Perl - 帮助调试

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有人能够快速浏览我的代码并尝试找出我没有看到的内容吗?我现在的 Perl 调试器遇到了问题,所以这不是一个选择,直到我修复它(在调查过程中)。代码如下:

## Special Variables:
my @args = ();
my $spcl_dir = "$dir_root\\specialprocessing";
my $spcl_log = 'C:\Dad\Eclipse\Repositories\tiffinfo\!specialprocessing.log';

open(FILE, $spcl_log) || die "Couldn't open $spcl_log: $!\n";
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) {
   my $dummy = <FILE>;

print "\n$spcl_log\n"; # delete me

while (<FILE>) {
    print "DEBUG START\n";
    my (@fields) = split /;/;
    my $filename = $fields[0];
    print "Processing $filename";
    print "DEBUG END\n";

## Copy process
print "\nStarting the copy process over to $spcl_dir:\n";
while (<FILE>) {
    print "DEBUG START!\n";
    my (@fields) = split /;/;
    my $filename = $fields[0];
    print "Copying $filename";
    if (copy("$dir_root\\$filename", "$spcl_dir\\$filename")) {
        print " - Success!\n";
    else { print " - Failure!\n"; }

## Confirmation of file copy
print "Everything look OK?: ";
chomp(my $confirmcopy = <STDIN>);
if ($confirmcopy =~ /^y|^yes/i ) {
    print "\nAttempting to remove original files.\n";
    ## Original file deletion process
    open(FILE, $spcl_log) || die "Couldn't open $spcl_log: $!\n";
    for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) {
       my $dummy = <FILE>;

    while (<FILE>) {
        my (@fields) = split /;/;
        my $filename = $fields[0];
        print "Attempting to remove: $filename";
        if (unlink("$dir_root\\$filename")) {
            print " - Success!\n";
        else { print " - Failure!\n"; }
else { print "Will do, exiting."; exit; }

## Conversion process
print "\nAttempting to convert the files.\n";
open(FILE, $spcl_log) || die "Couldn't open $spcl_log: $!\n";
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) {
   my $dummy = <FILE>;

while (<FILE>) {
    my (@fields) = split /;/;
    my $filename = $fields[0];
    print "Starting conversion on $spcl_log\n";
    @args = ("$tiffinfo_path", "$spcl_dir\\$filename", "/bpp=2", "/tifc=4", "/convert=$dir_root\\$filename", "/killmesoftly", "/silent");


Irfanview Found.
Directory exists. Continuing...

Starting the copy process over to c:\dad\tiffs\specialprocessing:
Copying filename2.tif - Failure!
Everything look OK?: n
Will do, exiting.
c:\Dad\Eclipse\Repositories\tiffinfo>perl c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\exectif
Irfanview Found.
Directory exists. Continuing...

Starting the copy process over to c:\dad\tiffs\specialprocessing:
Copying filename2.tif - Failure!
Everything look OK?: y

Attempting to remove original files.
Attempting to remove: filename2.tif - Failure!

Attempting to convert the files.
Starting conversion on filename2.tif

这显然会有所不同,但您明白了。我遇到的问题是,每次我似乎点击 while 循环时,都没有处理任何内容,所有代码都不起作用。我什至尝试过简单的调试,例如 print 语句来查看代码实际执行了多远,而 while 语句中没有执行任何内容。

输出我接收(我必须按 CTRL-C 退出程序,因为它不会自行退出):

Starting the copy process over to c:\dad\tiffs\specialprocessing:
Everything look OK?: y
Terminating on signal SIGINT(2)

while 循环之前的 print 语句打印“spcl_log”变量,即:


>日志文件的内容(总是会跳过前五行 - 这就是虚拟循环的作用):

Work as: Batch Conversion
Output format: TIF
--OPTIONS: CCITT Fax 4  Save gryscl [default ON]
Adv Options: CHANGE COLOR DEPTH 2 colors (B/W) 1 BPP)
filename2.tif;Smpl/Pix & Bits/Smpl are missing.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec;
use Carp;
use File::Copy;

## Vars
my $dir_root;
my $state;
my $status;
my $batch;
my @files;
my $tifs;
my $executebat;
my $infile;
my $alphachnl;
my $errorlog;
my $corrupt;
my $specialLog;
#my $tiffinfo_path = "c:\\Program Files\\IrfanView\\i_view32.exe";
my $tiffinfo_path = "./";

## Usage Vars
my $curVersion = "1.6";
my $options = $ARGV[0];

## Future Use Vars
my $totalErrors = 0;
my $fileCount = 0;

if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
    usage() if $#ARGV > 0;
    usage() if $options eq "-h";
    version() if $options eq "-v";

sub version {
    print "CompileTiffInfo.exe\n";
    print "Version: $curVersion\n";
    exit( 0 );
sub usage {
    print "\nUsage: compileTiffInfo.exe [OPTIONS]\n";
    print "Processes a directory of TIF images, and outputs the data to 3 different text files.\n\n";
    print "compileTiffInfo.exe (default)\n\tRuns the program through an interactive menu.\n\n";
    print "compileTiffInfo.exe -v\n\tShows version information for this program\n\n";
    print "compileTiffInfo.exe -h\n\tShows this help menu\n";
    exit( 0 );

system 'cls';
## Check if tiffinfo is installed.
if (-e $tiffinfo_path) {
    print "Irfanview Found." . "\n";
else {
    print "Irfanview was not found." . "\n";
    exit ( 0 );

## Check passcode
if (defined($ARGV[0])) {
    if ($ARGV[0] ne $curVersion ) {
        print "Passcode not recognized.";
        exit ( 0 );
else { 
    print "Passcode not recognized.";
    exit ( 0 ); 

## Start of actual program; asks user where the TIF images are located.
print "Where are your TIF file(s) located? (C:\\directory\\of\\your\\tiff\\files): ";
chomp($dir_root = <STDIN>);
if (! -d $dir_root) {
    print "Directory doesn't exist!\n";
if ($dir_root =~ tr/ / /) {
    print "There's spaces in your path. Try again.\n";
if ($dir_root =~ /\\$/) {
    print "You ended with a slash. This is not allowed; try again.";
print "State: [LA,NM,OK,UT,TX,WY] - [--,none,other]: ";
chomp($state = uc(<STDIN>));
if ($state eq "") {
    print "Whoa! No data was entered.  Exiting.";
if ($state eq "OTHER" || $state eq "NONE" || $state eq "--") {
    print "\n ** NOTE: Entering into STANDARD SPREADSHEET OUTPUT MODE **\n\n"
print "Status [nr][hs][tye] or Anything Descriptive: ";
chomp($status = lc(<STDIN>));
print "Batch #? ";
chomp($batch = uc(<STDIN>));

## Define the output file, based on user input
my $batOutput = "\!".$state.$status."INFOraw.txt";

open (BATFILE, "> \!".$state.$status."INFOraw.bat");
print BATFILE "\@echo off\n";
close (BATFILE);

open (BATFILE, ">> \!".$state.$status."INFOraw.bat");
print BATFILE "type nul > $batOutput\n";
close (BATFILE);

