在 C#、Visual Studio 2010 中保存到文件,错误
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Threading;
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
delegate void addlistitemcallback(string value);
public static string inputdata;
public static int MaximumSpeed, maximumRiderInput, RiderInput, Time, CurrentSpeed, DistanceTravelled, MaximumMotorOutput, MotorOutput, InputSpeed;
public static string SaveDataString;
public Thread Serial;
public static SerialPort SerialData;
public static string[] portlist = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
public static string[] SaveData = new string[4];
public static string directory = "C:\\";
public Form1()
Serial = new Thread(ReadData);
int Count = 0;
for (Count = 0; Count < portlist.Length; Count++)
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void StartDataButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SerialData = new SerialPort(ComPortCombo.Text, 19200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
StartDataButton.Enabled = false;
EndDataButton.Enabled = true;
ComPortCombo.Enabled = false;
CurrentSpeed = 0;
MaximumSpeed = 0;
Time = 0;
DistanceTravelled = 0;
MotorOutput = 0;
RiderInput = 0;
SaveData[0] = "";
SaveData[1] = "";
SaveData[2] = "";
SaveData[3] = "";
SaveDataButton.Enabled = false;
if (SerialData.IsOpen)
ComPortStatusLabel.Text = "OPEN";
SerialData.NewLine = "/n";
private void EndDataButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SaveDataButton.Enabled = true;
if (!SerialData.IsOpen)
ComPortStatusLabel.Text = "CLOSED";
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (i == 0)
SaveDataString = "MaximumSpeed during the Ride was = " + Convert.ToString(MaximumSpeed) + "m/h";
SaveData[i] = SaveDataString;
if (i == 1)
SaveDataString = "Total Distance Travelled = " + Convert.ToString(DistanceTravelled) + "m";
SaveData[i] = SaveDataString;
if (i == 2)
SaveDataString = "Maximum Rider Input Power = " + Convert.ToString(maximumRiderInput) + "Watts";
SaveData[i] = SaveDataString;
if (i == 3)
SaveDataString = "Maximum Motor Output Power = " + Convert.ToString(MaximumMotorOutput) + "Watts";
SaveData[i] = SaveDataString;
private void SaveDataButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//File.WriteAllBytes(directory + "image" + imageNO + ".txt", ); //saves the file to Disk
File.WriteAllLines("C:\\" + "BikeData.txt", SaveData);
public void updateSpeedtextbox(string value)
if (SpeedTextBox.InvokeRequired)
addlistitemcallback d = new addlistitemcallback(updateSpeedtextbox);
Invoke(d, new object[] { value });
SpeedTextBox.Text = value;
public void updatePowertextbox(string value)
if (RiderInputTextBox.InvokeRequired)
addlistitemcallback d = new addlistitemcallback(updatePowertextbox);
Invoke(d, new object[] { value });
RiderInputTextBox.Text = value;
public void updateDistancetextbox(string value)
if (DistanceTravelledTextBox.InvokeRequired)
addlistitemcallback d = new addlistitemcallback(updateDistancetextbox);
Invoke(d, new object[] { value });
DistanceTravelledTextBox.Text = value;
public void updateMotortextbox(string value)
if (MotorOutputTextBox.InvokeRequired)
addlistitemcallback d = new addlistitemcallback(updateMotortextbox);
Invoke(d, new object[] { value });
MotorOutputTextBox.Text = value;
public void ReadData()
int counter = 0;
while (SerialData.IsOpen)
if (counter == 0)
InputSpeed = Convert.ToInt16(SerialData.ReadChar());
if (CurrentSpeed > MaximumSpeed)
MaximumSpeed = CurrentSpeed;
updateSpeedtextbox("Current Wheel Speed = " + Convert.ToString(InputSpeed) + "Km/h");
DistanceTravelled = DistanceTravelled + (Convert.ToInt16(InputSpeed) * Time);
updateDistancetextbox("Total Distance Travelled = " + Convert.ToString(DistanceTravelled) + "Km");
catch (Exception) { }
if (counter == 1)
RiderInput = Convert.ToInt16(SerialData.ReadChar());
if (RiderInput > maximumRiderInput)
maximumRiderInput = RiderInput;
updatePowertextbox("Current Rider Input Power =" + Convert.ToString(RiderInput) + "Watts");
catch (Exception) { }
if (counter == 2)
MotorOutput = Convert.ToInt16(SerialData.ReadChar());
if (MotorOutput > MaximumMotorOutput)
MaximumMotorOutput = MotorOutput;
updateMotortextbox("Current Motor Output = " + Convert.ToString(MotorOutput) + "Watts");
catch (Exception) { }
if (counter == 3)
counter = 0;
private void Form1_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (SerialData.IsOpen)
private void ComPortCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
StartDataButton.Enabled = true;
private void DistanceTravelledTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
g'day guys,
i have a small error with my program where when i try to save to file an error occurs which says "A required privilege is not held by the client." I not sure how to fix this as i am running it off of my laptop which only i use and unless i have set up administrator status correctly i dont know what is going on.
