single-quotes around the letters into double-quotes.

Edit: Now that the problem has an additional dimension or two, my suggestion is to skip the recreation of the formula. Note that the rownames of myfit$beta are exactly the same as the column names of X, so instead use the non-zero rownames as indices to select columns in the X matrix:

> str(X[ , which( colnames(X) %in% rownames(myfit$beta)[which(myfit$beta != 0)] )] )
Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  ..@ i       : int [1:429] 9 54 91 157 166 37 55 68 117 131 ...
  ..@ p       : int [1:61] 0 5 13 20 28 36 42 50 60 68 ...
  ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 200 60
  ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:200] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:60] "letter_b" "letter_c" "letter_e" "letter_f" ...
  ..@ x       : num [1:429] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  ..@ factors : list()

> myfit2 <- glmnet(X[ , which( colnames(X) %in% rownames(myfit$beta)[which(myfit$beta != 0)] )] ,as.vector(y),lambda=.05)
> myfit2

Call:  glmnet(x = X[, which(colnames(X) %in% rownames(myfit$beta)[
                                           which(myfit$beta != 0)])], 
              y = as.vector(y), lambda = 0.05) 

     Df   %Dev Lambda
[1,] 60 0.9996   0.05
寄意 2024-10-11 02:37:51


如果您在 X_test 中有大量观察结果,因此出于计算原因不想生成用于 predict() 的完整稀疏矩阵,那么这可能更方便将 X_test 拆分为两个或多个样本块,并依次为每个样本块形成稀疏模型矩阵,使用后将其丢弃。

如果做不到这一点,您将需要详细研究 Matrix 包中的代码。从sparse.model.matrix开始,注意它然后调用Matrix:::model.spmatrix并找到对Matrix:::fac2Sparse的调用在那个函数中。您可能需要从这些函数中选择代码,但使用修改后的 fac2Sparse 来实现您想要实现的目标。

抱歉,我无法提供现成的脚本来执行此操作,但这是一项艰巨的编码任务。如果您沿着这条路线走下去,请查看 Matrix 包中的稀疏模型矩阵小插图,并获取包源代码(来自 CRAN),以查看我提到的函数是否在源代码中得到了更好的记录(有例如,没有 fac2Sparse 的 Rd 文件)。你也可以向《矩阵》的作者(Martin Maechler 和 Doug Bates)寻求建议,尽管请注意,这两个人本学期的教学负担都特别重。


Christopher, what you are asking for appears, after some consideration and examination of sparse.model.matrix etc, to be somewhat involved. You haven't explain why you do not want to form the full sparse model matrix for X_test so it is difficult to advise a way forward other than the two options below.

If you have a large number of observations in X_test and hence do not want to produce the full sparse matrix for use in predict() for computational reasons, it might be more expedient to split X_test into two or more chunks of samples and form the sparse model matrices for each one in turn, discarding it after after use.

Failing that, you will need to study code from the Matrix package in detail. Start with sparse.model.matrix and note that it then calls Matrix:::model.spmatrix and locate calls to Matrix:::fac2Sparse in that function. You will probably need to co-opt code from these functions but use a modified fac2Sparse to achieve what you want to achieve.

Sorry I cannot provide an off-the-shelf script to do this, but that is a substantial coding task. If you go down that route, check out the Sparse Model Matrices vignette in the Matrix package and get the package sources (from CRAN) to see if the functions I mention are better documented in the source code (there are no Rd files for fac2Sparse for example). You can also ask the authors of Matrix (Martin Maechler and Doug Bates) for advice, although note that both of these chaps have had a particularly heavy teaching load this term.

Good luck!

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