## Get a list of tif files from dir_root
## No trailing slash is allowed
opendir(DIR, $dir_root);
@files = grep(/\.ti[f]{1,2}$/i,readdir(DIR));

## Check to see if array has data
if (@files) {
    foreach $tifs (@files) {
        open (BATFILE, ">> \!".$state.$status."INFOraw.bat");
        print BATFILE "tiffinfo TYPE $dir_root"."\\".$tifs." \>> ".$batOutput."\n";
        ## Need to write to INFO file, for each file, eliminating the .bat file.
        close (BATFILE);
## if array is null (no data), then no tif files were found
else {
    print "No Tiff files were found.";

## Run bat script
print "Attempting to execute .bat script now...\n";
$executebat = system 'call !'.$state.$status.'INFOraw.bat > NUL 2>&1';
if ( $executebat != 0 ) { 
        die "Failed executing .bat script. \n"; 
else { print "Ran .bat script successfully.\n\n"; }

## Debugging Only
#$infile = 'data.txt';
$infile = $batOutput;

## Output File Handles (open)
open(OUT1,"> \!".$state.$status."INFO.txt") or die "Can't open \!".$state.$status."INFO.txt: $!"; 
open(OUT2,"> \!".$state.$status."INFOspdsht.txt") or die "Can't open \!".$state.$status."INFO.txt $!";
open(ERRLOG,"> \!errors.log") or die "Can't open !errors.log $!";
open(CORRUPT,"> \!corrupt.log") or die "Can't open !corrupt.log $!";
open(SPECIAL,"> \!specialprocessing.log") or die "Can't open !specialprocessing.log $!";

## Print Headers To spdsht file
print OUT2 ";;;;Whitespace;;DPI ReSize;;;\n";
print OUT2 "Filename;Comp;AlphCnl;Foto;Wid;Len;Res 0;x0;;;MB\n";
print CORRUPT "Filename;Reason For Failure\n";
print SPECIAL "IRFANVIEW BATCH ROUTINE\nWork as: Batch Conversion\nOutput format: TIF\n--OPTIONS: CCITT Fax 4  Save gryscl [default ON]\nAdv Options: CHANGE COLOR DEPTH 2 colors (B/W) 1 BPP)\n";

## Configuration Data for masking data output
my %config = (
    'LZW'                               => 'colors',
    'Lempel-Ziv & Welch encoding'       => 'colors',
    'CCITT Group 4'                     => 'bkwhts',
    'CCITT Group 4 facsimile encoding'  => 'bkwhts',
    'None'                              => 'none',
    'none'                              => 'none',
    'RGB color'                         => 'colors',
    'min-is-white'                      => 'bkwhts',
    'min-is-black'                      => 'bkwhts',
    'palette color (RGB from colormap)' => 'colors',
    'Resolution'                        => sub {
                                            my @r = split(/, /, shift);
                                            $r[0] =~ s/\D//g;
                                            $r[1] =~ s/\D//g;
                                            return @r[0,1];

my @config = keys %config;

#my $file = $infile; # set this as needed.
my $file = "data.txt";

open my $fh, '<', $file or die "can't open <$file> for reading $!";

$/ = "TYPE:\n";
while ( my $record = <$fh> ) {
    chomp $record;
    next if $record eq '';
    $record =~ s/(TIFF Directory at offset .+)\n//;

    ## Future use, for incrementing errors
    my $errorCount = 0;

    my ($fullpath, $data) = split(/\n/, $record, 2);
    $fullpath =~ s/:$//;

    my ($drv, $path, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($fullpath);

    ## Start processing the file
    print "Processing $file\n";

    ## Get Compression Scheme data
    my $cs = $config{$1} if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Compression Scheme:\s+(.*?)\n//);
    if (!defined $cs) {
        print "[ERROR]: Compression Scheme for $file not found.\n";
        #print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Compression Scheme for $file not found.\n";
        $cs = "unknwn";

    ## Get Photometric Interpretation data
    my $pi = $config{$1} if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Photometric Interpretation:\s+(.*?)\n//);
    if (!defined $pi) {
        print "[ERROR]: Photometric Interpretation for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Photometric Interpretation for $file not found.\n";
        $pi = "unknwn";

    ## Get Bits/Sample data
    my $bits = $1 if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Bits\/Sample:\s+(.*?)\n//);
    if (!defined $bits) {
        print "[ERROR]: Bits/Sample data for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Bits/Sample data for $file not found.\n";
        $bits = "unknwn";

    ## Get Samples/Pixel data
    my $pixels = $1 if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Samples\/Pixel:\s+(.*?)\n//);
    if (!defined $pixels) {
        print "[ERROR]: Samples/Pixel data for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Samples/Pixel data for $file not found.\n";
        $pixels = "unknwn";

    ## Get AlphaChnl Value (bits * pixels)
    if (!($pixels eq '') && !($bits eq '')) {
        if (!($pixels eq "unknwn") && !($bits eq "unknwn")) {
            $alphachnl = $bits * $pixels;
            if ($alphachnl == 1) {
                $alphachnl = "bkwhts";
            elsif ($alphachnl == 8) {
                $alphachnl = "colors";
            elsif ($alphachnl == 24) {
                $alphachnl = "doLOGO";
    else {
        $alphachnl = "unknwn";
        print "[ERROR]: Alpha Channel for $file had issues (probably due to Bits/Sample or Sample/Pixel issue.)\n";
        print "[ERROR]: Alpha Channel for $file had issues (probably due to Bits/Sample or Sample/Pixel issue.)\n";

    ## Get Resolution data
    my @r = $config{'Resolution'}->($1) if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Resolution:\s+(.*?)\n//);

    ## Get Width/Length data
    my ($w, $l) = ($1, $2) if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Image Width: (\d+) Image Length: (\d+)\n//);

    ## Width
    if (!defined $w) {
        print "[ERROR]: Width for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Width for $file not found.\n";

    ## Length
    if (!defined $l) {
        print "[ERROR]: Length for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Length for $file not found.\n";

    ## Width
    if (!defined $w) {
        print "[ERROR]: Width for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Width for $file not found.\n";

    ## Length
    if (!defined $l) {
        print "[ERROR]: Length for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Length for $file not found.\n";
        $l = "unknwn";

    ## Resolution
    if (!defined $r[0] || !defined $r[1]) {
        print "[ERROR]: Resolution for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Resolution for $file not found.\n";

    ## Resolution
    if (!defined $r[0] || !defined $r[1]) {
        print "[ERROR]: Resolution for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Resolution for $file not found.\n";
        $r[0] = "unknwn";
        $r[1] = "unknwn";
    ## Get Rows/Strip data
    my $strip = $1 if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Rows\/Strip:\s+(.*?)\n//);
    if (!defined $strip) {
        print "[ERROR]: Rows/Strip data for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Rows/Strip data for $file not found.\n";

    ## Get Size of TIF(F) file(s)
    #my $filesize = (-s $fullpath) / (1024 * 1024); ## Uncomment when in production
    my $filesize = "2"; ## REMOVE - Testing Purposes only to "fake" an image size.
    my $size_in_mb = sprintf "%.2f", $filesize;

