Mathematica:使用 Simply 进行常见的子表达式消除和强度降低

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因此,最近我一直在研究如何在编译器优化中充分利用 Mathematica 的模式匹配和术语重写……尝试高度优化作为循环内部部分的短代码块。减少计算表达式所需工作量的两种常见方法是识别多次出现的子表达式并存储结果,然后在后续点使用存储的结果来节省工作。另一种方法是尽可能使用更便宜的操作。例如,我的理解是,求平方根比加法和乘法需要更多的时钟周期。需要明确的是,我感兴趣的是评估表达式所需的浮点运算的成本,而不是 Mathematica 评估它需要多长时间。

我的第一个想法是,我将使用 Mathematica 的 simplify 函数来解决开发问题。可以指定一个复杂性函数来比较两个表达式的相对简单性。我打算使用相关算术运算的权重创建一个,并将表达式的 LeafCount 添加到其中,以考虑所需的赋值操作。这解决了强度方面的降低问题,但正是消除了常见的子表达式让我陷入了困境。


我想象 Simplify 在幕后正在进行一些动态编程,尝试对表达式的不同部分进行不同的简化,并返回复杂度分数最低的简化。我尝试使用常见的代数简化(例如因子和集合)自己进行动态规划会更好吗?


(*traverses entire expression tree storing each node*)
AllSubExpressions[x_, accum_] := Module[{result, i, len},
  len = Length[x];
  result = Append[accum, x];
  If[LeafCount[x] > 1,
   For[i = 1, i <= len, i++,
     result = ToSubExpressions2[x[[i]], result];
  Return[Sort[result, LeafCount[#1] > LeafCount[#2] &]]

CommonSubExpressions[statements_] := Module[{common, subexpressions},
subexpressions = AllSubExpressions[statements, {}];
  (*get the unique set of sub expressions*)
  common = DeleteDuplicates[subexpressions];
  (*remove constants from the list*)
  common = Select[common, LeafCount[#] > 1 &];
  (*only keep subexpressions that occur more than once*)
  common = Select[common, Count[subexpressions, #] > 1 &];
  (*output the list of possible subexpressions to replace with the \
number of occurrences*)

从 CommonSubExpressions 返回的列表中选择公共子表达式后,执行替换的函数如下。

eliminateCSE[statements_, expr_] := Module[{temp},
temp = Unique["r"];
Prepend[ReplaceAll[statements, expr -> temp], temp[expr]]

冒着这个问题变得很长的风险,我将放一些示例代码。我认为尝试优化的一个不错的表达式是经典的 Runge-Kutta 求解微分方程的方法。

nextY=statements[y + 1/6 h (f[t, n] + 2 f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]] + 
    2 f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]]] + 
    f[h + t, 
     y + h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]]]])];
transformed=eliminateCSE[nextY, First[possibleTransformations]]

{f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]]], 
y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]], 
0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]], 
f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]], y + 0.5 h f[t, n], 0.5 h f[t, n], 
0.5 h + t, f[t, n], 0.5 h}

statements[r1[f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]]]], 
y + 1/6 h (2 r1 + f[t, n] + 2 f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]] + 
 f[h + t, h r1 + y])]


cost[e_] := 
   Count[e, #1, Infinity, Heads -> True]*#2 &, {{Plus, Times, Sqrt, 
     f}, {1, 2, 5, 10}}]]


So lately I have been toying around with how Mathematica's pattern matching and term rewriting might be put to good use in compiler optimizations...trying to highly optimize short blocks of code that are the inner parts of loops. Two common ways to reduce the amount of work it takes to evaluate an expression is to identify sub-expressions that occur more than once and store the result and then use the stored result at subsequent points to save work. Another approach is to use cheaper operations where possible. For instance, my understanding is that taking square roots take more clock cycles than additions and multiplications. To be clear, I am interested in the cost in terms of floating point operations that evaluating the expression would take, not how long it takes Mathematica to evaluate it.

My first thought was that I would tackle the problem developing using Mathematica's simplify function. It is possible to specify a complexity function that compares the relative simplicity of two expressions. I was going to create one using weights for the relevant arithmetic operations and add to this the LeafCount for the expression to account for the assignment operations that are required. That addresses the reduction in strength side, but it is the elimination of common subexpressions that has me tripped up.

I was thinking of adding common subexpression elimination to the possible transformation functions that simplify uses. But for a large expression there could be many possible subexpressions that could be replaced and it won't be possible to know what they are till you see the expression. I have written a function that gives the possible substitutions, but it seems like the transformation function you specify needs to just return a single possible transformation, at least from the examples in the documentation. Any thoughts on how one might get around this limitation? Does anyone have a better idea of how simplify uses transformation functions that might hint at a direction forward?

I imagine that behind the scenes that Simplify is doing some dynamic programming trying different simplifications on different parts of the expressions and returning the one with the lowest complexity score. Would I be better off trying to do this dynamic programming on my own using common algebraic simplifications such as factor and collect?

