MySQL 复制和 Django FileField
我有 MySQL 复制设置,它可以很好地复制数据库数据。不过,我也使用 FileField 和 ImageField,并将文件加载到 FS 上。我可能只会使用 rsync 手动复制它,但有更好的方法吗?
我知道键值存储。但对于这个项目,我希望最大限度地减少所涉及的技术数量并坚持使用简单的选项。我之前已经成功地使用过 rsync 来实现此目的,但我想知道其他完成此操作的人是否有任何新的很酷的工具(甚至 rsync 包装器)可以更好地工作。
I have MySQL replication setup, and it replicates nicely the database data. However, I also use FileField and ImageField, and have file loaded onto the FS. I probably will just use rsync to manually replicate this, but is there a better way?
I know of key value storage. But for this project, I am looking to minimize the number of technologies involved and stick with simple options. I've successfully used rsync for this before, but I was wondering if others who have done this have any new cool tools (or even rsync wrappers) that work better.
Your experiences are appreciated.
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我没有搜索过是否有人已经这样做过,但是您可以在 Django 中编写自己的代码来将文件远程复制到您的目标服务器(即 SFTP)。
以下是有关在 Python 中使用 SFTP 的信息:Python 中的 SFTP? (与平台无关)
如果您使用的是 Amazon 的 CloudFront 或 Buckets 之类的东西,那么您可以使用 Boto 来处理上传(我相信): (如果没有,可能还有其他 python 库可以提供帮助)。
I haven't searched to see if anyone has already done this, but you can write your own code in Django to remotely copy the file to your goal server (i.e. SFTP).
Here's info on using SFTP in Python: SFTP in Python? (platform independent)
If you're using something like Amazon's CloudFront or Buckets, then you can use Boto to handle the uploading (I believe): (if not, there are probably other python libraries to help).