jquery.validate 在 ajax 替换时丢失并且仅显示最后一个错误

发布于 2024-10-03 05:29:14 字数 15942 浏览 0 评论 0原文

我在 MVC 2 中使用 jquery.validate 和 MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation。我的模型上有数据注释,然后将其转换为 jquery 验证器。我正在使用对 MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation 的修改,如 Soe Tun 允许我的错误消息出现在验证摘要中,而不是出现在控件旁边。


验证仍然在服务器端进行,并且有错误的字段会正确地被赋予 css 类以更改其样式。但是,我的验证摘要中仅显示最后一条错误消息。


这是我的 ajax 表单的示例

<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("AddCreditCard", "Dashboard",
       new { },
       new AjaxOptions() { 
           HttpMethod = "Post",
           InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
           UpdateTargetId = "quickpay-wrapper",
           OnSuccess = "newPaymentSetup",
           LoadingElementId = "loading-pane"
            }, new { id="new-credit-card-form" })) { %>

这是修改后的 javascript。

jQuery.validator.addMethod("regex", function(value, element, params) {
    if (this.optional(element)) {
        return true;

    var match = new RegExp(params).exec(value);
    return (match && (match.index == 0) && (match[0].length == value.length));

// glue

function __MVC_ApplyValidator_Range(object, min, max) {
    object["range"] = [min, max];

function __MVC_ApplyValidator_RegularExpression(object, pattern) {
    object["regex"] = pattern;

function __MVC_ApplyValidator_Required(object) {
    object["required"] = true;

function __MVC_ApplyValidator_StringLength(object, maxLength) {
    object["maxlength"] = maxLength;

function __MVC_ApplyValidator_Unknown(object, validationType, validationParameters) {
    object[validationType] = validationParameters;

function __MVC_CreateFieldToValidationMessageMapping(validationFields) {
    var mapping = {};

    for (var i = 0; i < validationFields.length; i++) {
        var thisField = validationFields[i];
        mapping[thisField.FieldName] = "#" + thisField.ValidationMessageId;

    return mapping;

function __MVC_CreateErrorMessagesObject(validationFields) {
    var messagesObj = {};

    for (var i = 0; i < validationFields.length; i++) {
        var thisField = validationFields[i];
        var thisFieldMessages = {};
        messagesObj[thisField.FieldName] = thisFieldMessages;
        var validationRules = thisField.ValidationRules;

        for (var j = 0; j < validationRules.length; j++) {
            var thisRule = validationRules[j];
            if (thisRule.ErrorMessage) {
                var jQueryValidationType = thisRule.ValidationType;
                switch (thisRule.ValidationType) {
                    case "regularExpression":
                        jQueryValidationType = "regex";

                    case "stringLength":
                        jQueryValidationType = "maxlength";

                thisFieldMessages[jQueryValidationType] = thisRule.ErrorMessage;

    return messagesObj;

function __MVC_CreateRulesForField(validationField) {
    var validationRules = validationField.ValidationRules;

    // hook each rule into jquery
    var rulesObj = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < validationRules.length; i++) {
        var thisRule = validationRules[i];
        switch (thisRule.ValidationType) {
            case "range":
                    thisRule.ValidationParameters["minimum"], thisRule.ValidationParameters["maximum"]);

            case "regularExpression":

            case "required":
                var fieldName = validationField.FieldName.replace(".", "_");
                if ($("#" + fieldName).get(0).type !== 'checkbox') {
                    // only apply required if the input control is NOT a checkbox.

            case "stringLength":

                    thisRule.ValidationType, thisRule.ValidationParameters);

    return rulesObj;

function __MVC_CreateValidationOptions(validationFields) {
    var rulesObj = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < validationFields.length; i++) {
        var validationField = validationFields[i];
        var fieldName = validationField.FieldName;
        rulesObj[fieldName] = __MVC_CreateRulesForField(validationField);

    return rulesObj;

function __MVC_EnableClientValidation(validationContext) {
    // this represents the form containing elements to be validated
    var theForm = $("#" + validationContext.FormId);

    var fields = validationContext.Fields;
    var rulesObj = __MVC_CreateValidationOptions(fields);
    var fieldToMessageMappings = __MVC_CreateFieldToValidationMessageMapping(fields);
    var errorMessagesObj = __MVC_CreateErrorMessagesObject(fields);