I posted my code below just to be sure
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Threading;
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
delegate void addlistitemcallback(string value);
public static string inputdata;
public static int MaximumSpeed, maximumRiderInput, RiderInput, Time, CurrentSpeed, DistanceTravelled, MaximumMotorOutput, MotorOutput, InputSpeed;
public static string SaveDataString;
public Thread Serial;
public static SerialPort SerialData;
public static string[] portlist = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
public static string[] SaveData = new string[4];
public static string directory = "C:\\";
public Form1()
Serial = new Thread(ReadData);
int Count = 0;
for (Count = 0; Count < portlist.Length; Count++)
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void StartDataButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SerialData = new SerialPort(ComPortCombo.Text, 19200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
StartDataButton.Enabled = false;
EndDataButton.Enabled = true;
ComPortCombo.Enabled = false;
CurrentSpeed = 0;
MaximumSpeed = 0;
Time = 0;
DistanceTravelled = 0;
MotorOutput = 0;
RiderInput = 0;
SaveData[0] = "";
SaveData[1] = "";
SaveData[2] = "";
SaveData[3] = "";
SaveDataButton.Enabled = false;
if (SerialData.IsOpen)
ComPortStatusLabel.Text = "OPEN";
SerialData.NewLine = "/n";
private void EndDataButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SaveDataButton.Enabled = true;
if (!SerialData.IsOpen)
ComPortStatusLabel.Text = "CLOSED";
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (i == 0)
SaveDataString = "MaximumSpeed during the Ride was = " + Convert.ToString(MaximumSpeed) + "m/h";
SaveData[i] = SaveDataString;
if (i == 1)
SaveDataString = "Total Distance Travelled = " + Convert.ToString(DistanceTravelled) + "m";
SaveData[i] = SaveDataString;
if (i == 2)
SaveDataString = "Maximum Rider Input Power = " + Convert.ToString(maximumRiderInput) + "Watts";
SaveData[i] = SaveDataString;
if (i == 3)
SaveDataString = "Maximum Motor Output Power = " + Convert.ToString(MaximumMotorOutput) + "Watts";
SaveData[i] = SaveDataString;
private void SaveDataButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//File.WriteAllBytes(directory + "image" + imageNO + ".txt", ); //saves the file to Disk
File.WriteAllLines("C:\\" + "BikeData.txt", SaveData);
public void updateSpeedtextbox(string value)
if (SpeedTextBox.InvokeRequired)
addlistitemcallback d = new addlistitemcallback(updateSpeedtextbox);
Invoke(d, new object[] { value });
SpeedTextBox.Text = value;
public void updatePowertextbox(string value)
if (RiderInputTextBox.InvokeRequired)
addlistitemcallback d = new addlistitemcallback(updatePowertextbox);
Invoke(d, new object[] { value });
RiderInputTextBox.Text = value;
public void updateDistancetextbox(string value)
if (DistanceTravelledTextBox.InvokeRequired)
addlistitemcallback d = new addlistitemcallback(updateDistancetextbox);
Invoke(d, new object[] { value });
DistanceTravelledTextBox.Text = value;
public void updateMotortextbox(string value)
if (MotorOutputTextBox.InvokeRequired)
addlistitemcallback d = new addlistitemcallback(updateMotortextbox);
Invoke(d, new object[] { value });
MotorOutputTextBox.Text = value;
public void ReadData()
int counter = 0;
while (SerialData.IsOpen)
if (counter == 0)
InputSpeed = Convert.ToInt16(SerialData.ReadChar());
if (CurrentSpeed > MaximumSpeed)
MaximumSpeed = CurrentSpeed;
updateSpeedtextbox("Current Wheel Speed = " + Convert.ToString(InputSpeed) + "Km/h");
DistanceTravelled = DistanceTravelled + (Convert.ToInt16(InputSpeed) * Time);
updateDistancetextbox("Total Distance Travelled = " + Convert.ToString(DistanceTravelled) + "Km");
catch (Exception) { }
if (counter == 1)
RiderInput = Convert.ToInt16(SerialData.ReadChar());
if (RiderInput > maximumRiderInput)
maximumRiderInput = RiderInput;
updatePowertextbox("Current Rider Input Power =" + Convert.ToString(RiderInput) + "Watts");
catch (Exception) { }
if (counter == 2)
MotorOutput = Convert.ToInt16(SerialData.ReadChar());
if (MotorOutput > MaximumMotorOutput)
MaximumMotorOutput = MotorOutput;
updateMotortextbox("Current Motor Output = " + Convert.ToString(MotorOutput) + "Watts");
catch (Exception) { }
if (counter == 3)
counter = 0;
private void Form1_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (SerialData.IsOpen)
private void ComPortCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
StartDataButton.Enabled = true;
private void DistanceTravelledTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

您可能没有对 C:\ 的写入权限。尝试将保存路径更改为“C:\Users\{YouName}\Documents\BikeData.txt”。
或者通过右键单击 Visual Studio 图标并选择“以管理员身份运行”,以管理权限启动 Visual Studio
You probably don't have write access to C:\. Try changing the save path to "C:\Users\{YouName}\Documents\BikeData.txt" instead.
Or start Visual Studio with administrative privileges by right clicking on its icon and choosing "Run as Administrator"
File.WriteAllLines("C:\" + "BikeData.txt", SaveData);
File.WriteAllLine(string,string[]),当用户无权在特定目录或驱动器中写入时,通过“SecurityException”,因此您必须授予写入权限,请参阅此链接 File.WriteAllLines
File.WriteAllLines("C:\" + "BikeData.txt", SaveData);
File.WriteAllLine(string,string[]), through "SecurityException" when user does not have rights to write in a particular directrory or drive so you have to give write permission, refer this link File.WriteAllLines