    ## Error Check
    if ($errorCount == 8) {
        print "[FAILURE]: Not processed, image may be CORRUPT.\n";
        print CORRUPT "$file;High Probability - IMAGE CORRUPT.";
    if ($pixels eq "unknwn" && $bits eq "unknwn") {
        print "[INFO]: Specially processed image.\n";
        print SPECIAL "$file;Smpl/Pix & Bits/Smpl are missing.\n";
    if ($errorCount > 0) {
        print "[ERROR]: $file was not processed, too many errors.\n";

    $data =~ s/\n$//;

    ## ** For Debugging - Prints To Screen **
    ## print $/, join(':', $file, $cs, $bits, $pi, $w, $l, @r, $size_in_mb, "\n"), $data, "\n";

    print OUT1 $/, join(';', $file, $cs, $bits, $pixels, $pi, $w, $l, @r, $size_in_mb, "\n"), $data, "\n";

    ## LA Output
    if ($state eq "LA") {
        print OUT2 "$file;", "$cs;", "$alphachnl;", "$pi;", "$w;", "$l;", "$r[0];$r[1];;;", "$size_in_mb;;","\'$batch;;;;","start;","$file;;;;;;;;;;","$size_in_mb;","move;","$file;","$dir_root\\done;", "\n"; 
    ## NM Output
    elsif ($state eq "NM") {
        print OUT2 "$file;", "$cs;", "$alphachnl;", "$pi;", "$w;", "$l;", "$r[0];$r[1];;;", "$size_in_mb;;","\'$batch;;;;","start;","$file;","$size_in_mb;","move;","$file;","$dir_root\\done;", "\n";
    ## OK/UT Output
    elsif ($state eq "OK" || $state eq "UT") {
        print OUT2 "$file;", "$cs;", "$alphachnl;", "$pi;", "$w;", "$l;", "$r[0];$r[1];;;", "$size_in_mb;;","\'$batch;;;;","start;","$file;","$size_in_mb;","move;","$file;","$dir_root\\done;","start;",$file."f;","move;",$file."f;","$dir_root\\done\\TEMPdone;", "\n";
    ## TX/WY Output
    elsif ($state eq "TX" || $state eq "WY") {
        print OUT2 "$file;", "$cs;", "$alphachnl;", "$pi;", "$w;", "$l;", "$r[0];$r[1];", "move $dir_root\\$file $dir_root\\$cs\\$file;;", "$size_in_mb;;", "\'$batch;;;","start;", "$dir_root\\$cs\\$file;", "$file;","$size_in_mb;","move;", "$dir_root\\$cs\\$file;", "$dir_root\\done;","start;", $file."f;", "move;", $file."f;", "$dir_root\\done\\TEMPdone;", "\n";
    elsif ($state eq "NONE" || $state eq "--" || $state eq "OTHER") {
        print OUT2 "$file;", "$cs;", "$alphachnl;", "$pi;", "$w;", "$l;", "$r[0];$r[1];", "$size_in_mb\n";

print "\nTotal Files Processed: $fileCount\n";
print "High Probability Failures: $totalErrors  /  Failure Rate: ".$totalErrors * 100 / $fileCount."%\n";

close (OUT1) or die "Can't close out1: $!"; 
close (OUT2) or die "Can't close out2: $!"; 
close (ERRLOG) or die "Can't close error log: $!";
close (CORRUPT) or die "Can't close corrupt log: $!";
close (SPECIAL) or die "Can't close corrupt log: $!";
close ($fh) or die "Can't close $fh: $!";

$errorlog = "\!errors.log";
if (-s $errorlog == 0) {
    unlink($errorlog) or die "Can't delete $errorlog : $!"; 
else { print "Error log saved.\n\n"; }

#$corrupt = "\!corrupt.log";
#if (-s $corrupt == 0) {
#   unlink($corrupt) or die "Can't delete $corrupt : $!";
#else { print "Corrupt log saved."; }

#$specialLog = "\!specialprocessing.log";
#if (-s $specialLog == 0) {
#   unlink($specialLog) or die "Can't delete $specialLog : $!";
#else { print "Special Processing log saved."; }

## Starting Tiffinfo Processing:

my $spcl_dir = "dst";
my $spcl_log = "!specialprocessing.log";

print "DIR_ROOT: $dir_root\n";
print "SPCL_LOG: $spcl_log\n";
print "TIFFINFO_PATH: $tiffinfo_path\n";

sub get_files_list
    my($log) = @_;
    open my $file, '<', $log or croak "Couldn't open $log: $!\n";
    # Skip heading lines
    for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++)
        my $dummy = <$file>;
    my @files;
    while (<$file>)
        my (@fields) = split /;/;
        my $filename = $fields[0];
        push @files, $filename;
    close $file or croak "Couldn't close $log: $!\n";
    return @files;

my @spcl_files = get_files_list($spcl_log);
print "\n$spcl_log\n"; # delete me

## Copy original files
print "\nStarting the copy process over to $spcl_dir:\n";
foreach my $filename (@spcl_files)
    print "Copying $filename";
    if (copy("$dir_root/$filename", "$spcl_dir/$filename"))
            print " - Success!\n";
        print " - Failure! ($!)\n";

## Confirmation of file copy
print "Everything look OK?: ";
chomp(my $confirmcopy = <STDIN>);
if ($confirmcopy !~ /^y|^yes/i )
    print "Will do, exiting.\n";
    exit 0;

## Delete original files
print "\nAttempting to remove original files.\n";
foreach my $filename (@spcl_files)
    print "Attempting to remove: $filename";
    if (unlink("$dir_root/$filename"))
        print " - Success!\n";
        print " - Failure! ($!)\n";

## Conversion process
print "\nAttempting to convert the files.\n";

foreach my $filename (@spcl_files)
    print "Starting conversion on $filename\n";
    my @args = ("$tiffinfo_path", "$spcl_dir/$filename", "/bpp=2",
                "/tifc=4", "/convert=$dir_root/$filename",
                "/killmesoftly", "/silent");
    if (system(@args) != 0)
        carp "Failed to convert $filename ($!)";
        unlink("$spcl_dir/$filename") or carp "Failed to unlink $spcl_dir/$filename ($!)";

注释: 我唯一改变的是我添加了:

print "DIR_ROOT: $dir_root\n";
print "SPCL_LOG: $spcl_log\n";
print "TIFFINFO_PATH: $tiffinfo_path\n";

...用于调试目的。另一件事是,我将数组 @files 重命名为 @spcl_files,因为 @files 已在我的主脚本中定义。

问题仍然存在: 这是我当前的输出:

Irfanview Found.
Where are your TIF file(s) located? (C:\directory\of\your\tiff\files): c:\dad\ti
State: [LA,NM,OK,UT,TX,WY] - [--,none,other]: tx
Status [nr][hs][tye] or Anything Descriptive: nr
Batch #? 1
Attempting to execute .bat script now...
Ran .bat script successfully.

Processing filename.tif
Processing filename2.tif
[ERROR]: Bits/Sample data for filename2.tif not found.
[ERROR]: Samples/Pixel data for filename2.tif not found.
[INFO]: Specially processed image.

Total Files Processed: 2
High Probability Failures: 1  /  Failure Rate: 50%
Error log saved.

DIR_ROOT: c:\dad\tiffs
SPCL_LOG: !specialprocessing.log


Starting the copy process over to dst:
Everything look OK?: n

对于陈述者来说,它仍然不显示“开始复制过程到 dst”之后的文件名,以及我是否为“一切看起来都正常?”点击 Y 或 N。部分,它只是挂在那里,什么也不做。

新代码/输出 11/26 @ 3PM CST:

my @spcl_files = get_files_list($spcl_log);
print $spcl_files[0];
print "YO";


Use of uninitialized value in print at line 445.
Starting the copy process over to dst:
Everything look OK?: Terminating on signal SIGINT(2)

提前致谢! :)

Would anybody be able to look through my code real fast and try to figure out what I'm not seeing. I'm having troubles with my Perl debugger at this time, so that's not an option, until I fix it (in the process of investigating). Here's the code:

## Special Variables:
my @args = ();
my $spcl_dir = "$dir_root\\specialprocessing";
my $spcl_log = 'C:\Dad\Eclipse\Repositories\tiffinfo\!specialprocessing.log';

open(FILE, $spcl_log) || die "Couldn't open $spcl_log: $!\n";
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) {
   my $dummy = <FILE>;

print "\n$spcl_log\n"; # delete me

while (<FILE>) {
    print "DEBUG START\n";
    my (@fields) = split /;/;
    my $filename = $fields[0];
    print "Processing $filename";
    print "DEBUG END\n";

## Copy process
print "\nStarting the copy process over to $spcl_dir:\n";
while (<FILE>) {
    print "DEBUG START!\n";
    my (@fields) = split /;/;
    my $filename = $fields[0];
    print "Copying $filename";
    if (copy("$dir_root\\$filename", "$spcl_dir\\$filename")) {
        print " - Success!\n";
    else { print " - Failure!\n"; }

## Confirmation of file copy
print "Everything look OK?: ";
chomp(my $confirmcopy = <STDIN>);
if ($confirmcopy =~ /^y|^yes/i ) {
    print "\nAttempting to remove original files.\n";
    ## Original file deletion process
    open(FILE, $spcl_log) || die "Couldn't open $spcl_log: $!\n";
    for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) {
       my $dummy = <FILE>;

    while (<FILE>) {
        my (@fields) = split /;/;
        my $filename = $fields[0];
        print "Attempting to remove: $filename";
        if (unlink("$dir_root\\$filename")) {
            print " - Success!\n";
        else { print " - Failure!\n"; }
else { print "Will do, exiting."; exit; }

## Conversion process
print "\nAttempting to convert the files.\n";
open(FILE, $spcl_log) || die "Couldn't open $spcl_log: $!\n";
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) {
   my $dummy = <FILE>;

while (<FILE>) {
    my (@fields) = split /;/;
    my $filename = $fields[0];
    print "Starting conversion on $spcl_log\n";
    @args = ("$tiffinfo_path", "$spcl_dir\\$filename", "/bpp=2", "/tifc=4", "/convert=$dir_root\\$filename", "/killmesoftly", "/silent");

The desired output is the following:

Irfanview Found.
Directory exists. Continuing...

Starting the copy process over to c:\dad\tiffs\specialprocessing:
Copying filename2.tif - Failure!
Everything look OK?: n
Will do, exiting.
c:\Dad\Eclipse\Repositories\tiffinfo>perl c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\exectif
Irfanview Found.
Directory exists. Continuing...

Starting the copy process over to c:\dad\tiffs\specialprocessing:
Copying filename2.tif - Failure!
Everything look OK?: y

Attempting to remove original files.
Attempting to remove: filename2.tif - Failure!

Attempting to convert the files.
Starting conversion on filename2.tif

This is obviously going to be different, but you get the picture. Problem I am having is that everytime I seem to hit the while loop, nothing is processed, non of the code works. I've even tried simple debugging, such as print statements to see how far the code actually gets, and NOTHING in the while statements execute.

OUTPUT I RECEIVE (I have to CTRL-C out of the program as it doesn't quit on its own):

Starting the copy process over to c:\dad\tiffs\specialprocessing:
Everything look OK?: y
Terminating on signal SIGINT(2)

The print statement before the while loop prints the "spcl_log" variable which is:


CONTENTS OF LOG FILE (first five lines are always going to be skipped - this is what the dummy loop does):

Work as: Batch Conversion
Output format: TIF
--OPTIONS: CCITT Fax 4  Save gryscl [default ON]
Adv Options: CHANGE COLOR DEPTH 2 colors (B/W) 1 BPP)
filename2.tif;Smpl/Pix & Bits/Smpl are missing.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec;
use Carp;
use File::Copy;

## Vars
my $dir_root;
my $state;
my $status;
my $batch;
my @files;
my $tifs;
my $executebat;
my $infile;
my $alphachnl;
my $errorlog;
my $corrupt;
my $specialLog;
#my $tiffinfo_path = "c:\\Program Files\\IrfanView\\i_view32.exe";
my $tiffinfo_path = "./";

## Usage Vars
my $curVersion = "1.6";
my $options = $ARGV[0];

## Future Use Vars
my $totalErrors = 0;
my $fileCount = 0;

if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
    usage() if $#ARGV > 0;
    usage() if $options eq "-h";
    version() if $options eq "-v";

sub version {
    print "CompileTiffInfo.exe\n";
    print "Version: $curVersion\n";
    exit( 0 );
sub usage {
    print "\nUsage: compileTiffInfo.exe [OPTIONS]\n";
    print "Processes a directory of TIF images, and outputs the data to 3 different text files.\n\n";
    print "compileTiffInfo.exe (default)\n\tRuns the program through an interactive menu.\n\n";
    print "compileTiffInfo.exe -v\n\tShows version information for this program\n\n";
    print "compileTiffInfo.exe -h\n\tShows this help menu\n";
    exit( 0 );

system 'cls';
## Check if tiffinfo is installed.
if (-e $tiffinfo_path) {
    print "Irfanview Found." . "\n";
else {
    print "Irfanview was not found." . "\n";
    exit ( 0 );

## Check passcode
if (defined($ARGV[0])) {
    if ($ARGV[0] ne $curVersion ) {
        print "Passcode not recognized.";
        exit ( 0 );
else { 
    print "Passcode not recognized.";
    exit ( 0 ); 