    var options = {
        errorClass: "input-validation-error",
        errorElement: "span",
        errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
            var messageSpan = fieldToMessageMappings[element.attr("name")];
            error.attr("_for_validation_message", messageSpan);
        messages: errorMessagesObj,
        rules: rulesObj,
        success: function(label) {
            var messageSpan = $(label.attr("_for_validation_message"));

    var validationSummaryId = validationContext.ValidationSummaryId;
    if (validationSummaryId) {
        // insert an empty <ul> into the validation summary <div> tag (as necessary)
        $("<ul />").appendTo($("#" + validationSummaryId + ":not(:has(ul:first))"));

        options = {
            errorContainer: "#" + validationSummaryId,
            errorLabelContainer: "#" + validationSummaryId + " ul:first",
            wrapper: "li",

            showErrors: function(errorMap, errorList) {
                var errContainer = $(this.settings.errorContainer);
                var errLabelContainer = $("ul:first", errContainer);

                // Add error CSS class to user-input controls with errors
                for (var i = 0; this.errorList[i]; i++) {
                    var element = this.errorList[i].element;
                    var messageSpan = $(fieldToMessageMappings[element.name]);
                    var msgSpanHtml = messageSpan.html();
                    if (!msgSpanHtml || msgSpanHtml.length == 0) {
                        // Don't override the existing Validation Message.
                        // Only if it is empty, set it to an asterisk.
                    $("#" + element.id).addClass("input-validation-error");
                for (var i = 0; this.successList[i]; i++) {
                    // Remove error CSS class from user-input controls with zero validation errors
                    var element = this.successList[i];
                    var messageSpan = fieldToMessageMappings[element.name];
                    $("#" + element.id).removeClass("input-validation-error");

                if (this.numberOfInvalids() > 0) {


                // when server-side errors still exist in the Validation Summary, don't hide it
                var totalErrorCount = errLabelContainer.children("li:not(:has(label))").length + this.numberOfInvalids();
                if (totalErrorCount > 0) {
                    $(this.settings.errorContainer).css("display", "block").addClass("validation-summary-errors").removeClass("validation-summary-valid");
                    $(this.settings.errorLabelContainer).css("display", "block");
            messages: errorMessagesObj,
            rules: rulesObj

    // register callbacks with our AJAX system
    var formElement = document.getElementById(validationContext.FormId);
    var registeredValidatorCallbacks = formElement.validationCallbacks;
    if (!registeredValidatorCallbacks) {
        registeredValidatorCallbacks = [];
        formElement.validationCallbacks = registeredValidatorCallbacks;
    registeredValidatorCallbacks.push(function() {
        return theForm.valid();


// need to wait for the document to signal that it is ready
$(document).ready(function() {
    var allFormOptions = window.mvcClientValidationMetadata;
    if (allFormOptions) {
        while (allFormOptions.length > 0) {
            var thisFormOptions = allFormOptions.pop();

我尝试将文档底部的调用移至我的 OnSuccess 方法中,但这并没有成功。

那么,当我进行 ajax 替换时,如何让客户端验证重新初始化,以及如何让所有错误显示在验证摘要中?我希望,如果我解决了一个问题,就能解决另一个问题。




<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<QuickPayModel>" %>

<div id="quickpay-wrapper">
<% if (Model.NewPaymentMethod) { %>
    <% Html.RenderAction<DashboardController>(x => x.QuickPayNewMethod()); %>
<% } else { %>
    <% Html.RenderPartial("QuickPayMakePayment", Model); %>
<% } %>


<%= Html.ClientValidationSummary(new { id = "valSumContainer" })%>
<% Html.EnableClientValidation(); %>

<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("QuickPay", "Dashboard",
       new { },
       new AjaxOptions() { 
           HttpMethod = "Post",
           InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
           UpdateTargetId = "quickpay-wrapper",
           OnSuccess = "updatePaymentHistory",
           LoadingElementId = "loading-pane"
            }, new { }))
   { %>
    <div class="horizontalline"><%= Html.Spacer() %></div>
    <% ViewContext.FormContext.ValidationSummaryId = "valSumContainer"; %>

    <%: Html.LabelFor(x => x.PaymentMethods)%>

    <% if (Model.HasOnePaymentMethod) { %>
            <%: Html.DisplayFor(x => x.SelectedPaymentMethodName) %>
            <%: Html.HiddenFor(x => x.SelectedPaymentMethodId) %>

    <% } else { %>
        <%: Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.SelectedPaymentMethodId, Model.PaymentMethodsSelectList, "Select a Payment Method", new { })%>
            <%: Html.HiddenFor(x => x.SelectedPaymentMethodName)%>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(function () {
                $("#PaymentMethods").change(function () {

                    $("#SelectedPaymentMethodName").val($('option:selected', this).text());

    <% } %>
    <%: Html.Spacer(12, 1) %><%: Ajax.ActionLink("New Payment Method", "QuickPayNewMethod", 
                                 new AjaxOptions() { InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
                                                     UpdateTargetId = "quickpay-wrapper",
                                                     OnSuccess = "newPaymentSetup",
                                                     LoadingElementId = "loading-pane"
    <%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.SelectedPaymentMethodId)%>


    <%: Html.LabelFor(x => x.Amount)%>
    <%: Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.Amount, new { disabled = Model.UseInvoicing ? "disabled" : String.Empty, 
    title = Model.UseInvoicing ? "the total payment amount of all selected invoices" : String.Empty,
    @class = "small" })%>
    <%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.Amount)%>

    <%: Html.LabelFor(x => x.PayDate)%>
    <%: Html.TextBox("PayDate", Model.PayDate.ToShortDateString(), new { @class = "medium" })%>
    <%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.PayDate)%>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {

    <div class="horizontalline"><%= Html.Spacer() %></div>
    <%= FTNI.Controls.Submit("Submit Payment") %>
    <%: Html.AntiForgeryToken() %>

    <%: Html.ValidationMessage("Payment-Result")%>
<% } %>


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {

    <h4>New Payment Method</h4> 

    <% if(Model.HasPaymentMethods) { %>
        <span style="float:right;">
            <%: Ajax.ActionLink("Cancel", "QuickPay", 
                                 new AjaxOptions() { 
                                     HttpMethod = "Get",
                                     InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
                                     UpdateTargetId = "quickpay-wrapper",
                                     OnSuccess = "quickPaySetup",
                                     LoadingElementId = "loading-pane"
    <% } %>

    <div>Enter the information below to create a new payment method.</div><br />

    <%= Html.ClientValidationSummary(new { id = "valSumContainer" })%>
    <% Html.EnableClientValidation(); %>
<div id="new-payment-method-tabs">
        <li><a href="#new-credit-card">Credit Card</a></li>
        <li><a href="#new-ach">E-Check</a></li>
    <div id="new-credit-card">
        <% Html.RenderPartial("NewCreditCard", Model.CreditCardModel); %>
    <div id="new-ach">
        <% Html.RenderPartial("NewACH", Model.ACHModel); %>


<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("AddCreditCard", "Dashboard",
       new { },
       new AjaxOptions() { 
           HttpMethod = "Post",
           InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
           UpdateTargetId = "quickpay-wrapper",
           OnSuccess = "newPaymentSetup",
           LoadingElementId = "loading-pane"
            }, new { id="new-credit-card-form" })) { %>
    <% ViewContext.FormContext.ValidationSummaryId = "valSumContainer"; %>

每个表单都以类似这样的初始加载工作 。任何 ajax 替换都会导致表单上下文丢失,并且无论我做什么都不会重新初始化。表单回发,验证发生在服务器端。所有无效字段均已更改(添加了 CSS 错误类),但摘要中仅显示最后一个错误。

I am using jquery.validate in MVC 2 with MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation. I have data annotations on my model which is then being translated into jquery validators. I am using a modification to MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation as outlined by Soe Tun to allow my error messages to appear in a validation summary instead of beside the controls.

When the page loads, everything works as expected. The problem is that I am using ajax forms with replace mode to rewrite the form. When I do this, I lose all of my client side validation.

Validation still happens server side, and the fields that have errors are correctly being given the css classes to change their style. However, only the last error message is being shown in my validation summary.

The controller isn't anything special. If the model is valid, do work, otherwise return the same model back into the view.

Here's a sample of my ajax form

<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("AddCreditCard", "Dashboard",
       new { },
       new AjaxOptions() { 
           HttpMethod = "Post",
           InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
           UpdateTargetId = "quickpay-wrapper",
           OnSuccess = "newPaymentSetup",
           LoadingElementId = "loading-pane"
            }, new { id="new-credit-card-form" })) { %>

Here is the modified javascript.

jQuery.validator.addMethod("regex", function(value, element, params) {
    if (this.optional(element)) {
        return true;

    var match = new RegExp(params).exec(value);
    return (match && (match.index == 0) && (match[0].length == value.length));

// glue

function __MVC_ApplyValidator_Range(object, min, max) {
    object["range"] = [min, max];

function __MVC_ApplyValidator_RegularExpression(object, pattern) {
    object["regex"] = pattern;

function __MVC_ApplyValidator_Required(object) {
    object["required"] = true;

function __MVC_ApplyValidator_StringLength(object, maxLength) {
    object["maxlength"] = maxLength;

function __MVC_ApplyValidator_Unknown(object, validationType, validationParameters) {
    object[validationType] = validationParameters;

function __MVC_CreateFieldToValidationMessageMapping(validationFields) {
    var mapping = {};

    for (var i = 0; i < validationFields.length; i++) {
        var thisField = validationFields[i];
        mapping[thisField.FieldName] = "#" + thisField.ValidationMessageId;

    return mapping;

function __MVC_CreateErrorMessagesObject(validationFields) {
    var messagesObj = {};

    for (var i = 0; i < validationFields.length; i++) {
        var thisField = validationFields[i];
        var thisFieldMessages = {};
        messagesObj[thisField.FieldName] = thisFieldMessages;
        var validationRules = thisField.ValidationRules;

        for (var j = 0; j < validationRules.length; j++) {
            var thisRule = validationRules[j];
            if (thisRule.ErrorMessage) {
                var jQueryValidationType = thisRule.ValidationType;
                switch (thisRule.ValidationType) {
                    case "regularExpression":
                        jQueryValidationType = "regex";

                    case "stringLength":
                        jQueryValidationType = "maxlength";

                thisFieldMessages[jQueryValidationType] = thisRule.ErrorMessage;

    return messagesObj;

function __MVC_CreateRulesForField(validationField) {
    var validationRules = validationField.ValidationRules;

    // hook each rule into jquery
    var rulesObj = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < validationRules.length; i++) {
        var thisRule = validationRules[i];
        switch (thisRule.ValidationType) {
            case "range":
                    thisRule.ValidationParameters["minimum"], thisRule.ValidationParameters["maximum"]);

            case "regularExpression":

            case "required":
                var fieldName = validationField.FieldName.replace(".", "_");
                if ($("#" + fieldName).get(0).type !== 'checkbox') {
                    // only apply required if the input control is NOT a checkbox.

            case "stringLength":

                    thisRule.ValidationType, thisRule.ValidationParameters);

    return rulesObj;

function __MVC_CreateValidationOptions(validationFields) {
    var rulesObj = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < validationFields.length; i++) {
        var validationField = validationFields[i];
        var fieldName = validationField.FieldName;
        rulesObj[fieldName] = __MVC_CreateRulesForField(validationField);

    return rulesObj;

function __MVC_EnableClientValidation(validationContext) {
    // this represents the form containing elements to be validated
    var theForm = $("#" + validationContext.FormId);

    var fields = validationContext.Fields;
    var rulesObj = __MVC_CreateValidationOptions(fields);
    var fieldToMessageMappings = __MVC_CreateFieldToValidationMessageMapping(fields);
    var errorMessagesObj = __MVC_CreateErrorMessagesObject(fields);

    var options = {
        errorClass: "input-validation-error",
        errorElement: "span",
        errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
            var messageSpan = fieldToMessageMappings[element.attr("name")];
            error.attr("_for_validation_message", messageSpan);
        messages: errorMessagesObj,
        rules: rulesObj,
        success: function(label) {
            var messageSpan = $(label.attr("_for_validation_message"));

    var validationSummaryId = validationContext.ValidationSummaryId;
    if (validationSummaryId) {
        // insert an empty <ul> into the validation summary <div> tag (as necessary)
        $("<ul />").appendTo($("#" + validationSummaryId + ":not(:has(ul:first))"));

        options = {
            errorContainer: "#" + validationSummaryId,
            errorLabelContainer: "#" + validationSummaryId + " ul:first",
            wrapper: "li",

            showErrors: function(errorMap, errorList) {
                var errContainer = $(this.settings.errorContainer);
                var errLabelContainer = $("ul:first", errContainer);