EDIT: I added the code that generates possible sub-expressions to remove

(*traverses entire expression tree storing each node*)
AllSubExpressions[x_, accum_] := Module[{result, i, len},
  len = Length[x];
  result = Append[accum, x];
  If[LeafCount[x] > 1,
   For[i = 1, i <= len, i++,
     result = ToSubExpressions2[x[[i]], result];
  Return[Sort[result, LeafCount[#1] > LeafCount[#2] &]]

CommonSubExpressions[statements_] := Module[{common, subexpressions},
subexpressions = AllSubExpressions[statements, {}];
  (*get the unique set of sub expressions*)
  common = DeleteDuplicates[subexpressions];
  (*remove constants from the list*)
  common = Select[common, LeafCount[#] > 1 &];
  (*only keep subexpressions that occur more than once*)
  common = Select[common, Count[subexpressions, #] > 1 &];
  (*output the list of possible subexpressions to replace with the \
number of occurrences*)

Once a common sub-expression is chosen from the list returned by CommonSubExpressions the function that does the replacement is below.

eliminateCSE[statements_, expr_] := Module[{temp},
temp = Unique["r"];
Prepend[ReplaceAll[statements, expr -> temp], temp[expr]]

At the risk of this question getting long, I will put a little example code up. I thought a decent expression to try to optimize would be the classical Runge-Kutta method for solving differential equations.

nextY=statements[y + 1/6 h (f[t, n] + 2 f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]] + 
    2 f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]]] + 
    f[h + t, 
     y + h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]]]])];
transformed=eliminateCSE[nextY, First[possibleTransformations]]

{f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]]], 
y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]], 
0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]], 
f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]], y + 0.5 h f[t, n], 0.5 h f[t, n], 
0.5 h + t, f[t, n], 0.5 h}

statements[r1[f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]]]], 
y + 1/6 h (2 r1 + f[t, n] + 2 f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]] + 
 f[h + t, h r1 + y])]

Finally, the code to judge the relative cost of different expressions is below. The weights are conceptual at this point as that is still an area I am researching.

cost[e_] := 
   Count[e, #1, Infinity, Heads -> True]*#2 &, {{Plus, Times, Sqrt, 
     f}, {1, 2, 5, 10}}]]


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与君绝 2024-10-09 21:12:54

通过添加选项来过滤掉列表中作为其他元素的子表达式的元素,对 @Yaroslav 的答案进行了轻微的补充:

subexpressionQ[a_, b_] := MemberQ[Cases[a, _, All], b]

filterOutSubexpressions[x_] := 
  s |-> Not@
    AnyTrue[x[[All, 1]] // 
      DeleteCases[s[[1]]], subexpressionQ[#, s[[1]]] &]]

Yaroslav 封装到函数中的代码:

subExpressionCount[s_] :=
  index[downvalue_, dict_] := (downvalue[[1]] /. HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x) // ReleaseHold;
  value[downvalue_] := downvalue[[-1]];
  indices[dict_] := Map[#[[1]] /. {HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x} &, DownValues[dict]] // ReleaseHold;
  values[dict_] := Map[#[[-1]] &, DownValues[dict]];
  items[dict_] := Map[{index[#, dict], value[#]} &, DownValues[dict]];
  indexQ[dict_, index_] := If[MatchQ[dict[index], HoldPattern[dict[index]]], False, True];

注意: 我不清楚排序后 subExpressionCount 的输出是否可以与 Tally@Cases[#, _, All] & 不同。


    x /. Solve[a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d == 0, x][[1]]] // 
   Select[#[[2]] > 1 && 
      LeafCount[#] > 10 &] // filterOutSubexpressions // 

{{-2 b^3 + 9 abc - 27 a^2 d + Sqrt[ 4 (-b^2 + 3 ac)^3 + (-2 b^3 + 9 abc - 27 a^ 2 d)^2], 2}}

A slight addition to @Yaroslav 's answer by adding the option to filter out elements in the list that are subexpressions of other elements:

subexpressionQ[a_, b_] := MemberQ[Cases[a, _, All], b]

filterOutSubexpressions[x_] := 
  s |-> Not@
    AnyTrue[x[[All, 1]] // 
      DeleteCases[s[[1]]], subexpressionQ[#, s[[1]]] &]]

The code by Yaroslav wrapped into a function :

subExpressionCount[s_] :=
  index[downvalue_, dict_] := (downvalue[[1]] /. HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x) // ReleaseHold;
  value[downvalue_] := downvalue[[-1]];
  indices[dict_] := Map[#[[1]] /. {HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x} &, DownValues[dict]] // ReleaseHold;
  values[dict_] := Map[#[[-1]] &, DownValues[dict]];
  items[dict_] := Map[{index[#, dict], value[#]} &, DownValues[dict]];
  indexQ[dict_, index_] := If[MatchQ[dict[index], HoldPattern[dict[index]]], False, True];

Note: It is unclear to me whether the output of subExpressionCount can be different to Tally@Cases[#, _, All] & after ordering.

example :

    x /. Solve[a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d == 0, x][[1]]] // 
   Select[#[[2]] > 1 && 
      LeafCount[#] > 10 &] // filterOutSubexpressions // 