## Start of actual program; asks user where the TIF images are located.
print "Where are your TIF file(s) located? (C:\\directory\\of\\your\\tiff\\files): ";
chomp($dir_root = <STDIN>);
if (! -d $dir_root) {
    print "Directory doesn't exist!\n";
if ($dir_root =~ tr/ / /) {
    print "There's spaces in your path. Try again.\n";
if ($dir_root =~ /\\$/) {
    print "You ended with a slash. This is not allowed; try again.";
print "State: [LA,NM,OK,UT,TX,WY] - [--,none,other]: ";
chomp($state = uc(<STDIN>));
if ($state eq "") {
    print "Whoa! No data was entered.  Exiting.";
if ($state eq "OTHER" || $state eq "NONE" || $state eq "--") {
    print "\n ** NOTE: Entering into STANDARD SPREADSHEET OUTPUT MODE **\n\n"
print "Status [nr][hs][tye] or Anything Descriptive: ";
chomp($status = lc(<STDIN>));
print "Batch #? ";
chomp($batch = uc(<STDIN>));

## Define the output file, based on user input
my $batOutput = "\!".$state.$status."INFOraw.txt";

open (BATFILE, "> \!".$state.$status."INFOraw.bat");
print BATFILE "\@echo off\n";
close (BATFILE);

open (BATFILE, ">> \!".$state.$status."INFOraw.bat");
print BATFILE "type nul > $batOutput\n";
close (BATFILE);

## Get a list of tif files from dir_root
## No trailing slash is allowed
opendir(DIR, $dir_root);
@files = grep(/\.ti[f]{1,2}$/i,readdir(DIR));

## Check to see if array has data
if (@files) {
    foreach $tifs (@files) {
        open (BATFILE, ">> \!".$state.$status."INFOraw.bat");
        print BATFILE "tiffinfo TYPE $dir_root"."\\".$tifs." \>> ".$batOutput."\n";
        ## Need to write to INFO file, for each file, eliminating the .bat file.
        close (BATFILE);
## if array is null (no data), then no tif files were found
else {
    print "No Tiff files were found.";

## Run bat script
print "Attempting to execute .bat script now...\n";
$executebat = system 'call !'.$state.$status.'INFOraw.bat > NUL 2>&1';
if ( $executebat != 0 ) { 
        die "Failed executing .bat script. \n"; 
else { print "Ran .bat script successfully.\n\n"; }

## Debugging Only
#$infile = 'data.txt';
$infile = $batOutput;

## Output File Handles (open)
open(OUT1,"> \!".$state.$status."INFO.txt") or die "Can't open \!".$state.$status."INFO.txt: $!"; 
open(OUT2,"> \!".$state.$status."INFOspdsht.txt") or die "Can't open \!".$state.$status."INFO.txt $!";
open(ERRLOG,"> \!errors.log") or die "Can't open !errors.log $!";
open(CORRUPT,"> \!corrupt.log") or die "Can't open !corrupt.log $!";
open(SPECIAL,"> \!specialprocessing.log") or die "Can't open !specialprocessing.log $!";

## Print Headers To spdsht file
print OUT2 ";;;;Whitespace;;DPI ReSize;;;\n";
print OUT2 "Filename;Comp;AlphCnl;Foto;Wid;Len;Res 0;x0;;;MB\n";
print CORRUPT "Filename;Reason For Failure\n";
print SPECIAL "IRFANVIEW BATCH ROUTINE\nWork as: Batch Conversion\nOutput format: TIF\n--OPTIONS: CCITT Fax 4  Save gryscl [default ON]\nAdv Options: CHANGE COLOR DEPTH 2 colors (B/W) 1 BPP)\n";

## Configuration Data for masking data output
my %config = (
    'LZW'                               => 'colors',
    'Lempel-Ziv & Welch encoding'       => 'colors',
    'CCITT Group 4'                     => 'bkwhts',
    'CCITT Group 4 facsimile encoding'  => 'bkwhts',
    'None'                              => 'none',
    'none'                              => 'none',
    'RGB color'                         => 'colors',
    'min-is-white'                      => 'bkwhts',
    'min-is-black'                      => 'bkwhts',
    'palette color (RGB from colormap)' => 'colors',
    'Resolution'                        => sub {
                                            my @r = split(/, /, shift);
                                            $r[0] =~ s/\D//g;
                                            $r[1] =~ s/\D//g;
                                            return @r[0,1];

my @config = keys %config;

#my $file = $infile; # set this as needed.
my $file = "data.txt";

open my $fh, '<', $file or die "can't open <$file> for reading $!";

$/ = "TYPE:\n";
while ( my $record = <$fh> ) {
    chomp $record;
    next if $record eq '';
    $record =~ s/(TIFF Directory at offset .+)\n//;

    ## Future use, for incrementing errors
    my $errorCount = 0;

    my ($fullpath, $data) = split(/\n/, $record, 2);
    $fullpath =~ s/:$//;

    my ($drv, $path, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($fullpath);

    ## Start processing the file
    print "Processing $file\n";

    ## Get Compression Scheme data
    my $cs = $config{$1} if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Compression Scheme:\s+(.*?)\n//);
    if (!defined $cs) {
        print "[ERROR]: Compression Scheme for $file not found.\n";
        #print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Compression Scheme for $file not found.\n";
        $cs = "unknwn";

    ## Get Photometric Interpretation data
    my $pi = $config{$1} if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Photometric Interpretation:\s+(.*?)\n//);
    if (!defined $pi) {
        print "[ERROR]: Photometric Interpretation for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Photometric Interpretation for $file not found.\n";
        $pi = "unknwn";

    ## Get Bits/Sample data
    my $bits = $1 if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Bits\/Sample:\s+(.*?)\n//);
    if (!defined $bits) {
        print "[ERROR]: Bits/Sample data for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Bits/Sample data for $file not found.\n";
        $bits = "unknwn";

    ## Get Samples/Pixel data
    my $pixels = $1 if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Samples\/Pixel:\s+(.*?)\n//);
    if (!defined $pixels) {
        print "[ERROR]: Samples/Pixel data for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Samples/Pixel data for $file not found.\n";
        $pixels = "unknwn";

    ## Get AlphaChnl Value (bits * pixels)
    if (!($pixels eq '') && !($bits eq '')) {
        if (!($pixels eq "unknwn") && !($bits eq "unknwn")) {
            $alphachnl = $bits * $pixels;
            if ($alphachnl == 1) {
                $alphachnl = "bkwhts";
            elsif ($alphachnl == 8) {
                $alphachnl = "colors";
            elsif ($alphachnl == 24) {
                $alphachnl = "doLOGO";
    else {
        $alphachnl = "unknwn";
        print "[ERROR]: Alpha Channel for $file had issues (probably due to Bits/Sample or Sample/Pixel issue.)\n";
        print "[ERROR]: Alpha Channel for $file had issues (probably due to Bits/Sample or Sample/Pixel issue.)\n";

    ## Get Resolution data
    my @r = $config{'Resolution'}->($1) if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Resolution:\s+(.*?)\n//);

    ## Get Width/Length data
    my ($w, $l) = ($1, $2) if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Image Width: (\d+) Image Length: (\d+)\n//);

    ## Width
    if (!defined $w) {
        print "[ERROR]: Width for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Width for $file not found.\n";

    ## Length
    if (!defined $l) {
        print "[ERROR]: Length for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Length for $file not found.\n";

    ## Width
    if (!defined $w) {
        print "[ERROR]: Width for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Width for $file not found.\n";

