在 ec2 上托管 Rails
我想将 Rails 部署到亚马逊 ec2 上。我看过 poolparty 和 ec2onrails 但似乎都不再维护了。
I want to deploy a rails onto amazon ec2. I've had a look at poolparty and ec2onrails but neither seem to be maintained anymore.
What are people using to do this? Is it all homebrewed puppet and capistrano or is there a project that will get me going?
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如果您只有一个 Rails 应用程序,请查看 Rubber。它是一个可以为您配置 EC2 实例、安装软件和部署应用程序的 gem。它基于 Capistrano。有最常见组件(mysql、apache、passenger、postgres 等)的配方。
如果您有更复杂的设置(例如,Rubber 未涵盖的多个应用程序或特定需求),我推荐 Chef。它确实有相当长的学习曲线,所以要做好准备。查看 OpsCode 以开始使用 Chef。
I can recommend two projects:
If you have a single Rails app, take a look at Rubber. It's a gem that can provision EC2 instances for you, install software and deploy your app. It's based on Capistrano. There are recipes for the most common components (mysql, apache, passenger, postgres, etc.).
In case you have more complex setup (e.g. multiple apps or specific needs that aren't covered by Rubber) I recommend Chef. It does have quite a learning curve, so prepare yourself. Take a look at OpsCode to get started with Chef.
您可能需要查看我们的 Rubystack AMI。它们是免费的,并且我们会及时更新它们。您仍然需要进行自动化部署和集成到工作流程中的工作,AMI 主要解决环境和运行时设置问题。
You may want to take a look at our Rubystack AMIs. They are free and we keep them up to date. You still need to do work for automating deployment and integrating in your workflow, the AMIs mainly address the environment and runtime setup.