Think of List Definition as a Blueprint or template of a list using which you can create instances of list. For example, MOSS comes with out of the box list definitions like Announcements, Tasks etc. You can create a list using those list definitions and the list instances could be: "Department Announcements", "Team Announcements" etc.
At a very high level, a List Definition contains: Name of the list, template name as it appears in Sharepoint UI, parent list type from which it is deriving, the content types and fields which belong to the list, default and custom views of the list etc.
SharePoint list. A structure of items or rows and columns or fields that contain data provided by SharePoint similar to a database table. The SharePoint object model uses the class SPList to represent a SharePoint list.
将列表定义视为列表的蓝图或模板,您可以使用它来创建列表的实例。例如,MOSS 附带开箱即用的列表定义,如公告、任务等。您可以使用这些列表定义创建列表,列表实例可以是:“部门公告”、“团队公告”等。
在非常高的级别,列表定义包含:列表名称、Sharepoint UI 中显示的模板名称、派生列表的父列表类型、属于列表的内容类型和字段、列表的默认视图和自定义视图等。
更多此处的信息: /en-us/library/ms466023(v=office.12).aspx
如果您是 MOSS 新手,那么创建列表定义是相当高级的主题,它涉及的学习内容比列表定义本身要多得多。
Think of List Definition as a Blueprint or template of a list using which you can create instances of list. For example, MOSS comes with out of the box list definitions like Announcements, Tasks etc. You can create a list using those list definitions and the list instances could be: "Department Announcements", "Team Announcements" etc.
At a very high level, a List Definition contains: Name of the list, template name as it appears in Sharepoint UI, parent list type from which it is deriving, the content types and fields which belong to the list, default and custom views of the list etc.
More information here:
If you are new to MOSS, creating a list definition is fairly advanced topic and it involves learning many more things than List Definition itself.
来自 MSDN:
From MSDN:
Further explained here: