Qt Creator 中是否可以始终具有完全自动补全功能?(如 ctrl-space )
是否有可能在 Qt Creator 4.7 中强制自动完成(对于所有文本,不仅是 :: -> 等)始终处于活动状态?
Is there any possibility to have forced auto completion (for all text, not only :: -> etc) always active in Qt creator 4.7 ?
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我使用 2.1 git 分支,如果你在输入例如时稍等一下。类成员里面定义了该类的成员函数,就会弹出一个小窗口。我可以按 Enter 键,它会自动填充。
I use the 2.1 git branch, and if you wait a bit when typing eg. a class member inside the definition of a member function of that class, it will pop up in a little window. I can press enter and it's filled in automatically.