Vim、NERDtree 在会话恢复中未恢复
当我有一个 NERDtree 面板并保存一个 Vim 会话(mksession [文件名]),然后打开该会话(vim -S 文件名)时,该面板会打开并标记为“NERDtree”,但不会填充。如果我从命令行尝试“:NERDtree”,窗口确实会填充,但现在会打开另一个面板。
When I have a NERDtree panel and I save a Vim session (mksession [filename]), then open the session (vim -S filename), the panel is opened and tagged "NERDtree" but is not populated. If I try ":NERDtree" from the commandline, the window does get populated, but another panel now opens.
Any ideas wrt this weird behaviour?
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我刚刚决定自己解决这个问题。就我而言,当我在 vimrc 中使用以下内容退出 Vim 时,会创建会话:
autocmd VimLeave * mksession! [filename]
当 Vim 使用以下命令打开时,我还尝试自动打开 NERDTree:
autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree
结果是我的会话使用两个 NERDTree 实例打开,如原始帖子中所述。我的解决方案是在保存会话之前简单地关闭 NERDTree,这样我的自动打开调用只会打开 NERDTree 的一个实例。
Just decided to deal with this very issue myself. In my case, the session is created when I quit Vim with the following in my vimrc:
autocmd VimLeave * mksession! [filename]
I was also trying to open NERDTree automatically when Vim opened with:
autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree
The result was that my session opened with two instances of NERDTree, like described in the original post. My solution was to simply close NERDTree before saving the session, that way my auto-open call would only open the one instance of NERDTree.
My Solution
It's working like a charm for me so far. Hope this helps.
你可以使用一个名为“session.vim”的插件,它对恢复 NERDTree 提供基本支持。您可以在这里找到它: script.php?script_id=3150
您可以将 vim 配置为自动将缓冲区目录设置为等于您的工作目录。
由于 NERDTree 在您第一次打开时会打开工作目录,因此您已经位于您想要的位置了!
在这种情况下,只需在打开文件或会话后打开 NERDTree 即可。
但是,由于该魔法仅在一个选项卡中第一次起作用,因此您可以使用以下命令让 NERDTree 在树中找到您的文件。
I had the same problem and during my research i found two solutions:
You can use a plugin called "session.vim", which has a basic support for restoring the NERDTree. You can find it here:
I found out for myself that this plugin is not for me, so i took another approach.
You can configure vim to automatically set the directory of your buffer equal to your working directory.
Since the NERDTree opens the working directory when you open it up the first time, you are already where you want to be!
Just open the NERDTree after you opened up your file or your session in this case.
However, since the magic will work only for the first time within one tab, you can use the following command to let the NERDTree find your file in the tree.
To unclutter the tree just go up a few directorys as you wish using the "p" command and then type "C".
I found out the commands thanks to the guys in this post:
要使用会话插件修复 NERDTress 会话,应使用会话插件中嵌入的新会话命令:“SaveSession”和“OpenSession”,而不是“mksession”和“source”。
Vim 的 :mksession 命令与使用生成内容创建缓冲区的插件并不真正兼容,因此 session.vim 包含此类插件的特定解决方法:
•netrw 和taglist.vim 插件支持开箱即用的会话。
也许这就是为什么我们应该使用新命令来克服 NERDTree 会话问题。
To fix the NERDTress session with session plugin, the new session commands embedded in session plugin: "SaveSession" and "OpenSession" should be used, instead of "mksession" and "source".
According to the session plugin author's comments:
Vim’s :mksession command isn’t really compatible with plug-ins that create buffers with generated content and because of this session.vim includes specific workarounds for such plug-ins:
•BufExplorer, Project and NERD tree windows are supported;
•When shell.vim is installed Vim’s full-screen state is persisted;
•The netrw and taglist.vim plug-ins support sessions out of the box.
Maybe it is why we should use the new commands to overcome NERDTree session issue.
For more details, please refer to
或者您可以使用 Vimpanel,它内置了会话支持等特征。
Or you could use Vimpanel, it has session support built in, among other features.
另一个基于 stevelove 的解决方案:
Another solution based on stevelove's:
让 NERDTree 在会话中按预期运行的最简单方法可能是修补 NERD_tree.vim,将自动命令添加到 NERDTree 自动命令组中(就在
augroup NERDTree
行之后):它没有经过广泛测试,但是这个似乎对我来说适用于多种布局和打开不同数量的 NERDTree 窗口。
编辑:实际上,这效果不太好,因为 NERDTree 有主窗口和辅助窗口,并且会话文件中没有指示 NERDTree 缓冲区是其中之一。看起来向插件添加对此的可靠支持并不是那么大的挑战,但它不仅仅是微不足道的。同时,对于简单的情况,添加以下自动命令(而不是上面的命令)可能会满足您的要求:
The easiest way to make NERDTree act as expected with sessions is probably to patch NERD_tree.vim, adding an autocommand to the NERDTree autocommand group (right after the
augroup NERDTree
line):It's not extensively tested, but this seems to work for me with several layouts and with different numbers of NERDTree windows open.
Edit: Actually, this doesn't work so great because NERDTree has primary and secondary windows, and there's no indication in the session file whether a NERDTree buffer is one or the other. It looks like adding reliable support for this to the plugin wouldn't be that big a challenge, but it's more than trivial. In the meantime, for simple cases, adding the following autocommand (instead of the one above) might do what you want:
就我而言,加载会话后打开了 NERDTree,但它没有显示任何文件。以下脚本修复了这个问题:
wincmd l
转到另一个,然后使用关闭wincmd q
In my case, the NERDTree was opened after loading a session, but it didn't display any files. The following script fixed that:
wincmd l
and close with withwincmd q