    ## Length
    if (!defined $l) {
        print "[ERROR]: Length for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Length for $file not found.\n";
        $l = "unknwn";

    ## Resolution
    if (!defined $r[0] || !defined $r[1]) {
        print "[ERROR]: Resolution for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Resolution for $file not found.\n";

    ## Resolution
    if (!defined $r[0] || !defined $r[1]) {
        print "[ERROR]: Resolution for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Resolution for $file not found.\n";
        $r[0] = "unknwn";
        $r[1] = "unknwn";
    ## Get Rows/Strip data
    my $strip = $1 if ($data =~ s/\s{2}Rows\/Strip:\s+(.*?)\n//);
    if (!defined $strip) {
        print "[ERROR]: Rows/Strip data for $file not found.\n";
        print ERRLOG "[ERROR]: Rows/Strip data for $file not found.\n";

    ## Get Size of TIF(F) file(s)
    #my $filesize = (-s $fullpath) / (1024 * 1024); ## Uncomment when in production
    my $filesize = "2"; ## REMOVE - Testing Purposes only to "fake" an image size.
    my $size_in_mb = sprintf "%.2f", $filesize;

    ## Error Check
    if ($errorCount == 8) {
        print "[FAILURE]: Not processed, image may be CORRUPT.\n";
        print CORRUPT "$file;High Probability - IMAGE CORRUPT.";
    if ($pixels eq "unknwn" && $bits eq "unknwn") {
        print "[INFO]: Specially processed image.\n";
        print SPECIAL "$file;Smpl/Pix & Bits/Smpl are missing.\n";
    if ($errorCount > 0) {
        print "[ERROR]: $file was not processed, too many errors.\n";

    $data =~ s/\n$//;

    ## ** For Debugging - Prints To Screen **
    ## print $/, join(':', $file, $cs, $bits, $pi, $w, $l, @r, $size_in_mb, "\n"), $data, "\n";

    print OUT1 $/, join(';', $file, $cs, $bits, $pixels, $pi, $w, $l, @r, $size_in_mb, "\n"), $data, "\n";

    ## LA Output
    if ($state eq "LA") {
        print OUT2 "$file;", "$cs;", "$alphachnl;", "$pi;", "$w;", "$l;", "$r[0];$r[1];;;", "$size_in_mb;;","\'$batch;;;;","start;","$file;;;;;;;;;;","$size_in_mb;","move;","$file;","$dir_root\\done;", "\n"; 
    ## NM Output
    elsif ($state eq "NM") {
        print OUT2 "$file;", "$cs;", "$alphachnl;", "$pi;", "$w;", "$l;", "$r[0];$r[1];;;", "$size_in_mb;;","\'$batch;;;;","start;","$file;","$size_in_mb;","move;","$file;","$dir_root\\done;", "\n";
    ## OK/UT Output
    elsif ($state eq "OK" || $state eq "UT") {
        print OUT2 "$file;", "$cs;", "$alphachnl;", "$pi;", "$w;", "$l;", "$r[0];$r[1];;;", "$size_in_mb;;","\'$batch;;;;","start;","$file;","$size_in_mb;","move;","$file;","$dir_root\\done;","start;",$file."f;","move;",$file."f;","$dir_root\\done\\TEMPdone;", "\n";
    ## TX/WY Output
    elsif ($state eq "TX" || $state eq "WY") {
        print OUT2 "$file;", "$cs;", "$alphachnl;", "$pi;", "$w;", "$l;", "$r[0];$r[1];", "move $dir_root\\$file $dir_root\\$cs\\$file;;", "$size_in_mb;;", "\'$batch;;;","start;", "$dir_root\\$cs\\$file;", "$file;","$size_in_mb;","move;", "$dir_root\\$cs\\$file;", "$dir_root\\done;","start;", $file."f;", "move;", $file."f;", "$dir_root\\done\\TEMPdone;", "\n";
    elsif ($state eq "NONE" || $state eq "--" || $state eq "OTHER") {
        print OUT2 "$file;", "$cs;", "$alphachnl;", "$pi;", "$w;", "$l;", "$r[0];$r[1];", "$size_in_mb\n";

print "\nTotal Files Processed: $fileCount\n";
print "High Probability Failures: $totalErrors  /  Failure Rate: ".$totalErrors * 100 / $fileCount."%\n";

close (OUT1) or die "Can't close out1: $!"; 
close (OUT2) or die "Can't close out2: $!"; 
close (ERRLOG) or die "Can't close error log: $!";
close (CORRUPT) or die "Can't close corrupt log: $!";
close (SPECIAL) or die "Can't close corrupt log: $!";
close ($fh) or die "Can't close $fh: $!";

$errorlog = "\!errors.log";
if (-s $errorlog == 0) {
    unlink($errorlog) or die "Can't delete $errorlog : $!"; 
else { print "Error log saved.\n\n"; }

#$corrupt = "\!corrupt.log";
#if (-s $corrupt == 0) {
#   unlink($corrupt) or die "Can't delete $corrupt : $!";
#else { print "Corrupt log saved."; }

#$specialLog = "\!specialprocessing.log";
#if (-s $specialLog == 0) {
#   unlink($specialLog) or die "Can't delete $specialLog : $!";
#else { print "Special Processing log saved."; }

## Starting Tiffinfo Processing:

my $spcl_dir = "dst";
my $spcl_log = "!specialprocessing.log";

print "DIR_ROOT: $dir_root\n";
print "SPCL_LOG: $spcl_log\n";
print "TIFFINFO_PATH: $tiffinfo_path\n";

sub get_files_list
    my($log) = @_;
    open my $file, '<', $log or croak "Couldn't open $log: $!\n";
    # Skip heading lines
    for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++)
        my $dummy = <$file>;
    my @files;
    while (<$file>)
        my (@fields) = split /;/;
        my $filename = $fields[0];
        push @files, $filename;
    close $file or croak "Couldn't close $log: $!\n";
    return @files;

my @spcl_files = get_files_list($spcl_log);
print "\n$spcl_log\n"; # delete me

## Copy original files
print "\nStarting the copy process over to $spcl_dir:\n";
foreach my $filename (@spcl_files)
    print "Copying $filename";
    if (copy("$dir_root/$filename", "$spcl_dir/$filename"))
            print " - Success!\n";
        print " - Failure! ($!)\n";

## Confirmation of file copy
print "Everything look OK?: ";
chomp(my $confirmcopy = <STDIN>);
if ($confirmcopy !~ /^y|^yes/i )
    print "Will do, exiting.\n";
    exit 0;

## Delete original files
print "\nAttempting to remove original files.\n";
foreach my $filename (@spcl_files)
    print "Attempting to remove: $filename";
    if (unlink("$dir_root/$filename"))
        print " - Success!\n";
        print " - Failure! ($!)\n";

## Conversion process
print "\nAttempting to convert the files.\n";

foreach my $filename (@spcl_files)
    print "Starting conversion on $filename\n";
    my @args = ("$tiffinfo_path", "$spcl_dir/$filename", "/bpp=2",
                "/tifc=4", "/convert=$dir_root/$filename",
                "/killmesoftly", "/silent");
    if (system(@args) != 0)
        carp "Failed to convert $filename ($!)";
        unlink("$spcl_dir/$filename") or carp "Failed to unlink $spcl_dir/$filename ($!)";

Only thing I changed was I added:

print "DIR_ROOT: $dir_root\n";
print "SPCL_LOG: $spcl_log\n";
print "TIFFINFO_PATH: $tiffinfo_path\n";

...for debugging purposes. And the other other thing is that I renamed the array @files to @spcl_files since @files was already defined in my main script.

Here's my current output:

Irfanview Found.
Where are your TIF file(s) located? (C:\directory\of\your\tiff\files): c:\dad\ti
State: [LA,NM,OK,UT,TX,WY] - [--,none,other]: tx
Status [nr][hs][tye] or Anything Descriptive: nr
Batch #? 1
Attempting to execute .bat script now...
Ran .bat script successfully.

Processing filename.tif
Processing filename2.tif
[ERROR]: Bits/Sample data for filename2.tif not found.
[ERROR]: Samples/Pixel data for filename2.tif not found.
[INFO]: Specially processed image.

Total Files Processed: 2
High Probability Failures: 1  /  Failure Rate: 50%
Error log saved.

DIR_ROOT: c:\dad\tiffs
SPCL_LOG: !specialprocessing.log


Starting the copy process over to dst:
Everything look OK?: n

For staters, it still doesn't show the filename after the "Starting the copy process over to dst" and whether I hit Y or N for the "Everything look OK?" part, it just hangs there and does nothing.


my @spcl_files = get_files_list($spcl_log);
print $spcl_files[0];
print "YO";


Use of uninitialized value in print at line 445.
Starting the copy process over to dst:
Everything look OK?: Terminating on signal SIGINT(2)

Thanks in advanced! :)

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迷迭香的记忆 2024-10-11 02:37:28

您设置输入分隔符(第 190 行):

$/ = "TYPE:\n";

You set up input separator (on line 190):

$/ = "TYPE:\n";
享受孤独 2024-10-11 02:37:28

您的 DEBUG START、DEBUG END while 循环正在吃掉文件中的所有数据 - 然后您希望主循环从同一文件中读取新数据。


  • 失去调试循环。


  • 修改调试循环以生成数组中的文件列表,然后让主循环从数组而不是输入文件中读取文件名。

您想要的输出也不能从显示的代码中全部获得 - 特别是第一行,似乎没有任何代码可以打印它。


您的代码将相同的代码写了 3 次 - 跳过 5 行并拆分文件名的内容。在 SO 4272615 的答案中,为您提供了一组函数,该函数将为您提供一个包含要处理的文件名列表的数组。使用函数 - 它们使代码更易于管理!

我发现您的代码不包含 'use strict;' 或 'use warnings';专家需要一直使用它们,以确保自己不会犯错误,而初学者则需要一直使用它们,以确保自己不会犯错误。事实上,它抛出的唯一问题是“未声明的变量”,所以你的代码还不错。

当我运行代码时(经过修改,目录适合我的机器),第一个 DEBUG 循环运行并耗尽数据;因此,第二个循环没有报告任何内容。如果我尝试让它运行,它就会抱怨找不到函数 main::copy 。据推测,这个问题可以通过添加“use File::Copy;”来解决,但如果您发布您正在使用的实际代码,而不是一个被屠宰的外表,它会有所帮助。

即使在 Windows 上,您也最好不要在路径名中使用“\\”;你可以在其中使用“/”,操作系统会很高兴; cmd.exe 不热衷于斜杠而不是反斜杠。


WFM 下面的代码 - 对我有用(测试环境:MacOS X 10.6.5,Perl 5.13.4)。我根据上一个问题创建了一个文件“data.file”。我创建了子目录“safe”、“src”和“dst”,并在“safe”中创建了空文件“filename2.tif”、“filename4.tif”、“filename6.tif”、“filename8.tif”。然后,我将文件从“safe”链接到“src”,这样我就可以轻松地重新运行脚本,尽管它取消了输入文件的链接。

ln safe/* src


echo "$0 $@"




Starting the copy process over to dst:
Copying filename2.tif - Success!
Copying filename4.tif - Success!
Copying filename6.tif - Success!
Copying filename8.tif - Success!
Everything look OK?: y

Attempting to remove original files.
Attempting to remove: filename2.tif - Success!
Attempting to remove: filename4.tif - Success!
Attempting to remove: filename6.tif - Success!
Attempting to remove: filename8.tif - Success!

Attempting to convert the files.
Starting conversion on filename2.tif
./converter dst/filename2.tif /bpp=2 /tifc=4 /convert=src/filename2.tif /killmesoftly /silent
Starting conversion on filename4.tif
./converter dst/filename4.tif /bpp=2 /tifc=4 /convert=src/filename4.tif /killmesoftly /silent
Starting conversion on filename6.tif
./converter dst/filename6.tif /bpp=2 /tifc=4 /convert=src/filename6.tif /killmesoftly /silent
Starting conversion on filename8.tif
./converter dst/filename8.tif /bpp=2 /tifc=4 /convert=src/filename8.tif /killmesoftly /silent


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use File::Copy;

my $spcl_dir = "dst";
my $spcl_log = "data.file";
my $dir_root = "src";
my $tiffinfo_path = "./converter";

sub get_files_list
    my($log) = @_;
    open my $file, '<', $log or croak "Couldn't open $log: $!\n";
    # Skip heading lines
    for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++)
        my $dummy = <$file>;
    my @files;
    while (<$file>)
        my (@fields) = split /;/;
        my $filename = $fields[0];
        push @files, $filename;
    close $file or croak "Couldn't close $log: $!\n";
    return @files;

my @files = get_files_list($spcl_log);
print "\n$spcl_log\n"; # delete me

## Copy original files
print "\nStarting the copy process over to $spcl_dir:\n";
foreach my $filename (@files)
    print "Copying $filename";
    if (copy("$dir_root/$filename", "$spcl_dir/$filename"))
            print " - Success!\n";
        print " - Failure! ($!)\n";

## Confirmation of file copy
print "Everything look OK?: ";
chomp(my $confirmcopy = <STDIN>);
if ($confirmcopy !~ /^y|^yes/i )
    print "Will do, exiting.\n";
    exit 0;

## Delete original files
print "\nAttempting to remove original files.\n";
foreach my $filename (@files)
    print "Attempting to remove: $filename";
    if (unlink("$dir_root/$filename"))
        print " - Success!\n";
        print " - Failure! ($!)\n";

## Conversion process
print "\nAttempting to convert the files.\n";

foreach my $filename (@files)
    print "Starting conversion on $filename\n";
    my @args = ("$tiffinfo_path", "$spcl_dir/$filename", "/bpp=2",
                "/tifc=4", "/convert=$dir_root/$filename",
                "/killmesoftly", "/silent");
    if (system(@args) != 0)
        carp "Failed to convert $filename ($!)";
        unlink("$spcl_dir/$filename") or carp "Failed to unlink $spcl_dir/$filename ($!)";


  • 在删除文件之前检查转换是否成功 (system)。
  • 检查取消链接是否成功。
  • 在错误消息中包含 Perl 错误信息“$!”。
  • 使用“use Carp;”、carpcroak 而不是 warndie
  • 函数 get_file_list() 用于获取文件列表 - 仅一次。
  • 该函数使用词法文件句柄 $file 而不是 FILE
  • 它还使用 open 的三参数形式,这是最可靠的形式。
  • 它还使用低优先级“或”连接词而不是“||”。 (在上下文中,open 周围有括号,“||”是正确的;如果您像重写中那样省略括号,则“or”是必需的。)
  • 代码会提前退出当响应是“不要继续”时。
  • foreach 循环迭代文件列表。
  • exit 的显式状态为 0(成功)。

Your DEBUG START, DEBUG END while loop is eating all the data in the file - and then you expect the main loop to read new data from the same file.