{{-2 b^3 + 9 a b c - 27 a^2 d + Sqrt[ 4 (-b^2 + 3 a c)^3 + (-2 b^3 + 9 a b c - 27 a^2 d)^2], 2}}

春风十里 2024-10-09 21:12:53



DictionaryCompress[expr_, count_, size_, func_] := Module[
  {t, s, rule, rule1, rule2},
  t = Tally@Level[expr, Depth[expr]];
  s = Sort[
    Select[{First@#, Last@#, Depth[First@#]} & /@ 
      t, (#[[2]] > count && #[[3]] > size) &], #1[[2]]*#1[[3]] < #2[[
        2]]*#2[[2]] &];
  rule = MapIndexed[First[#1] -> func @@ #2 &, s];
  rule = (# //. Cases[rule, Except[#]]) & /@ rule;
  rule1 = Select[rule, ! FreeQ[#, Plus] &];
  rule2 = Complement[rule, rule1];
  rule = rule1 //. (Reverse /@ rule2);
  rule = rule /. MapIndexed[ Last[#1] -> func @@ #2 &, rule];
   expr //. rule,
   Reverse /@ rule

poly = Sum[Subscript[c, k] x^k, {k, 0, 4}];
sol = Solve[poly == 0, x];
expr = x /. sol;
      Style[TraditionalForm[Subscript[x, First[#2]] == #], 20] &, #[[
       1]]], Spacings -> 1],
    Column[Style[#, 20] & /@ #[[2]], Spacings -> 1, Frame -> All]
    }] &@DictionaryCompress[expr, 1, 1, 
  Framed[#, Background -> LightYellow] &]


I tried to mimic the dictionary compression function appears on this blog:

Here is what I made:

DictionaryCompress[expr_, count_, size_, func_] := Module[
  {t, s, rule, rule1, rule2},
  t = Tally@Level[expr, Depth[expr]];
  s = Sort[
    Select[{First@#, Last@#, Depth[First@#]} & /@ 
      t, (#[[2]] > count && #[[3]] > size) &], #1[[2]]*#1[[3]] < #2[[
        2]]*#2[[2]] &];
  rule = MapIndexed[First[#1] -> func @@ #2 &, s];
  rule = (# //. Cases[rule, Except[#]]) & /@ rule;
  rule1 = Select[rule, ! FreeQ[#, Plus] &];
  rule2 = Complement[rule, rule1];
  rule = rule1 //. (Reverse /@ rule2);
  rule = rule /. MapIndexed[ Last[#1] -> func @@ #2 &, rule];
   expr //. rule,
   Reverse /@ rule

poly = Sum[Subscript[c, k] x^k, {k, 0, 4}];
sol = Solve[poly == 0, x];
expr = x /. sol;
      Style[TraditionalForm[Subscript[x, First[#2]] == #], 20] &, #[[
       1]]], Spacings -> 1],
    Column[Style[#, 20] & /@ #[[2]], Spacings -> 1, Frame -> All]
    }] &@DictionaryCompress[expr, 1, 1, 
  Framed[#, Background -> LightYellow] &]

enter image description here

匿名。 2024-10-09 21:12:51


(*helper functions to add Dictionary-like functionality*)

   dict_] := (downvalue[[1]] /. HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x) // 
value[downvalue_] := downvalue[[-1]];
indices[dict_] := 
  Map[#[[1]] /. {HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x} &, DownValues[dict]] // 
values[dict_] := Map[#[[-1]] &, DownValues[dict]];
items[dict_] := Map[{index[#, dict], value[#]} &, DownValues[dict]];
indexQ[dict_, index_] := 
  If[MatchQ[dict[index], HoldPattern[dict[index]]], False, True];

(*count number of times each sub-expressions occurs *)
expr = Cos[x + Cos[Cos[x] + Sin[x]]] + Cos[Cos[x] + Sin[x]];
Map[(counts[#] = If[indexQ[counts, #], counts[#] + 1, 1]; #) &, expr, 
items[counts] // Column

To identify repeating subexpressions, you could use something like this

(*helper functions to add Dictionary-like functionality*)

   dict_] := (downvalue[[1]] /. HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x) // 
value[downvalue_] := downvalue[[-1]];
indices[dict_] := 
  Map[#[[1]] /. {HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x} &, DownValues[dict]] // 
values[dict_] := Map[#[[-1]] &, DownValues[dict]];
items[dict_] := Map[{index[#, dict], value[#]} &, DownValues[dict]];
indexQ[dict_, index_] := 
  If[MatchQ[dict[index], HoldPattern[dict[index]]], False, True];

(*count number of times each sub-expressions occurs *)
expr = Cos[x + Cos[Cos[x] + Sin[x]]] + Cos[Cos[x] + Sin[x]];
Map[(counts[#] = If[indexQ[counts, #], counts[#] + 1, 1]; #) &, expr, 
items[counts] // Column
亚希 2024-10-09 21:12:48




There are also some routines here implemented here by this author:

I packaged it into a *.M file and have fixed a bug (if the expression has no repeated subexpressions the it dies), and I am trying to find the author's contact info to see if I can upload his modified code to pastebin or wherever.

EDIT: I have received permission from the author to upload it and have pasted it here:

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