我想在管理器中禁用[我的应用程序]的“下载数据”功能。我相信这是一个 plist 文件设置,但在任何地方都找不到有关它的信息。
I want to disable the "download data" capability [for my app] in Organizer. I belive it's a plist file setting but can't find information on it anywhere.
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您正在考虑 UIFileSharingEnabled,但这并不能完全阻止人们,正如 这个答案。该答案还链接到一个苹果文档,该文档建议在 [app home]/Library/ 中创建一个自定义目录,例如“私人文档”(确保文件夹名称是唯一的),因为 Library/ 在备份和升级中维护并隐藏来自用户。请参阅此链接。
You're thinking of UIFileSharingEnabled, but that doesn't quite stop people, as reported in this answer. That answer also links to an Apple doc that advises creating a custom directory in [app home]/Library/, something like "Private Documents" (make sure the folder name is unique), since Library/ is maintained in backups and upgrades and hidden from the user. See this link.