  • Lose the debug loop.


  • Revise the debug loop to generate the list of files in an array, and then have the main loop read the file names from the array instead of the input file.

Your desired output isn't all available from the code shown, either - the first line, in particular, does not seem to have any code to print it.

Deconstruction of code

You code has the same bit of code written out 3 times - the stuff that skips 5 lines and splits out the file name. In the answer to SO 4272615, you were given a set functions that would give you an array with the list of file names to process. Use functions - they make code easier to manage!

I observe that your code does not include 'use strict;' or 'use warnings'; experts use them all the time to make sure they don't make mistakes, and beginners need to use them all the time to make sure they don't make mistakes. As it happens, the only issues it throws up are 'undeclared variables', so your code is not bad.

When I run the code (hacked so the directories are appropriate for my machine), the first DEBUG loop runs and eats up the data; the second loop therefore reports nothing. If I try to let it run, it then complains that the function main::copy is not found. Presumably, that is fixed by adding 'use File::Copy;', but it helps if you post the actual code you are using, not a butchered semblance to it.

Even on Windows, you are better off not using '\\' in the pathnames; you can use '/' in them and the o/s is quite happy; it is cmd.exe that is not keen on slashes instead of backslashes.

Simulation environment

The code below WFM - works for me (test environment: MacOS X 10.6.5, Perl 5.13.4). I created a file 'data.file' from the previous question. I created sub-directories 'safe', 'src' and 'dst', and created empty files 'filename2.tif', 'filename4.tif', 'filename6.tif', 'filename8.tif' in 'safe'. I then linked the files from 'safe' to 'src' so I could rerun the script easily, despite it unlinking the input files.

ln safe/* src

I also created a script 'converter':

echo "$0 $@"

Example Output

The output from the program was then:


Starting the copy process over to dst:
Copying filename2.tif - Success!
Copying filename4.tif - Success!
Copying filename6.tif - Success!
Copying filename8.tif - Success!
Everything look OK?: y

Attempting to remove original files.
Attempting to remove: filename2.tif - Success!
Attempting to remove: filename4.tif - Success!
Attempting to remove: filename6.tif - Success!
Attempting to remove: filename8.tif - Success!

Attempting to convert the files.
Starting conversion on filename2.tif
./converter dst/filename2.tif /bpp=2 /tifc=4 /convert=src/filename2.tif /killmesoftly /silent
Starting conversion on filename4.tif
./converter dst/filename4.tif /bpp=2 /tifc=4 /convert=src/filename4.tif /killmesoftly /silent
Starting conversion on filename6.tif
./converter dst/filename6.tif /bpp=2 /tifc=4 /convert=src/filename6.tif /killmesoftly /silent
Starting conversion on filename8.tif
./converter dst/filename8.tif /bpp=2 /tifc=4 /convert=src/filename8.tif /killmesoftly /silent

Reconstruction of code

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use File::Copy;

my $spcl_dir = "dst";
my $spcl_log = "data.file";
my $dir_root = "src";
my $tiffinfo_path = "./converter";

sub get_files_list
    my($log) = @_;
    open my $file, '<', $log or croak "Couldn't open $log: $!\n";
    # Skip heading lines
    for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++)
        my $dummy = <$file>;
    my @files;
    while (<$file>)
        my (@fields) = split /;/;
        my $filename = $fields[0];
        push @files, $filename;
    close $file or croak "Couldn't close $log: $!\n";
    return @files;

my @files = get_files_list($spcl_log);
print "\n$spcl_log\n"; # delete me

## Copy original files
print "\nStarting the copy process over to $spcl_dir:\n";
foreach my $filename (@files)
    print "Copying $filename";
    if (copy("$dir_root/$filename", "$spcl_dir/$filename"))
            print " - Success!\n";
        print " - Failure! ($!)\n";

## Confirmation of file copy
print "Everything look OK?: ";
chomp(my $confirmcopy = <STDIN>);
if ($confirmcopy !~ /^y|^yes/i )
    print "Will do, exiting.\n";
    exit 0;

## Delete original files
print "\nAttempting to remove original files.\n";
foreach my $filename (@files)
    print "Attempting to remove: $filename";
    if (unlink("$dir_root/$filename"))
        print " - Success!\n";
        print " - Failure! ($!)\n";

## Conversion process
print "\nAttempting to convert the files.\n";

foreach my $filename (@files)
    print "Starting conversion on $filename\n";
    my @args = ("$tiffinfo_path", "$spcl_dir/$filename", "/bpp=2",
                "/tifc=4", "/convert=$dir_root/$filename",
                "/killmesoftly", "/silent");
    if (system(@args) != 0)
        carp "Failed to convert $filename ($!)";
        unlink("$spcl_dir/$filename") or carp "Failed to unlink $spcl_dir/$filename ($!)";


  • Check that the conversion succeeds (system) before removing the file.
  • Check that the unlink succeeds.
  • Include the Perl error information '$!' in the error messages.
  • Use 'use Carp;' and carp and croak instead of warn and die.
  • Function get_file_list() used to get the list of files - just once.
  • The function uses a lexical file handle $file instead of FILE.
  • It also uses the three argument form of open, which is the most reliable form.
  • It also uses the low priority 'or' connective instead of '||'. (In context, with the parentheses around the open, the '||' is correct; if you omit the parentheses as in the rewrite, then 'or' is necessary.)
  • The code does an early exit when the response is 'do not continue'.
  • The foreach loops iterate of the list of files.
  • The exit has an explicit status of 0 (success).
走野 2024-10-11 02:37:28

好吧,你显然没有从 中得到任何信息。

要进行调查,请将 for 循环扩展为:

for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) {
    my $dummy = <FILE>;
    print $dummy;


另外,请考虑读取数组中的文件 (my @lines =;),因为您多次使用该信息。

Well, you are obviously not getting anything back from <FILE>.
Maybe you changed the input record seperator ($/) somewhere?

To investigate, extend the for loop to:

for (my $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) {
    my $dummy = <FILE>;
    print $dummy;

That should give you a pretty good idea what is going on here.

Also, consider reading the file in an array (my @lines = <FILE>;), since you use the information more than once.

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