                // Add error CSS class to user-input controls with errors
                for (var i = 0; this.errorList[i]; i++) {
                    var element = this.errorList[i].element;
                    var messageSpan = $(fieldToMessageMappings[element.name]);
                    var msgSpanHtml = messageSpan.html();
                    if (!msgSpanHtml || msgSpanHtml.length == 0) {
                        // Don't override the existing Validation Message.
                        // Only if it is empty, set it to an asterisk.
                    $("#" + element.id).addClass("input-validation-error");
                for (var i = 0; this.successList[i]; i++) {
                    // Remove error CSS class from user-input controls with zero validation errors
                    var element = this.successList[i];
                    var messageSpan = fieldToMessageMappings[element.name];
                    $("#" + element.id).removeClass("input-validation-error");

                if (this.numberOfInvalids() > 0) {


                // when server-side errors still exist in the Validation Summary, don't hide it
                var totalErrorCount = errLabelContainer.children("li:not(:has(label))").length + this.numberOfInvalids();
                if (totalErrorCount > 0) {
                    $(this.settings.errorContainer).css("display", "block").addClass("validation-summary-errors").removeClass("validation-summary-valid");
                    $(this.settings.errorLabelContainer).css("display", "block");
            messages: errorMessagesObj,
            rules: rulesObj

    // register callbacks with our AJAX system
    var formElement = document.getElementById(validationContext.FormId);
    var registeredValidatorCallbacks = formElement.validationCallbacks;
    if (!registeredValidatorCallbacks) {
        registeredValidatorCallbacks = [];
        formElement.validationCallbacks = registeredValidatorCallbacks;
    registeredValidatorCallbacks.push(function() {
        return theForm.valid();


// need to wait for the document to signal that it is ready
$(document).ready(function() {
    var allFormOptions = window.mvcClientValidationMetadata;
    if (allFormOptions) {
        while (allFormOptions.length > 0) {
            var thisFormOptions = allFormOptions.pop();

I've tried moving the calls at the bottom in the document ready into my OnSuccess method, but that didn't do it.

So, how do I get client side validation to reinitialize when I do my ajax replace, and how do I get all my errors to show in the validation summary? I'm hoping that if I fix one issue, it will correct the other.


Here's a little more info about what I am doing

Here's the wrapper

<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<QuickPayModel>" %>

<div id="quickpay-wrapper">
<% if (Model.NewPaymentMethod) { %>
    <% Html.RenderAction<DashboardController>(x => x.QuickPayNewMethod()); %>
<% } else { %>
    <% Html.RenderPartial("QuickPayMakePayment", Model); %>
<% } %>

Here is the make a payment panel.

<%= Html.ClientValidationSummary(new { id = "valSumContainer" })%>
<% Html.EnableClientValidation(); %>

<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("QuickPay", "Dashboard",
       new { },
       new AjaxOptions() { 
           HttpMethod = "Post",
           InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
           UpdateTargetId = "quickpay-wrapper",
           OnSuccess = "updatePaymentHistory",
           LoadingElementId = "loading-pane"
            }, new { }))
   { %>
    <div class="horizontalline"><%= Html.Spacer() %></div>
    <% ViewContext.FormContext.ValidationSummaryId = "valSumContainer"; %>

    <%: Html.LabelFor(x => x.PaymentMethods)%>

    <% if (Model.HasOnePaymentMethod) { %>
            <%: Html.DisplayFor(x => x.SelectedPaymentMethodName) %>
            <%: Html.HiddenFor(x => x.SelectedPaymentMethodId) %>

    <% } else { %>
        <%: Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.SelectedPaymentMethodId, Model.PaymentMethodsSelectList, "Select a Payment Method", new { })%>
            <%: Html.HiddenFor(x => x.SelectedPaymentMethodName)%>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(function () {
                $("#PaymentMethods").change(function () {

                    $("#SelectedPaymentMethodName").val($('option:selected', this).text());

    <% } %>
    <%: Html.Spacer(12, 1) %><%: Ajax.ActionLink("New Payment Method", "QuickPayNewMethod", 
                                 new AjaxOptions() { InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
                                                     UpdateTargetId = "quickpay-wrapper",
                                                     OnSuccess = "newPaymentSetup",
                                                     LoadingElementId = "loading-pane"
    <%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.SelectedPaymentMethodId)%>


    <%: Html.LabelFor(x => x.Amount)%>
    <%: Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.Amount, new { disabled = Model.UseInvoicing ? "disabled" : String.Empty, 
    title = Model.UseInvoicing ? "the total payment amount of all selected invoices" : String.Empty,
    @class = "small" })%>
    <%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.Amount)%>

    <%: Html.LabelFor(x => x.PayDate)%>
    <%: Html.TextBox("PayDate", Model.PayDate.ToShortDateString(), new { @class = "medium" })%>
    <%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.PayDate)%>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {

    <div class="horizontalline"><%= Html.Spacer() %></div>
    <%= FTNI.Controls.Submit("Submit Payment") %>
    <%: Html.AntiForgeryToken() %>

    <%: Html.ValidationMessage("Payment-Result")%>
<% } %>

And now my new payment method panel

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {

    <h4>New Payment Method</h4> 

    <% if(Model.HasPaymentMethods) { %>
        <span style="float:right;">
            <%: Ajax.ActionLink("Cancel", "QuickPay", 
                                 new AjaxOptions() { 
                                     HttpMethod = "Get",
                                     InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
                                     UpdateTargetId = "quickpay-wrapper",
                                     OnSuccess = "quickPaySetup",
                                     LoadingElementId = "loading-pane"
    <% } %>

    <div>Enter the information below to create a new payment method.</div><br />

    <%= Html.ClientValidationSummary(new { id = "valSumContainer" })%>
    <% Html.EnableClientValidation(); %>
<div id="new-payment-method-tabs">
        <li><a href="#new-credit-card">Credit Card</a></li>
        <li><a href="#new-ach">E-Check</a></li>
    <div id="new-credit-card">
        <% Html.RenderPartial("NewCreditCard", Model.CreditCardModel); %>
    <div id="new-ach">
        <% Html.RenderPartial("NewACH", Model.ACHModel); %>

Each form starts off with something like this

<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("AddCreditCard", "Dashboard",
       new { },
       new AjaxOptions() { 
           HttpMethod = "Post",
           InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
           UpdateTargetId = "quickpay-wrapper",
           OnSuccess = "newPaymentSetup",
           LoadingElementId = "loading-pane"
            }, new { id="new-credit-card-form" })) { %>
    <% ViewContext.FormContext.ValidationSummaryId = "valSumContainer"; %>

Initial load works. Any ajax replaces cause the form context to be lost and not reinitialize no matter what I do. The form posts back, validation occurs server side. All invalid fields are changed (css error classes added), but only the last error is shown in the summary.

如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。



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撩起发的微风 2024-10-10 05:29:14


就我而言,我使用 jquery 对话框中的 ajax 调用来显示表单的内容。呼叫完成后,我只需将对话框内容替换为从控制器发回的内容。

我已经按照我的问题中所述修改了 Microsoft 脚本内的代码,然后在文档就绪时调用 init 方法。这也应该适用于您的情况...



I am going to tell you how I did just a few days ago. Please have a look to this question for details.

In my case I was showing the content of the form using an ajax call inside a jquery dialog. When the call complete I just replace the dialog content with the content sent back from the controller.

I have modified the code inside the Microsoft script as described in my question and then called the init method on document ready. This should work for your case too...

For the second error (how do I get all my errors to show in the validation summary?) I have simply modified the code as described in the same source post you are referring to and did not experienced any problem.

Hope it helps!

↙温凉少女 2024-10-10 05:29:14

我最终重新设计了我的解决方案,以便我不再通过回调将表单写入页面。虽然这不是我想要的方法,但它确实有效。我选择使用 jquery 模态来显示数据,而不是更改屏幕某一区域的内容。

理想情况下,我不必将所有表单呈现到页面上,并且可以根据需要调用它们,但似乎 jquery 客户端验证不会连接,除非表单存在于页面加载中。我不确定表单加载时是否需要表单元素,但这可能是我必须处理的限制。

另一种解决方法是将它们全部呈现到页面上,并通过 jquery 显示/隐藏每个表单。它与使用模态没有太大区别,但至少验证会起作用。我仍然希望看到一种解决方案,其中通过数据注释使用验证摘要和客户端 jquery 验证的表单可以通过回调写入页面,并且仍然可以正确连接和运行。

I ended up reworking my solution so that I was no longer writing the forms to the page through callbacks. While this was not my intended approach, it does work. I chose to use jquery modals to display the data rather than changing the content of one area of the screen.

Ideally, I would not have to render all of the forms to the page and could call them up on demand, but it seems jquery client side validation will not wire up unless the form is present on the page load. I am unsure of the form elements are required present on form load, but it may be a limitation I just have to deal with.

Another workaround would have been to render them all to the page and just show/hide each form through jquery. It's not much different than using modals, but at least the validation would work. I'd still like to see a solution where forms using validation summaries and client side jquery validation through data annotations can be written to the page through callbacks and still wired up and function correctly.

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